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SAP TERP10 Preparation Practice 12 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur

SAP TERP10 Preparation Practice 12 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu. Content of the Practice 1.

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SAP TERP10 Preparation Practice 12 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur

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  1. SAP TERP10 Preparation Practice 12 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu

  2. Content of the Practice 1 • Checking Home Assignment 11: Export G/L and P&L • 10. Managerial Accounting Scenario (Continued) • 10.6. CO-OM:Cost Center Planning • 10.6.1. CO:Set Planner Profile:SAPALL:KP04 • 10.6.2. CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=20 at CC-MF-Name:KP46 • 10.6.3.CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=5 at CC-MT-Name:KP46 • 10.6.4. CO:Planning Activity Output:MTName=10000H at CC-MT-Name:KP26 • 10.6.5. CO:Planning Activity Output:MFName=40000H at CC-MF-Name:KP26 • 10.6.6. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:417000(PurchServ)=150000EUR at CC-CA-Name:KP06 • 10.6.7. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:430000(Salaries)=150000EUR at CC-MT-Name:KP06 • 10.6.8. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:420000(DirectLabour)=600000EUR at CC-MF-Name|MFName:KP06 • 10.6.9. CO:Planning Activity Input transfer: CC-MT-Name MTName= 1000H CC-MF-Name:KP06 • 10.6.10. CO:Check Planning:CC-CA-Name, CC-MT-Name, CC-MF-Name:KSBL • 10.6.11. CO:Plan cafeteria cost assessment: CC-CA-Name|CAF-Name=150000EURGroup-Name|by EMName:KSUB • 10.6.12. CO:Auto price calculation of activity types:Group-Name:KSPI • 10.7. CO-OM:Posting Actual Expenses Manually • 10.7.1. CO:Plan/Actual comparison:Group-Name: S_ALR_87013611 • 10.7.2. CO:Direct activity allocation:CC-MT-NameMTName=200H CC-MF-Name:KB21N • 10.7.3. FI:Post external expenses: 417000(ExternServic)=12500EUR at CC-CA-Name: FB50 • 10.7.4. CO:Period-end closing assesment cycle: CC-CA-Name| CAF-NameGroup-Name|by EMName: KSU5

  3. Content of the Practice 2 • 10.8. CO-OM-OPA:InternalOrders • 10.8.1. CO:Createinternalorder: 100279at4500(R&D): KO04 • 10.8.2. MM:Purchaseorder: 100PC Wheel-Namefrom100304: ME21N • 10.8.3. MM:Display Commitments: 100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.4. MM:GoodsReceiptforOrder: 4500017946: MIGO • 10.8.5. CO:Directactivityallocation: CC-MF-Name MFName=100H 100279: KB21N • 10.8.6. FI:Post expenses: CC-MF-Name| CostElmt420000=1845EUR, CC-MT-Name| CostElmt430000=3600EUR: FB50 • 10.8.7. MM:Display Real Costs:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.8. CO:Add costelementMFT-Name to allocationcostelementgroupOAS_ORDERS: KAH2 • 10.8.9. CO:Settleinternalorder: 100279: KO88 • 10.9. EC-PCA:Profit Center Accounting • 10.9.1. EC-PCA:Profit Center Assignment Monitor: CC-MF-Name: 1KE4 • 10.9.2. EC-PCA:Profit Center Report:PROF-Name: S_ALR_87009712 • 10.10. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis • 10.10.1. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis:SalesOrg1000: KE30 • 10.11. CO-PC:ProductCosting • 10.11.1. PP:CreatenewWork Center: PL-Name: CR01 • 10.11.2. PP:Integratework center intoRouting: PL-NameMiniBike-Name:CA02 • 10.11.3. CO:RunProductcostestimate: MiniBike-Name: CK11N • 10.12.Process Overview and Data Dependencies • 10.13.Data StreamOverview • Home Assignment 12:Export Productcostestimate • References • ObjectSymbols • GUI Symbols

  4. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 1 • 10.6.CO-OM:Cost Center Planning • 10.6.1.PRACTICE:CO:Set Planner Profile:SAPALL:KP04 • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|KP04 Set Planner Profile| • • DDN:Planner profile = SAPALL • ) user master record • 10.6.2.CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=20 at CC-MF-Name:KP46 • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|StatKeyFig|KP46 Change| • key figure standard • DDN:Version = 0(planned/actual) • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:Fiscal year = CurrYr • DDN:Cost center = CC-MF-Name(Manufacturing) • DDN:Stat. key figure = EMName(Number of employees) • All others empty! • • • COL:Current planned value = 20 • ) • 10.6.3.PRACTICE:CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=5 at CC-MT-Name:KP46 • Same as above, except data KL01: Create ActivityTyp MTPaul MFPaul Click Click Click Click Click KSH1: Create CostCtr Group Group- Paul Click Click KP46: Modify KeyFig at CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| EMPaul =20 CC-MT- Paul| EMPaul =5

  5. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 2 • 10.6.4.CO:Planning Activity Output:MTName=10000H at CC-MT-Name:KP26 • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|Activity output/Prices|KP26 Change| • output/Prices standard • DDN:Version = 0(Planned/actual) • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:Cost center = CC-MT-Name(Maintenance) • DDN:Activity type = MTName(Maintenance) • All others empty! • • • COL:Plan activity = 10000 • COL:Price unit = 00001 • ) • 10.6.5.PRACTICE:CO:Planning Activity Output:MFName=40000H at CC-MF-Name:KP26 • Same as above, except data KP46: Modify KeyFig at CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| EMPaul =20 CC-MT- Paul| EMPaul =5 Click Click Click Click Click Click KP26: Plan ActivityOut At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =40000H CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =10000H Click KP06: Plan PriCostInp At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =150kEUR CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =150kEUR CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =600kEUR

