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Survey on the Chemical Status of Groundwaters, Hungary A talajvizek vizminöségi állapotának felmérése EuropeAid/114956/D/SV/HU2002-000-180-04-02-03. On behalf of the Consortium comprising GTK, MÁFI, Smaragd-GSH, ELGOSCAR-2000, BRGM and HGN. PAO, Mr. Gábor Rónaszéki, CFCU
Survey on the Chemical Status of Groundwaters, Hungary A talajvizek vizminöségi állapotának felmérése EuropeAid/114956/D/SV/HU2002-000-180-04-02-03 On behalf of the Consortium comprising GTK, MÁFI, Smaragd-GSH, ELGOSCAR-2000,BRGM and HGN
PAO,Mr. Gábor Rónaszéki, CFCU DPAO, Mr. Tibor Sztaricskai, CFCU SPO, Mr.Béla Donáth, MoEW DSPO, Mrs. Katalin Pálfi, MoEW Steering Committee Chairman Mr. Péter Kovács, MoEW Dr. László Balásházy, MoEW Dr. Zsuzsanna Kerekesné Steindl, MoEW Mrs. Eszter Havas Szilágyi, MoEW Dr. Ferenc László, Vituki Dr Ferenc Csáki, National Directorate of Environment, Nature Conservancy and Water PL, Mr. Péter Kovács, MoEW DPL, Dr. László Balásházy, MoEW Expert Group Chairman Dr. Ferenc László, Vituki Dr. Pál. Liebe, Vituki Dr. Zoltan Vargai, Vituki Dr László Perger, MoEW Dr Ágnes Tahy, MoEW Dr. Zoltan Simonfy, Tech. Univ. Budapest Dr. Vera Horvath, MoEW PM, Mr. Béla László Tibiássy, MoEW TM, Dr. Gabor Gaál, GTK GTK Home Office DTM, Mr Juha Kaija, GTK KE, Groundwater monitoring Dr. György Tóth, Máfi KE, Water chemistry Dr. András Bartha, Máfi KE, Drilling Dr. Károly Gondár, Smaragd SE, WFD Dr. Marco Meinert, HGN Dr. Laurence Gourcy, BRGM PAO = Programme Authorising Officer PM = Project Manager DPAO = Deputy Programme Authorising Officer TM = Team Leader SPO = Senior Programme Officer DTM = Deputy Team Leader DSPO = Deputy Senior Programme Officer KE = Key Expert PL = Project Leader SE = Senior Expert DPL = Deputy Project Leader
Components of the conceptual understanding/model as described in the Monitoring Guidance for WFD implementation
The implementation of the project was organized in 3 components: • Preparation of survey i.e. collection and preparation of available information, data and thematic maps • Chemical survey of groundwaters • Spring sampling • Sampling of existing wells • Drilling and well construction + sampling • Chemical analyses • Documentation of data gained in the survey and recommendations • Documentation in electronic form • Evaluation of project results • Recommendation for monitoring network
The delay in start of spring and well sampling was mainly due to : • Long process of approving the new representative list of springs and wells. The final list was accepted in middle of March 2005 • The winter in Hungary was exceptionally long and snowy in 2005 making the fieldwork difficult. • Rapid snow melting and heavy rains after winter prevented sampling on several localities in the period end of March - beginning of April 2005 But we received prolongation due to the above mentioned reasons
Cooperation with all partners and stakeholders went smoothly in mutual understanding and hard work! Thank you! Köszönöm!