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P2P = “Structured Overlay Networks for Peer-to-Peer systems”. Luigi Liquori, 97 Ph.D. Università degli studi di Torino 07 H.d.R . “ H abilitation à diriger les recherches ”, École Nat Sup des Mines de Nancy
P2P =“Structured Overlay Networksfor Peer-to-Peer systems” • Luigi Liquori, • 97 Ph.D. Universitàdeglistudidi Torino • 07 H.d.R. “Habilitation àdiriger les recherches”, École Nat Sup des Mines de Nancy • 08 “Habilité au fonctions de professeurs de Universités’’ 2008-2012 • 10 Research Director, Équipe LogNet, INRIA Sophia AntipolisMéditerranée
Course setting • COURSE = P2P : “Future Internet and Overlay Networks” • HH = around 40h (20h by me and +20h by Prof. Legout) • MODULE = “Structured Overlay Networks P2P systems” • Exams = SW project • PRE = General notions of systems and networks • OPT = “Computability”, “Data-bases”, “Logics”, “Security” • POST = “Design, analyze and implement p2p networks and overlay-based applications”
Topics : structured overlay networks for P2P • CHORD (Stoica & al), lessons • Academic and pedagogical a sort of “PASCAL/BASIC” in overlay networks • KADEMLIA (Maymounkov and Mazières), lessons • Academic with free implementations and widely used (emule) • BIT TORRENT, (Cohen) ½ of the course <<<< A. LEGOUT • Non academic, with free implementations and widely used • SKYPE (Zennström & Friis), lesson • Non academic : open, use Kademlia, very widely used for VOIP • INTERCONNECTING OVERLAY NETW (Liquori), lesson • Academic but practical : allow different overlay protocols to communicate • NAT TRAVERSAL, lessons • How stablish and maintain TCP/IP/UDP connections traversinggateways
Other issues (micro survey) in the course • Publish/subscribe paradigm • Content-centric routing (Jacobson & al. CONEXT 09) • Ontologies for internet computability • Coordination languages to deal with algorithmic aspects • Trust and reputation issues • Denial of service attacks • “Inter netting” overlay networks • Principles of “Internet computability”
“Spot on” • A quick window of the module (lesson 1) • Preludio : some internet facts • Course vision : “Computer scale-up to internet” • Step 1 : Reference model of future internet • Step 2 : Reference model of internet computer • Inside submodule “Structured overlay networks for p2p” (lessons 3-4) • Chord, lecture • Topology, routing, and churn • Kademlia, lecture • Topology • Routing (put, get), • Churn (join, leave) • Inter-netting structured overlay networks (lesson 7) • Dealing with network partitions
Preludio: some internet facts • Internet traffic : ~80% is P2P and ~20% is Web • Some leading p2p protocols : • Some leading p2p class of applications : file exchange • In progress: VOIP, TVIP, STREAMIP, CLOUD • General p2p anarchy : no coordination, no cooperation • Total p2p heterogeneity : protocols, topology, security, devices, users .. • P2P “inter-routing” is almost impossible • Often with the same purpose but ≠ routing and topologies • Actor 1 : Resource discovery • Actor 2 : Resource coordination • “ …les ingredients pour … un modèle de calcul pour l’internet ! ” • Actor 3 : Peers organization • Actor 4 : Peers reputation
Course vision : “Computer scale-up to internet” • 1946. von Neumann. “Principle of large scale computing machines” • “Large Scale” in 1946 means ENIAC • 1946-2010. From ENIAC to Cray XT5 Jaguar and G5K via iPhone • 20XX. “Large scale” means “Internet scale” • Von Neumann architecture does not scale-up to internet
Step 1 : reference model of future internet • “Inter-netting” heterogeneous overlay networks • The “Cerf & Kahn ’77” cannot lead to a standardized p2p communication layer • Backward compatibility of all existent p2p protocols • P2P inventors are often next door computer scientists or users’ communities • Competition vs. Collaboration • Interconnecting etherogeneous ON • Exaustive routing is almost achieved • Content-based routing (Jacobson) • Logical payload • Hybrid topologies and underlay networks • Peers organization via social-based & reputation primitives • Genericity : add many services on the top of the ON