  6. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 3 Click • 10.6.6.CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:417000(PurchServ)=150000EUR at CC-CA-Name:KP06 • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|Costs/Activity inputs|KP06 Change| • inputs standard • DDN:Version = 0(Planned/actual) • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:Cost center = CC-CA-Name(Cafeteria) • DDN:Cost element = 417000(PurchService) • All others empty, even activity type! • • • COL:Fixed planned cost = 150000 • ) • 10.6.7.PRACTICE:CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:430000(Salaries)=150000EUR at CC-MT-Name:KP06 • Same as above, except data • 10.6.8.PRACTICE:CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:420000(DirectLabour)=600000EUR at CC-MF-Name|MFName:KP06 • Same as above, except data and: • DDN:Activity type = MFName(Manufacturing) • COL:Planned variable cost = 600000 • Wages are variable costs therefore we need activity type! Click Click KP46: Modify KeyFig at CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| EMPaul =20 CC-MT- Paul| EMPaul =5 Click Click Click Click KP26: Plan ActivityOut At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =40000H CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =10000H KP06: Plan PriCostInp At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =150kEUR CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =150kEUR CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =600kEUR

  7. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 4 • 10.6.9.CO:Planning Activity Input transfer:CC-MT-NameMTName=1000HCC-MF-Name:KP06 • FI|CO|CostCtrAcct|Planning|Costs/Activity inputs|KP06 Change| • inputs standard • ) • input dependentindependent standard • DDN:Version = 0(Planned/actual) • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:Cost center = CC-MF-Name(Manuf.) • DDN:Sender Cost center = CC-MT-Name(Maintenance) • DDN:Sender Activity Type = MTName(Maint.) • All others empty, even activity type! • • • COL:Planned Fixed consumption = 1000 • COL:Planned fixed cost = 0:Because MNT-Name(Mainten.) cost element is not priced yet!!! • ) • 10.6.10.CO:Check Planning:CC-CA-Name, • CC-MT-Name, CC-MF-Name:KSBL • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|InfSys|Report CostCtrAcct|Planning report|KSBL Cost Center Planning Overwiev| • • DDN:Cost center = CC-CA-Name(Cafeteria) • ) Click Click Click KP06: Plan PriCostInp At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =150kEUR CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =150kEUR CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =600kEUR Click Click Click Click Click KP06: Plan Act InpTrnsf At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =1000H CC-MF- Paul Click Click Click KSBL: View CostCtr Planning: CC-CA- Paul Click Click Click Click Click

  8. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 5 • 10.6.11.CO:Plan cafeteria cost assessment: CC-CA-Name|CAF-Name=150000EUR Group-Name|by EMName:KSUB • Assesses only planned costs! • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|Allocation|KSUB Assessment| • • Extras|Cycle|Create|SCR:Create Cycle| • TBX:Cycle = CYName • DDN:Start at = 01.01.CurrYr • KEY:Enter • TBX:Descr = Assesment-cycle-CC-CA-Name • segment •| • TBX:Name = SEGM-Name • TBX:Descr = Segment-Name • header: • DDN:Assesment cost element = CAF- Name:It collects whatever costs are received by cafeteria previously! • • • LIN:Sender • LIN:CostCtr = CC-CA-Name • • LIN:Receiver • LIN:CostCtr = Group-Name • tracing factor • DDN:Var. Portion type = 6(StatKeyFig) • KEY:Enter • • LIN:Version = 0(Plan/Actual) • LIN:StatKeyFig = EMName Click Click KP06: Plan Act InpTrnsf At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =1000H CC-MF- Paul Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click KSBL: View CostCtr Planning: CC-CA- Paul Click KSUB: Plan Cost Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul =150k€ Group- Paul| by EMPaul Click KSPI: Calculate Activit Pric: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =18€ CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =18.45€ Click

  9. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 6 Click • weight factors • LIN:CC-MT-Name = 100% • LIN:CC-MF-Name = 100% • ),BTN:Back,Back,Back • plan assessment:Initial screen • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:FiscYr = CurrYr • CHK:Test run = False • • LIN01:CYName • ) • In case of system capacity problem, retry later! • Allocates 150000EUR cafeteria costs from CC-CAF-Name to: • CC-MT-Name: 30000EUR + 150000EUR original = 180000EUR/10000H = 18EUR/H • CC-MF-Name:120000EUR + 600000EUR original • But prices of activity transfers are all 0 yet! eg. the 1000H transfer from CC-MT-Name to CC-MF-Nameis still 0, instead of 1000H×18EUR/H KP06: Plan Act InpTrnsf At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =1000H CC-MF- Paul Click KSBL: View CostCtr Planning: CC-CA- Paul Click KSUB: Plan Cost Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul =150k€ Group- Paul| by EMPaul KSPI: Calculate Activit Pric: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =18€ CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =18.45€

