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NATRIUM SILICATUM. PETRA CIHLAROVA www.homeopatie- praha.com. Natrium silicatum case. Women , 33 years old Closed and reserved like „ Nat -m“ Elegant, black eyes , sad look Troubles begun 2 years ago, when she got devorced. Main physical troubles :.

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  1. NATRIUM SILICATUM PETRA CIHLAROVA www.homeopatie-praha.com

  2. Natrium silicatum case • Women, 33 yearsold • Closedandreservedlike „Nat-m“ • Elegant, blackeyes, sad look • Troublesbegun 2 years ago, whenshegotdevorced

  3. Mainphysicaltroubles: • Startedsuddenly in theevening • Lowerobdomengotswollenandsore • Painexpanded to back • Sharp pain as fromknife, spreadfromstomachdownwards • Worse – aftereating, usingantidepresivepills, sittingforlongertime

  4. Sharp pain as from knife

  5. Mainphysicaltroubles: • Frequenturge to urinate • Constipationalternateddiarrhea • Painful flatulence • Painstarted on therightside, nowis on bothsides • Painwakes her up in night, neverstops • Strongnausea, can´t eat

  6. Mainphysicaltroubles: • In 2 yearsthepain has neverstopped • A little bit betterwhensheeats toolittle • Severaltimeshospitalized • Gynecological, internal, laboratories, x-rayexaminationswith no results

  7. Migrains: • Started in puberty • Worsewhenshewas married – 3-4 days per week, nowonce a month • Pullingpainextendingfromforehead to eyeandcheek • Painstarted on leftside, thanrightside • Worse as result to noiseandlight • Accompanied by vomiting

  8. Menstruation: • Painful • Delayed 2 or 3 weeks • Cramps in lowerobdomen

  9. Anotherphysicaltroubles: • Dry, sensitive, itching skin • Rederuption on upper part ofchest • Acne on back • Redandinflamedeyes in themorning • Sleeplesness • Exhaustion

  10. Mentalstate: • Awfulmarriage • Feltalone • Husbandwastedtheir money, shedidn´t tell itanyone • Had to devorse • Traditionalcatholicfamilyandfriends • Sadness, hold back her tears

  11. Theremedy I gave her: • Natrium muriaticum 30, 200, 1M duringnext 5 month • Natrium carbonicum – no result • Magnesium muriaticum – no result • Phosphoricumacidum – no result • Natrium muriaticum – seems to bequitegood

  12. I wentback to situation, whenitstarted: • Shelived in catholicfamily • Nobodyfrom her familyandfriendsnevergotdevorced • She had to do it just 2 yearsaftermarriage • Howdidshefeelaboutit?

  13. How did she feel?

  14. Shefelt: • Estrangedfrom her family • Not belong to them • Not belong to anybody • Alone • Strongaversion to her husband

  15. Repertorization: • MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his: (31) • MIND - DELUSIONS - family, does not belong to her own: (3) • MIND - DESPAIR - love, fromdisappointed: (4) • MIND - DELUSIONS - alone, being - alwaysalone; sheis: (7) • MIND - DELUSIONS - alone, being - belong to anyone; shedid not: (5) • MIND - AVERSION - husband, to: (18)

  16. Natrium silicatum

  17. Followups: • Natrium silicatum 200 in July 2010 • August 2010: much better, lookedchanged, painabout 50% better • September 2010: sherepeatedremedyonceforpain, ithelps, butreturnedoldthoughts : Natrium silicatum 1M • Actouber 2010: no pain, sleepwell, energyenough, goodmood • April 2011: givethanks

  18. Follow up April 2011

  19. Natriumsilicatum - mind • Feeling being alone, not belong to the group, even to her family, estranged • Deep sadness, prolong grieve, despair • Confusion about his feelings • Irresolution, indifference, laziness • Fears – failure, people, crowd, dark, disease, death, alone • Aversion certain persons, husband • Amel. – dancing, physical exertion, music

  20. Natriumsilicatum - physical • Headache, migrains • Weakness • Poor digestion • Cramps after eating • Stitching pain in abdomen • Sleeplesness – cares, thoughts activity • Pain – back, extremities, menses

  21. Natrium silicatum – theremedyfordevorse?

  22. Differential diagnosis • Natrium muriaticum • Ailmentsfromdisappointed love • Closed, reserved • Aversion to husband • Desairfromfuture • Grieve - prolong, silent

  23. Differentialdiagnosis • Silicea • Fearoffailureineexamination • Desireforsunshine • Irresolution • Pedant

  24. Differentialdiagnosis • Carcinosin • Chronicsadness • Feeling beingalone • Pedant

  25. Are foryou, Homeopaths, variouslevelofhealing? • Forme, as homeopath, there are practically many levelsofhealing, but just onerightway to help my patiens. Itdepents on howdeep I´m able to go to the story ofpatientandhowsimilaristheremedywhich I givethem.

  26. Ifso, whichonce? • Ifwegivetheremedy, usuallysomethinghappens. Wecancallitlevelsofhealing, butformeitisthewayhow to findthesimillimum. I think, that in ourpracticethere are just seldomcases in whichwecansay: „Yes, thisisthesimillimum!“ andthepatientis happy for many years on oneremedy. Usuallywehave to changetheremedy more often. And thequestionisWhy? May beourknowledgeis not goodenough to findthesimillimum, orallworldischangingsoourpatientand his remedyischanging, too, orthere are variouslevelsofhealingandwecansee just whatisfloating on thesurface.

  27. Whichstrategies are youapplying in yourpractice? • When I start to treatthepatient, I alwaysgivethebestremedywhich I can, but not always I´m able to reach a goalandchoosetherightremedywhichthepatientneeds. We cancallitlevelsofhealingorthepathhow to findtherightremedyandreachthegoal. • In my practice I´m applyingthesimplestrategy: Carefuly listen thepatient, takethe centre line of his story andchoosethebestremedywhich I can. And seewhathappenandreact on it.

  28. Homeopathycan • Free people from: • - Fears • - Pain • - Disease • Change point ofview • Wecanchangetheworld. Let‘s do it!

  29. Sourcesofthepictures • https://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • ://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • https://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • ttps://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • https://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • g.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465. • https://www.google.cz/search?hl=cs&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=641&q=bolest&oq=bolest&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1290.2136.0.3465.

  30. Thankyouforyourattention

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