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First discussion on the cross-sections debugging and clean up. Alberto Ribon Witek Pokorski 25.04.2013. Motivation. our starting point: extract the kaon and hyperons cross-sections from CHIPS make sure that all the production physics list use the same cross-sections set
First discussion on the cross-sections debugging and clean up Alberto Ribon Witek Pokorski 25.04.2013
Motivation • our starting point: extract the kaon and hyperons cross-sections from CHIPS • make sure that all the production physics list use the same cross-sections set • clean-up and simplify the structure, remove redundant classes, make sure there is no duplication and all cross sections are accessed using the same interfaces (entry points)
First look • FTFP_BERT was supposed to be using CHIPS cross-sections for kaons and hyperons Hadronic Processes for <kaon+> ----------------------------------- hadElastic Models: hElasticLHEP: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 hadElasticCrssctns: GheishaElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 KaonPlusInelastic Models: FTFP: Emin(GeV)= 4 Emax(GeV)= 100000 BertiniCascade: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 5 KaonPlusInelasticCrssctns: CHIPSInelasticXS: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000 GheishaInelastic: Emin(GeV)= 0 Emax(GeV)= 100000
Second look • CHIPSInelasticXS is first on the list so it should be used • it is supposed to call CHIPS cross-sections classes G4QKaonPlusNuclearCrossSection through the interface classG4QHadronInelasticDataSet : public G4VCrossSectionDataSet • however... CHIPS cross sections are not called during the tracking!!! Instead Gheisha cross-sections are used
Source of the problem (1/2) • calls to cross-sections are done by G4CrossSectionDataStore where following checks are made for the cross-section data set (starting from the top on the list i.e. CHIPS) ... if (dataSetList[i]->IsElementApplicable(part, Z, mat)) { ... if(dataSetList[idx]->IsIsoApplicable(part, Z, A, elm, mat)){ ... } else { // search for other dataSet
Source of the problem (2/2) • IsElementApplicable and IsIsoApplicable have default implementation in the base class G4VCrossSectionDataSet always returning FALSE • the two method are not reimplemented in G4QHadronInelasticDataSet!!! • the answer is always FALSE and CHIPS cross sections are never used!!! • btw, in my opinion the base class should not implement those methods, they should be virtual • CHIPS interface for cross sections is incompatible with the implementation of G4CrossSectionDataStore • FTFP_BERT says it uses CHIPS cross sections for Kaons, but it never does, it always falls back to Gheisha!!!
Remark about Elastic • G4QHadronElasticDataSet has exactly the same problem • but... apparently it is not used, instead processes/hadronic/models/coherent_elastic/include/G4CHIPSElasticXS.h is used which point to CHIPS cross-sections • very confusing because the same name of the dataset is used in both cases: CHIPSElasticXS • CHIPS elastic cross-sections needs also to be extracted from CHIPS and the 'interface' in coherent_elastic should be (re)moved/adapted
Remark about FTF • FTF uses internally CHIPS cross sections... through yet another interface hadronic/models/parton_string/diffraction/include/G4ComponentCHIPShadronNuclearXS // Calculation of the total, elastic and inelastic cross-sections // of hadron (proton, neutron, pi+, pi-, K+, K-, anti_proton, anti_neutron // interactions with nuclei based on CHIPS model // // Created by V. Uzhinsky, 31.05.2011 • this inherits from G4VComponentCrossSection and combines elastic and inelastic cross-sections...
Side remark about Gamma-Nuclear • cross-sections used for gamma nuclear (in QGSP_BERT and FTFP_BERT) are the ones in: processes/hadronic/cross_sections/src/G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection.cc • they inherit from G4VCrossSectionDataSet and the interface is OK • IsIsoApplicable method is implemented
Actions • extract elastic and inelastic cross sections from CHIPS (for Proton, Neutron, K, Pi, hyperon, anti-baryon) • copy them and remove inheritance/dependence on G4VQCrossSection and G4QPDGCode • get rid of (reimplement in a clean way) the existing interfaces to CHIPS cross section (in coherent_elastic and parton_string) and remove from the physics lists G4QHadronInelasticDataSet ( • implement physics list properly to use the right cross sections • remove Gheisha cross sections as the default fall-back solution?
Proposal • copy CHIPS cross-sections to processes/hadronic/cross_sections • use the following naming convention: • G4KossovKaonMinusNuclearCrossSection • G4KossovKaonMinusElasticCrossSection • make them inherit from G4VCrossSectionDataSet • once this is done • modify/remove the existing interfaces to CHIPS cross-sections in coherent_elastic and in parton_string/diffraction/ to use the new extracted cross-sections • modify the physics list accordingly to use the new cross-sections classes
Conclusion • actions should be taken now! • we are giving (to LHCb for instance) FTFP_BERT incorrectly claiming that CHIPS x-sections are used for kaons • the clean up should be done for both inelastic and elastic cross-sections • all moved to one directory with no redundant interfaces • proposal to have in the next beta release all the production physics list use the same, unique set of cross-sections • alternative sets have to follow our standard interface • available to the users by the mean of explicit configuration of PL (to avoid any confusion)