  10. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.6.Cost center planning 7 Click • 10.6.12.CO:Auto price calculation of activity types:Group-Name:KSPI • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Planning|Allocation| KSPI Price calculation| • • RAD/DDN:CostCtrGroup = Group-Name • RAD:No Business Proc = True • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:FiscYr = CurrYr • CHK:Test run = False • ) • CostCtrActTypeFixPriceVarPriceTotPrice CC-MT-NameMTName 18.00 18.00 CC-MF-NameMFName 3.45 15.00 18.45 • Irreally high prices can show up here if SAP accidentally resets Pricing unit settingofActivity outputs! Click Click Click KP06: Plan Act InpTrnsf At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =1000H CC-MF- Paul Click Click Click Click KSBL: View CostCtr Planning: CC-CA- Paul Click KSUB: Plan Cost Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul =150k€ Group- Paul| by EMPaul Click KSPI: Calculate Activit Pric: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =18€ CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =18.45€

  11. Content of the Practice 1 • Checking Home Assignment 11: Export G/L and P&L • 10. Managerial Accounting Scenario (Continued) • 10.6. CO-OM:Cost Center Planning • 10.6.1. CO:Set Planner Profile:SAPALL:KP04 • 10.6.2. CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=20 at CC-MF-Name:KP46 • 10.6.3.CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=5 at CC-MT-Name:KP46 • 10.6.4. CO:Planning Activity Output:MTName=10000H at CC-MT-Name:KP26 • 10.6.5. CO:Planning Activity Output:MFName=40000H at CC-MF-Name:KP26 • 10.6.6. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:417000(PurchServ)=150000EUR at CC-CA-Name:KP06 • 10.6.7. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:430000(Salaries)=150000EUR at CC-MT-Name:KP06 • 10.6.8. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:420000(DirectLabour)=600000EUR at CC-MF-Name|MFName:KP06 • 10.6.9. CO:Planning Activity Input transfer: CC-MT-Name MTName= 1000H CC-MF-Name:KP06 • 10.6.10. CO:Check Planning:CC-CA-Name, CC-MT-Name, CC-MF-Name:KSBL • 10.6.11. CO:Plan cafeteria cost assessment: CC-CA-Name|CAF-Name=150000EURGroup-Name|by EMName:KSUB • 10.6.12. CO:Auto price calculation of activity types:Group-Name:KSPI • 10.7. CO-OM:Posting Actual Expenses Manually • 10.7.1. CO:Plan/Actual comparison:Group-Name: S_ALR_87013611 • 10.7.2. CO:Direct activity allocation:CC-MT-NameMTName=200H CC-MF-Name:KB21N • 10.7.3. FI:Post external expenses: 417000(ExternServic)=12500EUR at CC-CA-Name: FB50 • 10.7.4. CO:Period-end closing assesment cycle: CC-CA-Name| CAF-NameGroup-Name|by EMName: KSU5

  12. Content of the Practice 2 • 10.8. CO-OM-OPA:InternalOrders • 10.8.1. CO:Createinternalorder: 100279at4500(R&D): KO04 • 10.8.2. MM:Purchaseorder: 100PC Wheel-Namefrom100304: ME21N • 10.8.3. MM:Display Commitments: 100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.4. MM:GoodsReceiptforOrder: 4500017946: MIGO • 10.8.5. CO:Directactivityallocation: CC-MF-Name MFName=100H 100279: KB21N • 10.8.6. FI:Post expenses: CC-MF-Name| CostElmt420000=1845EUR, CC-MT-Name| CostElmt430000=3600EUR: FB50 • 10.8.7. MM:Display Real Costs:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.8. CO:Add costelementMFT-Name to allocationcostelementgroupOAS_ORDERS: KAH2 • 10.8.9. CO:Settleinternalorder: 100279: KO88 • 10.9. EC-PCA:Profit Center Accounting • 10.9.1. EC-PCA:Profit Center Assignment Monitor: CC-MF-Name: 1KE4 • 10.9.2. EC-PCA:Profit Center Report:PROF-Name: S_ALR_87009712 • 10.10. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis • 10.10.1. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis:SalesOrg1000: KE30 • 10.11. CO-PC:ProductCosting • 10.11.1. PP:CreatenewWork Center: PL-Name: CR01 • 10.11.2. PP:Integratework center intoRouting: PL-NameMiniBike-Name:CA02 • 10.11.3. CO:RunProductcostestimate: MiniBike-Name: CK11N • 10.12.Process Overview and Data Dependencies • 10.13.Data StreamOverview • Home Assignment 12:Export Productcostestimate • References • ObjectSymbols • GUI Symbols

  13. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.7.Manual posting of actual expenses 1 • 10.7.CO-OM:Posting Actual Expenses Manually • Until this point, all data were planned, now we enter actual data! • 10.7.1.CO:Plan/Actual comparison:Group-Name: S_ALR_87013611 • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Info Sys|Reports CostCtrAcct|Plan/Actual Compare|S_ALR_87013611 CostCtr:Plan/Actual/Variance| • • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • DDN:FiscYr = CurrYr • DDN:From period = 1 • DDN:To period = 12 • DDN:Version = 0(Planned/actual) • DDN:CostCtrGroup = Group-Name • Leave all others Empty! • CHK:Test run = False • ) • should be no actual data! S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul Click Click Click Click KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul Click Click Click Click FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul

  14. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.7.Manual posting of actual expenses 2 Click • 10.7.2.CO:Direct activity allocation:CC-MT-NameMTName=200HCC-MF-Name:KB21N • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Actual posting|Activity Alloc|KB21N Enter| • • data • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • DDN:DocDate = Now • DDN:PostDate = Now • DDN:Version = 0 (Planned/actual) • DDN:Screen variant (Scrn var.) = 01(SAP Cost center) • DDN:Input type = L(List Entry) • SenderCostCtr Activity Type RecCostCtr Amount CC-MT-Name MTName CC-MF-Name 200 • ) • Take note of activity alloc doc number: Click Click Click S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul Click Click KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ 900060948 KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul

  15. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.7.Manual posting of actual expenses 3 • 10.7.3.PRACTICE:FI:Post external expenses: 417000(ExternServic)=12500EUR at CC-CA-Name:FB50 • Acc|FI|G/L|Posting|FB50 Enter G/L Acct Doc| • • DDN:Company = 1000 • • data • • LIN:01: • DDN:Document date = Now • DDN:Posting date = Now • DDN:currency = EUR • DDN:G/L account = 417000(ExtServic) • DDN:D/C = S(Debit) • TBX:Amount in doc. Curr = 12500 • DDN:Tax code = V0(0% domestuc input tax) • DDN:CostCtr = CC-CA-Name(Cafeteria) • LIN:02: • DDN:G/L account = 113100(Bank) • DDN:D/C = H(Credit) • TBX:Amount in doc. curr = 12500 • DDN:Due on date = Now • ) • Take note of G/L Acct Doc: • Manually entered external costs won’t be auto-assessed, they need period end closing! S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul 100001040

  16. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.7.Manual posting of actual expenses 4 • 10.7.4.CO:Period-end closing assesment cycle:CC-CA-Name|CAF-NameGroup-Name|by EMName:KSU5 • Assesses only real costs! • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Period-end-close|Single function|Allocation|KSU5 Assessment| • • Extras|Cycle|Create|SCR:Create Cycle| • TBX:Cycle = PUName • DDN:Start at = 01.01.CurrYr • KEY:Enter • TBX:Descr = Real Assesment-Name • Goto|Cycle run group|BTN:New( )|SCR:Cycle Run Grp| • TBX:ID = Name • TBX:Descr = Group Name • KEY:Enter, Enter, Enter • We need to create cycle run group to enable it run parallel with the planning! • segment •| • TBX:Name = SEGM-Name • TBX:Descr = Segment-Name • header: • DDN:Assesment cost element = CAF-Name • • • LIN:Sender • LIN:CostCtr = CC-CA-Name • • LIN:Receiver • LIN:CostCtr = Group-Name S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul

  17. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.7.Manual posting of actual expenses 5 • tracing factor • DDN:Var. Portion type = 6(StatKeyFig) • KEY:Enter • • LIN:Version = 0(Plan/Actual) • LIN:StatKeyFig = EMName • weight factors • LIN:CC-MT-Name = 100% • LIN:CC-MF-Name = 100% • ), BTN:Back, Back, Back • plan assessment:Initial screen • DDN:From period = CurrMo • DDN:To period = CurrMo • DDN:FiscYr = CurrYr • CHK:Test run = False • • LIN01:PUName • ) • Actual cost assessments are executed now! S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul

  18. Content of the Practice 1 • Checking Home Assignment 11: Export G/L and P&L • 10. Managerial Accounting Scenario (Continued) • 10.6. CO-OM:Cost Center Planning • 10.6.1. CO:Set Planner Profile:SAPALL:KP04 • 10.6.2. CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=20 at CC-MF-Name:KP46 • 10.6.3.CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=5 at CC-MT-Name:KP46 • 10.6.4. CO:Planning Activity Output:MTName=10000H at CC-MT-Name:KP26 • 10.6.5. CO:Planning Activity Output:MFName=40000H at CC-MF-Name:KP26 • 10.6.6. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:417000(PurchServ)=150000EUR at CC-CA-Name:KP06 • 10.6.7. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:430000(Salaries)=150000EUR at CC-MT-Name:KP06 • 10.6.8. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:420000(DirectLabour)=600000EUR at CC-MF-Name|MFName:KP06 • 10.6.9. CO:Planning Activity Input transfer: CC-MT-Name MTName= 1000H CC-MF-Name:KP06 • 10.6.10. CO:Check Planning:CC-CA-Name, CC-MT-Name, CC-MF-Name:KSBL • 10.6.11. CO:Plan cafeteria cost assessment: CC-CA-Name|CAF-Name=150000EURGroup-Name|by EMName:KSUB • 10.6.12. CO:Auto price calculation of activity types:Group-Name:KSPI • 10.7. CO-OM:Posting Actual Expenses Manually • 10.7.1. CO:Plan/Actual comparison:Group-Name: S_ALR_87013611 • 10.7.2. CO:Direct activity allocation:CC-MT-NameMTName=200H CC-MF-Name:KB21N • 10.7.3. FI:Post external expenses: 417000(ExternServic)=12500EUR at CC-CA-Name: FB50 • 10.7.4. CO:Period-end closing assesment cycle: CC-CA-Name| CAF-NameGroup-Name|by EMName: KSU5

