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Misc Topics in Testing. McCabe’s Cyclomatic Complexity. Number of “linearly independent paths” useful in defining test coverage (See later) Counts the number of closed loops in the graph F A () = 0 F s (m 1 ,m 2 ) = m 1 + m 2 F C (m 1 ,m 2 ) = m 1 + m 2 + 1 F l (m 1 ) = m 1 + 1
McCabe’s Cyclomatic Complexity Number of “linearly independent paths” • useful in defining test coverage (See later) • Counts the number of closed loops in the graph • FA() = 0 • Fs(m1,m2) = m1 + m2 • FC(m1,m2) = m1 + m2 + 1 • Fl(m1) = m1 + 1 v(P) = #edges - #nodes +2 (Familiar?)
McCabe: Example Edges = 12 Nodes = 10 v = 12 - 10 + 2 = 4
More generally... • Can define a set of prime flowgraphs • those which cannot be broken down by nesting • corresponding to the statements of the langauge • And a measure for each • Yields a Prime Decomposition Theorem: • “The decomposition of a flowgraph into primes is unique”
A more general approach to CFGs • For any language, a Prime Flowgraph is one which cannot be broken down by sequencing or nesting ... if then repeat until cases ??
Hierarchical measures (again) • Define measure for each prime flowgraph • Define measure for sequencing • Define measure for nesting Eg. number of nodes: nd(P) = #nodes in P, for each prime
Example: Structuredness • Whether a program is structured can be seen as a measure as follows: str(P) = 1 if P is one of the allowed primes 0 otherwise str(F1;...Fn) = min(str(F1),...,str(Fn) str(F(F1,...,Fn)) = min(str(F),str(F1),...,str(Fn))
Linearly Independent Paths • The vector representation of a path is a vector which counts the number of occurrences of each edge. • A set of paths is l.i. if none can be represented as a linear combination of the others (in the vector representation).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 8 10 12 First number each edge A path can be represented as a vector counting edges visited A B C D (1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1) (1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1) (1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1) (0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1)
Now can add and subtract vectors: Eg. D-A = (-1,1,-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) E -1 1 So E=B+D-A -1 1
How do we find test sets? • Given a test strategy it is not easy to find test cases that exercise the required paths • Even for Statement Coverage some parts of the code may be unreachable • A single path can achieve Branch Coverage for: while(...) do “some complex program” but unlikely to be possible in practice
Domain Partitioning What have we been doing? • Partitioning input space according to some property • Selecting Test case inputs which are representatives of each partition • Eg to ensure different paths executed • Assuming behaviour similar for all values of partition
Boundary Value Analysis • Also important to test software at the boundaries of the partitions. • Less than (or equal)? • length of list (or n-1)? • closure reversal (“not <” is not “>”)? • How do we identify boundaries?
Both ends closed min max Half open min max Single variable case • Open and closed intervals Both ends open min max P3 P1 P2
open boundary Multiple variables • Input domains are multi-dimensional • Boundaries are hyperplanes • Can be open or closed at each intersection closed boundary on point off point extreme point
Finding Test Cases • CFGs model software • Test strategy to select paths to test • Data flow Analysis to choose “best” test paths • Now need to find test inputs which exercise those paths
Example • Find All DU paths for example program • Find test cases which execute the paths
ADUP Usage p q CFG Program p 123 12343 1235 123435 12357 1234357 q 23 234 235 2356 43 434 435 4356 smallest(int p) (*p>2*) { int q = 2; while(p mod q > 0 AND q < sqrt p) do q := q+1 ; if (p mod q = 0) then print(q,’is factor’) else print(p,’is prime’) ; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d u u u d u ud u u
100% coverage 123578 12343578 123568 123434358 12343568 Test Output 3 is prime 5 is prime 2 is sm fact 11 is prime 3 is sm fact ADUP p 123 1235 123435 12357 1234357 q 23 234 235 2356 43 434 435 4356 Subpaths subsumed 12357 1234357 2356 434 4356 Test Input p=3 p=5 p=4,6,8... p=4,8,12... 9,10,..15 p=9,15,21..
How were test cases found? • Required outcome at each predicate node • Consider all requirements together • Guess a value that will satisfy them • Can we improve on this!
