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Local Public Agency (LPA) Basic Certification Training 11-07-2013

Local Public Agency (LPA) Basic Certification Training 11-07-2013. 1. A Living Document Provides links to References and Resource People Defines the Process for: Project Development Letting Construction. LPA Guidance Document. 2. LPA Guidance Document. Critical Elements Fatal Flaws

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Local Public Agency (LPA) Basic Certification Training 11-07-2013

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  1. Local Public Agency (LPA)Basic Certification Training 11-07-2013 1

  2. A Living Document Provides links to References and Resource People Defines the Process for: Project Development Letting Construction LPA Guidance Document 2

  3. LPA Guidance Document • Critical Elements • Fatal Flaws • Documentable Proof 3

  4. Resources INDOT Central Office: Kathy Eaton-McKalip, Director LPA Certification Training LPA & Grants Administration VACANT Indiana Department of Transportation LPA Policy Coordinator 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N955 (317) 234-7930 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-234-5142 kaeaton-mckalip@indot.in.gov 4

  5. District Local Program Directors Fort Wayne District Office David Armstrong Phone:  (260) 969-8277 Email: darmstrong@indot.in.gov LaPorte District Office Marcia Blansett Phone:   (219) 325-7564 Email:mblansett@indot.in.gov Vincennes District Office Jaclyn Schmitt Phone:   (812) 895-7393 Email: jschmitt@indot.in.gov Crawfordsville District Susan Kemp Phone: (765) 361-5228 Email: skemp@indot.in.gov Greenfield District Office Kim Bowdell Phone:   (317) 467-3440 Email: kbowdell@indot.in.gov Seymour District Office Debra Ault Phone: (812) 524-3969 Email: dault@indot.in.gov 5

  6. Resources Any questions regarding the training, the LPA Guidance Document or conflict with other guidance materials and manuals, contact: bfox@indot.in.gov (until another LPA Policy Coordinator is assigned to the ERC Training) 6



  9. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) • FHWA – Responsible for ensuring adequate and proper delivery of federal-aid projects. 9

  10. Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) • INDOT: a. Provides technical assistance to the LPA b. Accountable to FHWA to ensure all project elements comply with federal law and regulations c. Ensures that local projects utilizing federal funds made available by INDOT are appropriately utilized in a timely manner and are in compliance with all federal and state regulations 10

  11. Local Public Agency (LPA) • LPA: a. Must have a certified Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC) before applying for federal-aid funds for a project. • The ERC role cannot be filled by a consultant or a contract employee hired by the LPA. • The ERC must be an employee of the LPA. • Because many smaller LPAs do not maintain full time staff, the ERC is not required to be a full time employee.” 11

  12. Responsibilities of the ERC: Managerially responsible for project Listed in Section 1-3.02 of the LPA Guidance Document ERC (cont.) 12

  13. ERC (cont.) A few of the responsibilities of the ERC: • Submits electronic project application • Ensures the INDOT-LPA Project Coordination Contract is executed and returned to INDOT • Submits the Requests for Proposals to INDOT for a consultant • LPA’s ERC is responsible for attending Quarterly Tracking meetings and submitting required electronically Quarterly Reports detailing up-to-date cost estimates and schedules through project construction. 13

  14. Consultant Project Managers must attend LPA Project Development Training and become certified prior to working on an active project. Must earn 6 LPA Program related credits (PDHs/CEUs) each year thereafter to maintain certification. The consulting firm must be on INDOT’s pre-qualified consultant list. Consultant Project Manager 14


  16. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) What is a MPO? 16

  17. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) What is a TIP? 17

  18. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) What is a STIP? 18

  19. MPO Coordination http://indianampo.com/PDF/MPOs.pdf 19

  20. Understanding MPOs Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)Maps showing the urban area boundary for each MPO:http://dotmaps.indot.in.gov/apps/PlanningDataViewer/FC_Maps/FC_listing.asp 20

  21. MPO Coordination • LPAs outside of the Urbanized Area (UZA), but inside the Metropolitan Planning Area Boundary (MPA), should submit their projects to the MPO for concurrence. • All Indiana MPOs conduct Quarterly Tracking meetings. The flow of information should be bi-directional. MPO_INDOT Cooperative Operations Manual www.in.gov/indot/files/LPA_MPOManual.pdf Indiana MPO Council Website www.indianampo.com 21

  22. Most LPA Surface Transportation (STP) funded projects located within an Urbanized Area are funded by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) using selection criteria established by the MPO’s Policy Committee. LPAs must notify the MPO of any change in project scope, project phase costs, project/phase timelines, funding sources, etc. so the MPO can appropriately modify or amend its TIP. LPAs must familiarize themselves with the MPO’s established Change Order Policy and comply with that policy. MPO Coordination 22


  24. Early Coordination meeting Project Development Process Consultant Selection Process LPA-Consulting Contract INDOT-LPA Contract Funding phases Environmental Process Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Schedule and Budget Responsibilities of the Local Public Agency Early Coordination Meeting 24

  25. The District Local Program Director will contact the LPA & Grant Administration Office for the INDOT-LPA Contract after the Early Coordination meeting. 1 contract covering all phases TIP (if applicable) and STIP FMIS approval INDOT-LPA Contract 25

  26. INDOT-LPA Contract Terms: Funding Window LPA’s responsibilities INDOT’s responsibilities Maximum amount of federal funds, including credits, for the project. INDOT-LPA Contract – Contract Terms 26