  19. Content of the Practice 2 • 10.8. CO-OM-OPA:InternalOrders • 10.8.1. CO:Createinternalorder: 100279at4500(R&D): KO04 • 10.8.2. MM:Purchaseorder: 100PC Wheel-Namefrom100304: ME21N • 10.8.3. MM:Display Commitments: 100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.4. MM:GoodsReceiptforOrder: 4500017946: MIGO • 10.8.5. CO:Directactivityallocation: CC-MF-Name MFName=100H 100279: KB21N • 10.8.6. FI:Post expenses: CC-MF-Name| CostElmt420000=1845EUR, CC-MT-Name| CostElmt430000=3600EUR: FB50 • 10.8.7. MM:Display Real Costs:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.8. CO:Add costelementMFT-Name to allocationcostelementgroupOAS_ORDERS: KAH2 • 10.8.9. CO:Settleinternalorder: 100279: KO88 • 10.9. EC-PCA:Profit Center Accounting • 10.9.1. EC-PCA:Profit Center Assignment Monitor: CC-MF-Name: 1KE4 • 10.9.2. EC-PCA:Profit Center Report:PROF-Name: S_ALR_87009712 • 10.10. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis • 10.10.1. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis:SalesOrg1000: KE30 • 10.11. CO-PC:ProductCosting • 10.11.1. PP:CreatenewWork Center: PL-Name: CR01 • 10.11.2. PP:Integratework center intoRouting: PL-NameMiniBike-Name:CA02 • 10.11.3. CO:RunProductcostestimate: MiniBike-Name: CK11N • 10.12.Process Overview and Data Dependencies • 10.13.Data StreamOverview • Home Assignment 12:Export Productcostestimate • References • ObjectSymbols • GUI Symbols

  20. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 1 • 10.8.CO-OM-OPA:Internal Orders • 10.8.1.CO:Create internal order:100279 at 4500(R&D):KO04 • FI|CO|Internal orders|Master|KO04 Order manager| • • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • BTN:New( ) • • DDN:Order type = 0100(Internal order, development) • KEY:Enter • TBX:Description = Product development costs Name • • DDN:Business area = 9900 • DDN:Profit center = PROF-Name • DDN:ResponsibleCCtr. = CC-MF-Name(Manufacturing) • data • BTN:Release • TBX:Status = Released • rule • • DDN:Category (Cat) = CTR(CostCtr) • DDN:Settlement receiver = 4500 (Research&Development) • TBX:% = 100 • DDN:Settlement type = PER(Periodic) • ) • Take note of internal order number: Click KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 Click Click Click Click ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 Click S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801 Click Click KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 100279

  21. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 2 • 10.8.2.PRACTICE:MM:Purchase order:100PC Wheel-Name from 100304:ME21N • LO|MM|Purchase|Purchase Order|Create|ME21N Vendor/Plant known • • • • DDN:Vendor = 100304 • DDN:Purch.Org = 1000 • DDN:Purch.Group = 000 • DDN:Company = 1000 • • • COL:Asset category (A) = F(Order) • COL:Material = Wheel-Name • COL:PO quantity = 100 • COL:DelivDate = Now • COL:Plant (Plnt) = 1000 • KEY:Enter • detail • • DDN:G/L Acct = 410000 • DDN:Business area = 9900 • DDN:Order = 100279 • DDN:Profit center = PROF-Name • ) • Take note of purchase order number: KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801 KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 4500017946

  22. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 3 • 10.8.3.PRACTICE:MM:Display Commitments:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • FI|CO|Internalorders|InfSys|Report InternOrd|Plan/Act Compar|Additional Key Fig|S_ALR_87012999 Plan/Act/Commit| • • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • DDN:Fiscal year = CurrYr • DDN:From period = CurrMo • DDN:To period = CurrMo • DDN:Plan version = 0(Plan/Actual) • • 100279 • ) • CostElmt Act Commit Assign Plan Availabl 410000 0 10000 10000 0 -10000 KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801 KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279

  23. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 4 • 10.8.4.PRACTICE:MM:Goods Receipt for Order:4500017946:MIGO • LO|MM|Inventory|Goods movement|Goods receipt|For purchase order|MIGO PO number known| • • • DDN:Operation = A01(Create goods receipt) • DDN:Reference doc type = R01(Purchase order) • TBX:Reference doc number = 4500017946 • DDN:Movement type = 101 • • TBX:Document date = Now • TBX:Delivery date = Now • DDN:Delivery note = * (No delivery note) • • Wheel-Name • FRM:Item Detail • TAB:Where • DDN:Stock type = 1(Unrestricted) • DDN:StoreLoc = 0110 • CHK:ItemOK = True • ) • Take note of assigned Goods receipt ID: KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801 5000012801 KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279

  24. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 5 • 10.8.5.PRACTICE:CO:Direct activity allocation: CC-MF-NameMFName=100H100279:KB21N • FI|CO|CostCtr Acct|Actual posting|Activity Alloc|KB21N Enter| • • data • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • DDN:DocDate = Now • DDN:PostDate = Now • DDN:Version = 0(Planned/actual) • DDN:Screen variant (Scrn var.) = 02(Order) • DDN:Input type = L(List Entry) • SenderCostCtr Activity Type RecOrder Amount CC-MF-NameMFName100279 100 • ) • Take note of activity alloc doc number: KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 900060949 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801 KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279