Symbolic Execution • How to find test inputs to exercise a path? • Need certain choice at each predicate node • Give a symbolic value to each variable • Walk the path collecting requirements on symbolic input • Then have a set of inequalities to solve • Example: Find test cases for each path by symbolic execution:
Path 123578 F F p q X Y X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 Conditions X mod 2 =0 OR 2 ge sqrt X X mod 2 > 0 Candidates X=4,6,8,... 3,4 X=3,5,7,... Solutions X=3 smallest(p) { int q = 2; while(p mod q > 0 AND q < sqrt p) do q := q+1 ; if (p mod q = 0) then print(q,’is factor’) else print(p,’is prime’) ; }
Path 12343578 Conditions X mod 2 > 0 2 < sqrt X X mod 3 = 0 OR 3 ge sqrt(X) X mod 3 > 0 Candidates X=3,5,7,... X=5,6,7.. X=3,6,9.. 3,4..9 X=4,5,7,8,.. p q X Y X 2 while (T) X 3 while (F) if (F) X is prime Solutions X=5,7 Output: 5 is prime 7 is prime
Path 123568 Conditions X mod 2 = 0 OR 2 ge sqrt X X mod 2 = 0 Candidates X=4,6,8,.. 3,4 X=4,6,8,.. p q X Y X 2 while (F) if (T) Y is sm fact Solutions X=4,6,8.. Output: 2 is sm fact
Path 12343568 Conditions X mod 2 > 0 2 < sqrt X X mod 3 = 0 OR 3 ge sqrt(X) X mod 3 = 0 Candidates X=3,5,7.. X=5,6,7.. X=3,6,9.. 3,4..9 X=3,6,9.. p q X Y X 2 while (T) X 3 while (F) if (T) Y is sm fact Solutions X=9,15,21..
Path 12343435_8 Solutions [5,7,9,11,13.. [5,7,11,13,17 [11,13,17,19.. [none from this [11,13 [must be false X=11,13 Output: 11 is prime 13 is prime p q X 2 while (T) X 3 while (T) X 4 while (F) if (_) ??????? Conditions X mod 2 > 0 2 < sqrt X X mod 3 > 0 3 < sqrt X X mod 4 = 0 OR 4 ge sqrt(X) X mod 4 ? 0 Candidates X=3,5,7.. X=5,6,7.. X=4,5,7,8.. X=10,11,12.. X=4,8,12.. 3,4..16 X=.....
Difficulties with Symbolic Execution • Generally, many paths are not feasible • Conditions can become complex: • when complex expressions on rhs of assignments • then program variables are complex expressions in terms of the symbolic vars • Sets of conditions can be computationally complex to solve
Possible Solutions • Computational Complexity: • Use numerical methods to calculate the tests • Straight line equivalents • Program Instrumentation • Adaptive testing (later) • Complex predicates • Condition/Decision strategies (later) • Many Infeasible paths • Adaptive testing (later)
Straight Line equivalents • Construct the “straight line” program corresponding to the path required. • replace predicates with path constraints • a real valued expression which records the requirement as a minimisation • Solve the path constraints using numerical methods
Path Constraints • Eg. if(x = y) is replaced by c1:= abs(x-y) • and if(x>y) is replaced by c2 := x-y • Then we must minimise the ci • Can use numerical methods to do this
Program instrumentation • generally - a method to allow testing of a unit in place by augmenting program • Here - add function calls which record value of key variables • replace predicates with calls which guarantee correct path is taken • run program to generate conditions • Again use numerical methods to solve
Conditions and Decisions • Above strategies do not take account of predicates with more than one conjunct • There are more strategies which distinguish • Conditions - the individual clauses of predicate, from • Decisions - the outcome of evaluating the whole predicate
Condition Coverage • Achieve all possible combinations of simple Boolean conditions at each decision node • In critical real-time applications over half of statements may be Boolean expressions • Several variants of strategies which account for individual conditions
Example Condition Strategies • Decision coverage (DC) • every decision tested in each possible outcome • Condition/Decision coverage (C/DC) • as above plus, every condition in each decision tested in each possible outcome • Modified Condition/Decision (MC/DC) • as above plus, every condition shown to independently affect a decision outcome (by varying that condition only) • Multiple-condition coverage (M-CC) • all possible combinations of conditions within each decision taken
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage • Multiple-condition coverage is strongest but grows exponentially in # conditions • Modified C/D is linear like C/D • Eg. For A and B • (T,T) required to exercise decision true • (F,T) required for independence of A • (T,F) required for independence of B • (F,F) not required • MC/DC (among others) is required for flight-critical commercial avionics software