  27. INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.) Supplemental INDOT-LPA Contracts: • Changes in the scope • Changes in the federal funding • Changes in funding sources • Additional award • Move to a different letting 27

  28. INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.) Supplemental LPA-Consulting Contracts: When the LPA and Consultant execute a supplemental contract between them, is it okay to continue working on the project? 28

  29. INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.) Executed INDOT-LPA Contract returned to District Local Program Director • Executed contract must be returned within 6 months of receipt of contract 29

  30. Signature process of the INDOT-LPA Contract: Required signatures 1. INDOT – Contract Administration Division and Chief of Staff 2. Indiana Department of Administration 3. State Budget Agency 4. Attorney General’s Office. INDOT-LPA Contract 30

  31. Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) FMIS: federal authorization for the use of Federal-aid funds on a specific project phase Every project phase must have FMIS Authorization before any work begins. The ERC must request FMIS authorization for the Right-of-Way phase in writing after the environmental document has been approved. Request for Federal Funds 31

  32. Important revision to the LPA Guidance Document: Before funds can be requested through FMIS: The project phase must be in the TIP (if applicable) and the STIP. FMIS Authorization 32

  33. FMIS Authorization (cont.) • INDOT must have a copy of the executed LPA-Consulting Contract. • The INDOT–LPA Contract must be approved by the Attorney General’s office. • A Purchase Order will be opened. • Notice to Proceed to the LPA is given by the District Local Program Director 33

  34. Notice to Proceed What is the most important thing to remember before beginning work on a project phase? 34

  35. FMIS Authorization (cont.) ANSWER: If you want reimbursed for any work your Consultant has done on a project, you must wait to receive INDOT’s written Notice to Proceed! (Applies to original and supplemental contracts and also supplemental LPA-Consulting Contracts) 35


  37. Topics covered in this chapter include: Applicability and LPA Responsibilities Selection Process Contract Scoping and Negotiation Contract Administration Errors and Omissions Documentation Consultant Contracting 37

  38. Regulations 23 CFR Part 172 – “Administration of Engineering and Design Related Services Contracts” Title 40 USC, Chapter 10, Subchapter VI “Brooks Act” – Qualifications Based Selection Consultant Contracting 38

  39. When consultant services are to be funded with federal-aid dollars, or by credits used as a match for construction, the LPA must follow all Federal requirements. When no Federal dollars are used to pay for services, the selection requirements of Chapter 7 do not apply, however; all services leading to federally funded construction must be performed by INDOT prequalified consultants. Applicability and Responsibility 39

  40. Federally funded consultant selection, contracting and contract administration activities shall be performed by or under the supervision of a certified Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC). Applicability and Responsibility 40

  41. http://www.in.gov/dot/div/legal/rfp/LPARFP/LPAConsultantSelectionToolkit.pdfhttp://www.in.gov/dot/div/legal/rfp/LPARFP/LPAConsultantSelectionToolkit.pdf Links to all relevant documents are included in this Toolkit!!! Prepare RFP Request Past Performance Data and Verify Prequalification Scoring Ties and DBE Verification LPA Selection Review Checklist INDOT Selection Process Approval LPA Consultant Selection Toolkit 41

  42. Use RFP Template Identify Prequalification Requirements Contact Economic Opportunity Division (EOD) for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal Include in request: Brief Description of Project; DES No.; Total Project Cost; Estimated Fee; Typical Sub-consulting Opportunities Associated with Type of Service; Copy of RFP; your e-mail On-line: http://www.in.gov/indot/div/legal/dbe/dbegoalrequestform.htm Email: DBEGoalRequest@indot.in.gov LPA prepares Request for Proposal (RFP) 42

  43. Submit RFP to INDOT District INDOT posts RFP to website LPA may also post locally LPA receives Letter of Interest (LOI) Minimum of 3 responses RFP Advertisement 43

  44. LPA requests past performance scores from district LPA verifies prequalification requirements met LPA rates firms and ranks LPA submits Affirmative Action Certification Form of top ranked firm to EOD for approval LPA Selection Review Checklist RFP Responses Received 44

  45. ! Verify INDOT Pre-qualification of firms who submitted LoIs Prequalification information: http://www.in.gov/indot/2732.htm The Prime Consultant is not required to be pre-qualified in every work type; however, either the Prime or the Sub-Consultants must be pre-qualified in every work type category listed in the RFP. The LPA must confirm the pre-qualifications for both. Verify Prequalification Requirements 45

  46. Selection Rating Sheet 46

  47. It is the responsibility of scorers to make every effort to identify the firm most capable of producing the highest quality deliverables in a timely and cost effective manner without regard to personal preference. I certify that I do not have any conflicts of interest associated with this consultant as defined in 49CFR18.36. I have thoroughly reviewed the letter of interest for this consultant and certify that the above scores represent my best judgment of this firm’s abilities. Signature:_________________ Print Name:________________ Date:_________ Rating Sheet Certification 47

  48. Ranking Tabulation Form 48

  49. LPA Selection Review Checklist 49

  50. General Information: Number of Letters of Interest received __, if less than 3 attach documentation of recruitment efforts. Number of teams that not meet prequalification requirements_____. Explain why teams did not meet qualifications. _______________________________ ___________________________________________ If pre-screening was used, was it consistent with the process advertised in the RFP? (Yes)(No)_________. Selection Review Checklist – General Information 50

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