  25. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 6 • 10.8.6.PRACTICE: FI:Post expenses: CC-MF-Name|CostElmt420000=1845EUR, CC-MT-Name|CostElmt430000=3600EUR: FB50 • Acc|FI|G/L|Posting|FB50 Enter G/L Acct Doc| • • DDN:Company = 1000 • • data • • DDN:Document date = Now • DDN:Posting date = Now • DDN:currency = EUR • LIN:01: • DDN:G/L account = 420000 • DDN:D/C = S(Debit) • TBX:Amount in doc. Curr = 1845 • DDN:Tax code = V0(0% domestuc input tax) • DDN:CostCtr = CC-MF-Name(Manufacturing) • LIN:02: • DDN:G/L account = 430000 • DDN:D/C = S(Debit) • TBX:Amount in doc. Curr = 3600 • DDN:Tax code = V0(0% domestuc input tax) • DDN:CostCtr = CC-MT-Name(Maintenance) • LIN:03: • DDN:G/L account = 113100(Bank) • DDN:D/C = H(Credit) • TBX:Amount in doc. curr = 5445 • DDN:Due on date = Now • )Ignore 2 warnings! • Take note of G/L Acct Doc: KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 FB50: Post Expenses At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =1845€ CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =3600€ S_ALR_ 87012999: View Real Costs: 100279 KO88: Settle IntOrd: 100279 100001041

  26. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 7 • 10.8.7.PRACTICE: MM:Display Real Costs:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • FI|CO|Internal orders|InfSys|Report InternOrd|Plan/Act Compar|Additional Key Fig|S_ALR_87012999 Plan/Act/Commit| • • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • DDN:Fiscal year = CurrYr • DDN:From period = CurrMo • DDN:To period = CurrMo • DDN:Plan version = 0(Plan/Actual) • • 100279 • ) • CostElmt Act Commit Assign Plan Availabl 410000 10000 0(order arrived!) 10000 0 -10000 MFT-Name 1845 0 1845 0 -1845 • 10.8.8.CO:Add cost element MFT-Name to allocation cost element group OAS_ORDERS:KAH2 • FI|CO|CostElmt Acct|Master|Cost ElmtGrp|KAH2 Change| • • Extras|SetContrArea| • DDN:ContrArea = 1000 • TBX:CostElementGroup = OAS_ORDERS • • BTN:Insert cost element • COL:Left • LIN02:MFT-Name • ) KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 FB50: Post Expenses At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =1845€ CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =3600€ Click Click Click S_ALR_ 87012999: View Real Costs: 100279 Click Click Click KO88: Settle IntOrd: 100279

  27. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.8.Internal orders 8 • 10.8.9.PRACTICE:CO:Settle internal order:100279:KO88 • FI|CO|Internal Orders|Period end closing|Single funct|Settlemt|KO88 IndividProc| • • DDN:Order Number = 100279 • DDN:Settlement period = CurrMo • DDN:Posting period = CurrMo • DDN:Fiscal year = CurrYr • DDN:Processing type = Automatic • CHK:Test Run = False • ) • • Select columns Sender Receiver ValContrAreaCurr ORD100279 CTR4500 11845 • DoubleClick| CostElemtValContrAreaCurr 410000 10000 650000 1845 KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 FB50: Post Expenses At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =1845€ CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =3600€ S_ALR_ 87012999: View Real Costs: 100279 KO88: Settle IntOrd: 100279

  28. Content of the Practice 1 • Checking Home Assignment 11: Export G/L and P&L • 10. Managerial Accounting Scenario (Continued) • 10.6. CO-OM:Cost Center Planning • 10.6.1. CO:Set Planner Profile:SAPALL:KP04 • 10.6.2. CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=20 at CC-MF-Name:KP46 • 10.6.3.CO:Planning number of employees:EMName=5 at CC-MT-Name:KP46 • 10.6.4. CO:Planning Activity Output:MTName=10000H at CC-MT-Name:KP26 • 10.6.5. CO:Planning Activity Output:MFName=40000H at CC-MF-Name:KP26 • 10.6.6. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:417000(PurchServ)=150000EUR at CC-CA-Name:KP06 • 10.6.7. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:430000(Salaries)=150000EUR at CC-MT-Name:KP06 • 10.6.8. CO:Planning Primary Cost Input:420000(DirectLabour)=600000EUR at CC-MF-Name|MFName:KP06 • 10.6.9. CO:Planning Activity Input transfer: CC-MT-Name MTName= 1000H CC-MF-Name:KP06 • 10.6.10. CO:Check Planning:CC-CA-Name, CC-MT-Name, CC-MF-Name:KSBL • 10.6.11. CO:Plan cafeteria cost assessment: CC-CA-Name|CAF-Name=150000EURGroup-Name|by EMName:KSUB • 10.6.12. CO:Auto price calculation of activity types:Group-Name:KSPI • 10.7. CO-OM:Posting Actual Expenses Manually • 10.7.1. CO:Plan/Actual comparison:Group-Name: S_ALR_87013611 • 10.7.2. CO:Direct activity allocation:CC-MT-NameMTName=200H CC-MF-Name:KB21N • 10.7.3. FI:Post external expenses: 417000(ExternServic)=12500EUR at CC-CA-Name: FB50 • 10.7.4. CO:Period-end closing assesment cycle: CC-CA-Name| CAF-NameGroup-Name|by EMName: KSU5