Further Problems with Symb. Ex. • When loop conditions are input dependent • When array indices are input dependent • When external functions are called
Adaptive Testing The above approach has been in 4 stages: 1) Construct the control flow graph • a parsing problem - automatable • can all add “instrumentation” here 2) Choose the test paths • According to some test strategy • CFG - possibly with data flow considerations
Four stages (cont.) 3) Choose the test cases • by symbolic execution and simultaneous ineqs • or by backwards substitution • can reveal Infeasible paths requiring reverting to stage 2. 4) Execute the test cases • Only now do we execute the program • Adaptive testing merges stages 2), 3) and 4)
Problems with 4-stage approach • Infeasible paths (stage 3) require selection of new paths (return to stage 2) • Computational complexity of test case selection Adaptive testing develops test cases one at a time and uses result of previous test case execution to help select next test case
Inductive Strategies • Choose first test input x1 (perhaps at random) • Execute test and record path taken, p1 • Say k-1 tests have been done giving {(x1,p1),...(xk-1,pk-1)} • use some strategy to select xn Several such strategies exist.
Diagonalisation Important “method” in Mathematics: • Cantor’s uncountability of Reals • Godel’s Incompleteness • Undecidability of Halting problem For list of lists, find a new list by choosing an element different from each on the diagonal A11, A12, A13, ... A21, A22, A23, ... A31, A32, A33, ... ... New = B1, B2, B3, ... where B1 = A11 B2 = A22 B3 = A33 ...
Diagonalisation (2) • Each path pi gives a conjunctive predicate Pi • These predicates characterise a set of non-overlapping subdomains of the input space • We must find a new input xk not in any Pi • Let Pi be conjunction of Ci,1,Ci,2,...Ci,ki • For each i, choose xk to violate some Ci,j • eg. xk not in Ci,i
Path Prefix Strategy [Prather and Myers, IEEE Trans. SE-13(7) 1987] For Branch coverage • For a path p, define its reversible prefix q • the initial portion of p to the first decision node where the branches are not yet fully covered • A reversal of p is then any path with same reversible prefix but then a different continuation
Path Prefix Strategy (2) • Choose first input in some way and execute to give first path, p1 • Given p1,...,pk-1, let pi be path with shortest reversible prefix • Choose next input to give a reversal of pi • Execute and add the new path to set of paths
Path Prefix: earlier example • Choose first input p = 3 (say) • execution gives path p1 = 12357 • Reversible prefix = 123, Reversal = 1234.... • Deduce second input, p = 5 • execution gives path p2 = 12343578 • reversible prefix 123435 • path p1 also now has reversible prefix 1235 • choose shorter p2, Reversal = 12356 • Deduce 3rd input, p = 4 • execution gives path p3= 123568 • All branches covered
Problems with Path prefix • Still need to deduce input for new path • the inversion problem (later) • Still may get infeasible paths • absolute infeasibility - a path can never be executed • relative infeasibilty - a path cannot be the continuation of any of the current reversible prefixes
Example of relative infeasibilty Conditionals in sequence: in1 = (false,false) p1 = F,F,F reverse at 1 gives: in2 = (true,false) p2 = T,T,F reverse p1 at 2 gives F,F,T - infeasible reverse p2 at 2 gives T,T,T infeasible but T,F,T is feasible, eg in3 = (true,true) simple(bool x, y) if(x = true) then S1 else S2; if(x xor y = true) then S3 else S4; if(x and y = true) then S5 else S6; 1 2 3 - # paths to node grows exponentially - # previous nodes grows linearly
The Inversion Problem • How do we find the input which reverses the decision at Pk ? P1&...&Pk-1 D x x’ Pk not Pk
The Inversion Problem (2) • Need to find x’ given x • Done by Back Substitution • execute with x recording all states for prefix • pick change of a variable to change Pk • substitute back through program logic to calculate required input • same as for 4 step approach but with actual values • For real-valued conditions can use grad(Pk) to cross boundary via normal