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UK AMSTEMM. AMSTEMM Appalachian and Minority STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Majors www.uky.edu/amstemm Dr. Robert S. Tannenbaum, PI Suzanne Scheff, Coordinator/Advisor. “Enriching the Academic Experience of College Science Students” June 3-5, 2008

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  1. UK AMSTEMM AMSTEMM Appalachian and Minority STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Majors www.uky.edu/amstemm Dr. Robert S. Tannenbaum, PI Suzanne Scheff, Coordinator/Advisor “Enriching the Academic Experience of College Science Students” June 3-5, 2008 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  2. UK AMSTEMM • University of Kentucky • Lexington, Kentucky • 26,648 students - 18,920 undergraduates • Freshmen class ~ 4,000 students • FR to SOPH retention rate in 2006 was 76.4% • Average ACT Composite score for 2007-2008 was24.3 • 1 in 4 student come from out of state

  3. UK AMSTEMM Background of AMSTEMM: • NSF created “STEP” (STEM Talent Expansion Program) • UK awarded STEP grant Fall 2004 (Funded by Grant # NSF-0431552) • Purpose: Recruit, Retain & Graduate Appalachian and Minority Students • Focus: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Majors • Grant Funding: 1/1/05 - 12/31/09 • University Funding: 1/1/10 -

  4. UK AMSTEMM Current AMSTEMM Cohort: • 271 Students (Freshman – Junior) • 70% Appalachian • 28% Minority • 2% Appalachian and Minority • Appalachian Students • 51 Appalachian counties in KY; also from other states • low income • first generation college • rural communities • Minority Students (NSF Definition) • African American • Native American • Hispanic • Pacific Islander

  5. UK AMSTEMM Program Snapshot (majors): • Agricultural Biotechnology • Biology • Chemistry • Engineering (8 majors) • Geology • Math • Physics • Science Education • Math Education

  6. UK AMSTEMM Recruitment Activities: • High school mathematics support • Programs for parents • High school presentations by Peer Mentors • Visits to high schools (including College Fairs) • Summer Science/Engineering Camp • College Reality Store • Campus Visits



  9. UK AMSTEMM Recruitment Summary (2005-2007):

  10. UK AMSTEMM Retention Activities: • Dedicated academic advisor • Faculty mentoring • Place-Based, Discovery Seminar Program • Small class size • Highly skilled, motivated faculty • Supplemental Peer Led, Team Learning (PLTL) Instruction • Chemistry Excel, Math Excel & Biology Excel

  11. UK AMSTEMM Retention Activities: (Continued) • AMSTEMM-sponsored sections in math & science courses: Pre-Calculus Math Excel and Chemistry Excel, Fall 2006 AMSTEMM non-AMSTEMM  AMSTEMM non-AMSTEMM Math ExcelExcel MA 109Chemistry Excel CHE105 N 45 1593 N 22 1398 ACT >= 24 26.7% 33.9% --- --- ACT >= 25 17.7% 19.6% --- --- _______________________________________________________________________ A or B 60.0% 37.4% A or B 54.6% 37.9% DEW 22.0% 39.8%DEW 40.9% 41.8%


  13. UK AMSTEMM Peer Mentoring: • Junior/Senior AMSTEMM students serve as mentors (paid positions) • Mentors contact protégés bi-weekly • Submit contact logs • Possible “academic alerts” for advisor • Provide personal network • Peer mentor relationships rated very high on student surveys



  16. UK AMSTEMM Undergraduate Research: • 1st & 2nd year students have access to a database to explore faculty research interests • Academic credit available • General Research Skills Course • Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars • Posters at the Capitol • National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)

  17. UK AMSTEMM Undergraduate Research (Continued): • Research fellowships for mentored research • $1,000/semester – $4,000/summer • Available to 1st and 2nd year as well as upper division students • 19 students receiving fellowships Summer 2008 • Faculty and student complete surveys

  18. UK AMSTEMM Research Success Story: Senior biology major and AMSTEMM Peer Mentor, Julie Kretzer, was named a 2008 American Physiological Society Summer Research Fellow. She will be competing for the David S. Bruce Undergraduate Research Award with her research in April, 2009, at the 2009 Experimental Biology Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

  19. UK AMSTEMM Showcase of Scholars


  21. UK AMSTEMM Bi-weekly Research Seminar Course: • Presentations by undergraduate student researchers • 1-hour course credit - Pass/fail • Course requirements: • Attend all seminars • Write summaries of each presentation • Final assignment: Write research abstract

  22. UK AMSTEMM Community Building Activities: • Welcome orientation • Academically-orientated presentations • STEM career-focused speakers • Study groups • Social events • Picnics • Co-recreational campus basketball league • Attend campus plays

  23. UK AMSTEMM Graduation Phase: • Continued involvement in Bi-weekly Research Seminars (Up to 4 credits) • Mentored research experience • Research fellowships available • Continued advising • Opportunity for employment as Peer Mentor • Place-based courses in various STEM disciplines

  24. UK AMSTEMM Academic success and failure: Fall 2007 AMSTEMM UK STEM ALL UK students students undergrads Dean’s List 19.8% 24.5% 23.3% Probation5.1% 11.6% 6.5% Spring 2008 Dean’s List22% Probation8%

  25. UK AMSTEMM Lessons Learned: #1 Student Engagement is key! No one has found a magic formula that will convince first-year students that attending class, participating in research, utilizing PLTL, review sessions, and advising, will result in the earning of higher grades. We must remain positive and optimistic!

  26. UK AMSTEMM Lessons Learned: #2 Communicate as often and urgently as possible with first-year students! • Email • Facebook • Cell phone • Electronic newsletters (new)

  27. UK AMSTEMM Recommendations for Similar Programs: • Focus on a viable population from which to recruit • Recruitment activities should be large & diverse • Consider carefully before offering a summer camp experience • Provide a small, welcoming, supportive environment • Mentoring by peers seems to have a positive impact

  28. UK AMSTEMM Recommendations (Continued): • Supplemental academic support increases retention • Peer-Led Team Learning Programs (PLTL) positively impact grades • Small classes are a significant benefit to students • Mentored research experiences engage students • Community-building events are valuable • Engagement of students is the most difficult challenge

  29. UK AMSTEMM Questions? Discussion?

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