  29. Content of the Practice 2 • 10.8. CO-OM-OPA:InternalOrders • 10.8.1. CO:Createinternalorder: 100279at4500(R&D): KO04 • 10.8.2. MM:Purchaseorder: 100PC Wheel-Namefrom100304: ME21N • 10.8.3. MM:Display Commitments: 100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.4. MM:GoodsReceiptforOrder: 4500017946: MIGO • 10.8.5. CO:Directactivityallocation: CC-MF-Name MFName=100H 100279: KB21N • 10.8.6. FI:Post expenses: CC-MF-Name| CostElmt420000=1845EUR, CC-MT-Name| CostElmt430000=3600EUR: FB50 • 10.8.7. MM:Display Real Costs:100279: S_ALR_87012999 • 10.8.8. CO:Add costelementMFT-Name to allocationcostelementgroupOAS_ORDERS: KAH2 • 10.8.9. CO:Settleinternalorder: 100279: KO88 • 10.9. EC-PCA:Profit Center Accounting • 10.9.1. EC-PCA:Profit Center Assignment Monitor: CC-MF-Name: 1KE4 • 10.9.2. EC-PCA:Profit Center Report:PROF-Name: S_ALR_87009712 • 10.10. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis • 10.10.1. CO-PA:Profitabilityanalysis:SalesOrg1000: KE30 • 10.11. CO-PC:ProductCosting • 10.11.1. PP:CreatenewWork Center: PL-Name: CR01 • 10.11.2. PP:Integratework center intoRouting: PL-NameMiniBike-Name:CA02 • 10.11.3. CO:RunProductcostestimate: MiniBike-Name: CK11N • 10.12.Process Overview and Data Dependencies • 10.13.Data StreamOverview • Home Assignment 12:Export Productcostestimate • References • ObjectSymbols • GUI Symbols

  30. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.9.Profit center accounting 1 • 10.9.EC-PCA:Profit Center Accounting • 10.9.1.EC-PCA:Profit Center Assignment Monitor:CC-MF-Name:1KE4 • FI|CO|ProfCtrAcct|Master|1KE4 Assignment monitor| • • Assignment monitor|Cost centers|Not assigned| • DDN:CostCtrCateg = SAP1 • DDN:Date = Default • CHK:Display Assigned Cost Centers=False • BTN:Run( ) • • CC-MF-Name should not be in list! 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul Click Click Click Click Click KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 Click Click Click Click CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul Click CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul

  31. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.9.Profit center accounting 2 • 10.9.2.EC-PCA:Profit Center Report:PROF-Name:S_ALR_87009712 • FI|CO|ProfCtrAcct|InfSys|Reports ProfCtrAcct|List-Oriented rep|S_ALR_87009712 Plan/Actual/Variance| • • DDN:Controlling area = 1000 • DDN:Fiscal year = CurrYr • DDN:From period = CurrMo • DDN:To period = CurrMo • DDN:Plan version = 0(Plan/Actual) • DDN:Profit center group = 8A-ALL- PRCTR.GLPTC(Contains PROF-Name) • BTN:Run( ) • • LIN:PROF-Name|Doubleclick • LIN: PRCtrGrp: Quarter comp, actual|Doubleclick Period Costs CurrMo 1845 Total 26100 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul Click Click Click Click Click Click S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul Click Click KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul Click CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name Click CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul

  32. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.10.Profitability analysis • 10.10.CO-PA:Profitability analysis • 10.10.1.CO-PA:Profitability analysis:SalesOrg1000:KE30 • FI|CO|ProfAnalysis|InfSys|KE30 Execute report| • opertaing concern • DDN:Operating concern = IDEA • BTN:Cost based • • •|DoubleClick • • DDN:Sales Org. = 1000 • DDN:Period from = 001.CurrYr • DDN:Period to = 012.CurrYr • DDN:Plan/Act Indicator = 0 • DDN:Version = Empty! • DDN:Record = F • CHK:Graphical report output = True • BTN:Run( ) • • selection • valuefields • • Click Click Click 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul Click Click S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul Click Click KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 Click Click CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name Click CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul

  33. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.11.Product costing 1 • 10.11.CO-PC:Product Costing • 10.11.1.PRACTICE: PP:Create new Work Center:PL-Name:CR01 • LO|PP|Master|WorkCtr|WorkCtr|CR01 Create| • • DDN:Plant = 1000(Hamburg) • DDN:Work center = PL-Name • DDN:Work center cat. = 0003(Person) • DDN:Copy from Plant = 1000(Hamburg) • DDN:Copy from work center = 1420(Manufacturing). • views • BTN:Copy • • • DDN:Start date = Now • DDN:Cost Center = CC-MF-Name • type Setup FunctActType Formula Setup MFName SAP001(Prod. Setup time). • ) • 10.11.2.PRACTICE: PP:Integrate work center into Routing:PL-NameMiniBike-Name:CA02 • LO|PP|Master|WorkCtr|Routing|Routing|Stand Routing|CA02 Change| • • DDN:Material = MiniBike-Name • DDN:Plant = 1000(Hamburg) • DDN:Key date = Now • • line01 data, notnew line!!! WorkCtr Setup Machine Labor PL-NameMFName=15min Empty! Empty! • ) • Sometimes it does not acknowledge changes, repeat it! 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul

  34. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.11.Product costing 2 • 10.11.3.PRACTICE: CO:Run Product cost estimate:MiniBike-Name:CK11N • FI|CO|ProdCostAcct|ProdCostPlan|Material Costing|Cost Estim with Quant Struct|CK11N Estimate| • • DDN:Plant = 1000 • DDN:Material = MiniBike-Name • • data • DDN:Costing variant = PPC1(Stand cost estim) • DDN:Costing version = 01 • DDN:Costing lot size = 1 • • KEY:Enter, Enter • ) • • LIN Resorce CostElmt TotalValue 01 CC-MF-Name PL-Name MFNameMFT-Name 4,61EUR 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul

