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Examination techniques in ophthalmology E. Vlková et al.

Examination techniques in ophthalmology E. Vlková et al. Basic examination techniques. Visual acuity ( natural , best corrected ) Measurement of intraocular pressure Slit lamp examination Fundus examination. Visual acuity. Visual acuity ( natural , best corrected )

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Examination techniques in ophthalmology E. Vlková et al.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Examinationtechniques in ophthalmologyE. Vlková et al.

  2. Basicexaminationtechniques Visualacuity (natural, bestcorrected) Measurementofintraocularpressure Slitlampexamination Fundusexamination

  3. Visualacuity Visualacuity (natural, bestcorrected) Distance vision Near vision Charts Snellen Landolt ring Pictures ETDRS Jaeger

  4. Charts

  5. Near vision Jaeger chart

  6. Visualacuity Countingfinger (metres ) Hand movement Lightperception

  7. VisualAcuity 5/50 (metres, feet 20/200) 0,1 Minimum separabile – minimum angleofresolution

  8. Refraction Refractive error is an optical abnormality in which the shape of the eye fails to bring light into sharp focus on the retina, resulting in blurred or distorted vision. In optometry, a "refraction" procedure is the measurement of refractive error Autorefractor

  9. Visualacuity Frame Lenses

  10. Tonometry Contacttechniques Schiötz tonometry Goldmannapplanation tonometry Non contacttechniques Jet air (air puff)

  11. Schiötz tonometry 7/7,5 Topicalanestesia

  12. Schiötz tonometry

  13. Goldmann tonometry The normal range is 10-21 mmHg Topicalanestesia, fluorescein Forcerequired to flattenthecornae

  14. Goldmann tonometry

  15. Non contact tonometry

  16. Examinationofanterior segment Aspection

  17. Slit lamp biomicroscopy table mounted microscopewith a special adjustable illumination source attached

  18. Slit lamp biomicroscopy • duhovka

  19. Slit lamp biomicroscopy ,

  20. Fuchs endotelialdystrophy

  21. Synechiaeposterior

  22. Sunconjunctivalhaemorrhage

  23. Cornealabrasion

  24. Hyphema

  25. Hypopyon

  26. Examinationof fundus Ophthalmoscopy - direct - indirect Slit lamp biomicrocsopy (highpowerconvexlens, the image isverticallyinverted and laterallyreversed)

  27. Ocular fundus

  28. Specialexaminationtechniques

  29. Gonioscopy • Goniolens ( mirrors) • Anglestructures • Fundus examination

  30. Electrophysicaltests ERG (electroretinography) diagnosisoffunctionaldefectsofretina Recordofanactionpotentialproduced by theretinawhenitisstimulatedbylight VEP (visualevokedpotential) -diagnosisoffunctionaldefectsofvisualpathways Recordofelectricalactivityofthevisualcortexcreated by stimulationoftheretina

  31. Electrophysicaltests

  32. Electrophysicaltests

  33. Ultrasound

  34. Ultrasound Non transparent optical media UBM- highfrequencyultrasound – imagingofanterior segment

  35. A scan ( biometry) • B scan

  36. Ultrasound

  37. Color vision – HUE test

  38. Hertlexoftalmometry

  39. Děkuji za pozornost!

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