  35. 10.Controlling Scenario| 9.12.Process Overview and Data Dependencies 1 • We overview processes of FI describing data dependencies across transactions: • Precondition (Előfeltétel): , Data dependency (Adatfüggés):  KS01: Create CostCtr CC-CA- Paul CC-MT- Paul CC-MF- Paul KK01: Create StatKeyFig EM-Paul KA06: Create Secondary CostElemt CAF-Paul MNT-Paul MFT-Paul KL01: Create ActivityTyp MTPaul MFPaul KSH1: Create CostCtr Group Group- Paul KP06: Plan PriCost InputCostCtr: CC-CA-Paul| 417000 =150kEUR CC-MT-Paul| 430000 =150kEUR CC-MF-Paul| 420000 =600kEUR KP46: Modify KeyFig at CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| EMPaul=20 CC-MT- Paul| EMPaul=5 KSBL: View CostCtr Planning: CC-CA- Paul KB21N: Direct Activity Allocation At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =200H CC-MF- Paul KP06: Plan Act InpTrnsf At CostCtr: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =1000H CC-MF- Paul KSUB: Plan Cost Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul =150k€ Group- Paul| by EMPaul KP26: Plan ActivityOut At CostCtr: CC-MF-Paul| MFPaul =40000H CC-MT-Paul| MTPaul =10000H KSPI: Calculate Activit Pric: CC-MT- Paul| MTPaul =18€ CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =18.45€ FB50: Post External Expenses At CostCtr: CC-CA- Paul| 417000 =12500€ S_ALR_ 87013611: Plan/Actual Compar At CostCtr Group: Group- Paul KSU5: Periodic Assesmt: CC-CA- Paul| CAF-Paul Group- Paul| by EMPaul FB50: Post Expenses At CostCtr: CC-MF- Paul| 420000 =1845€ CC-MT- Paul| 430000 =3600€ CA02: Insert WorkCtr: PL-Paul Into Routing MiniBike- Name KO04: Create InternOrd: 4500| 100279 KO88: Settle IntOrd: 100279 CR01: Create WorkCtr: PL-Paul KE30: Profitability Analysis: SOrg1000 S_ALR_ 87009712: Report ProfCtrs: PROF- Paul S_ALR_ 87012999: View Real Costs: 100279 1KE4: View CostCtr of ProfCtrs: CC-MF- Paul CK11N: Product Costing: MiniBike -Paul KB21N: Direct Act Allocation: CC-MF- Paul| MFPaul =100H 100279 S_ALR_ 87012999: Display Commitmt: 100279 ME21N: Create PurchOrd: 100PC Wheel- Paul from 100304 4500017946 MIGO: GoodRec PurOrd: 4500017946 5000012801

  36. 10.Controlling Scenario| 10.13.Data Stream Overview 1 • Click for zoom: COADD.docx, for image: CO.jpg, for Preziguide:COPrezi.pdf

  37. Home Assignment 12: Export Product cost estimate • Export Product cost estimate for MiniBike-Name received in Step 10.11.3 into Excel and upload it to the FB group of the course! (5points)

  38. References • http://www.sap-img.com/abap.htm • http://erpgenie.com/ • http://help.sap.com/search/sap_trex.jsp • http://sap.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/sap-abap/

  39. Object Symbols Partner (Partner) Anyag (Material) Sarzs (Batch) Bevitt anyag (Partner material) Készlet (Inventory) Raktár (Deposit) Gyári szám (Serial number) Darabjegyzék (Bill of materials) Szortiment (Sortiment) Anyagmeghatá-rozás (Material Identification) Árazás (Pricing) Engedmény (Allowance) Fizetési mód (Payment Method) Számla (Invoice) Bizonylat (Voucher) Értékesítés támogatás (Sales Promotion) Direkt mail (Direct mail) Ajánlat (Offer) Árazás (Pricing) Rendelés (Order) Validáció (Validation) Szerződés (Contract) Szállítás (Transport) Hitel (Credit) Ütemezés (Scheduling) Szerviz (Service) Vevőszolgálat (Customer Service) Kattintás (Click) Dupla kattintás (Double Click) Adatbevitel (Write) Csak olvasható (Read Only) • Cég (Company) • Gyár (Plant) • Értékesítési szervezet (Sales Department) • Üzletkötő csoport (Sales Representative Group) • Értékesítési integráció (Sales Integration) • Csatorna (Channel) • Földrajzi hely (Geographic Location) • Kiszállítási hely (Delivery Location) • Szállítási mód (Transportation Mode) • Rakodási pont (Loading Point) • Árucsoport (Product Group) • Értékesítési terület (Sales Area) Click Right Click

  40. GUI Symbols • To make GUI usage descriptions more short and straightforward, we will use standardized denotions of GUI controls, which can be nested into each other: • DEF:-definition, • PRC:-process, • ALT:-alternatives, • CYC:-cycle, • -follows, •  -(dis)advantage, • Aaa|Bbb|-Menu/Submenu, • SCR:-Screen, • FRM:-Frame, • ID-UniqueID, • BTN:-Button, • TXB:-Textbox, • DDN:-Dropdown, • TAB:-Page tab, • CHK:-Checkbox (any of them can be checked) • RAD:-Radiobox (one can be checked only), • LIN:-Tableline, • KEY:-Hotkey, • WRN:-Warning box • ERR:-Errorbox

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