Step 2 : reference model of an internet computer • Internet Computer (IC) : abstraction on top of an overlay network • Peers are physically connected via IP/adhoc/MANET • Peers are logically organized in a Virtual Organization • IC Reference model • Bus = Internet and routing • Memory = ΣkKDHTk(distributed hash table) • CPU = ΣkKCPUk(distributed central units) • IC Programming model • Language = Protocol • Word = Packet • Pointer = Address • Type = Port • Universality, Genericity, Polymorphism, “Turing completeness” • Virtual intermittence • Resource discovery • Reputation • Orchestration
“Spot on” • A quick window of the module (lesson 1) • Preludio : some internet facts • Course vision : “Computer scale-up to internet” • Step 1 : Reference model of future internet • Step 2 : Reference model of internet computer • Inside submodule “Structured overlay networks for p2p” (lessons 3-4) • Key figures (reminder) • Chord, lecture • Topology, routing, and churn • Kademlia, lecture • Topology • Routing (put, get), • Churn (join, leave) • Inter-netting structured overlay networks (lesson 7)
General picture of overlay networks B A C Overlay Network Treatn hops through IP network asm (less than m) hopsin an overlay network Physical Network
Key figures in SON (reminder) • Data discovery is deterministic : a.k.a. 2nd generation overlays • Distributed Hash Table (DHT) : stores (key, value) pairs in nodes • Key-based routing : N.lookup(K) route from the node N generator of the lookup to the node M that owns the key K via a routing path of “closer” nodes (according to a given metric distance in a logical key space) • Routing table : local table that maintain links to other nodes • Churn : rate of node joins and leaves in a p2p network
Key figures in SON (cont’d) • Overlay topologies • Exhaustive lookup with logarithmic complexity • Uniformity vs. proximity of key storage • Consistent hashing of keys and IPs via SHA-1 • Peer join • Getting a logic ID • Positioning into the overlay structure • Stabilize the overlay (maintenance) • Opportunistic vs. Active maintenance of routing tables • Bootstrapping of an overlay network • Peer leave • Faulty routing tables • Fair play vs. non fair play leaving
Chord 1 : Consistent Hashing • SHA-1: {IP} U {KEYS} -> NAT • SHA-1(IP) = NIP • SHA-1(fookey) = Kfoo • Node Nx stores all keys Ky such that Nx ≤ Ky < pred(Nx)
Chord 2 : (Local) Finger Tables • On every node N • finger : array[1...m] • 2m is the logical space • finger[k] = succ(N + 2k-1) mod 2m with 1 ≤ k ≤ m
Chord 3 : Recursive routing 8 < finger[6] ≤ 54 42
Kademlia 1 • Peer-to-peer (key,value) storage and lookup system • A number of desirable features not simultaneously offered by any previous peer-to-peer system • It minimizes the number of messages to learn topology • Stabilization spreads automatically during key lookup • Nodes can route queries through low-latency paths • Parallel, asynchronous msg to avoid timeout delays from failed nodes • Basic mechanisms to resists to certain basic denial of service attacks
Kademlia 2 • Keys are “opaque”, 160-bit quantities • Participating computers each have a node ID in the 160-bit key space. (key, value) pairs are stored on nodes with IDs “close” to the key for some notion of closeness • A node-ID-based routing algorithm lets anyone locate servers near a destination • XOR metric for distance between points in the key space • XOR is symmetric, allowing Kademlia participants to receive lookup queries from precisely the same distribution of nodes contained in their routing tables
XOR metric 1 • Given two 160-bit identifiers, x and y, Kademlia defines the distance between them as their bitwise exclusive or (XOR) interpreted as an integer, i.e. d (x, y) = x⊕y • d (x, x) = 0 • d (x, y) > 0 if x ≠ y, • For all x, y. d (x, y) = d (y, x) • d (x, y) + d (y, z) ≧ d (x, z) • d (x, y) ⊕d (y, z) = d (x, z) • For all a≧0, b≧0. a + b ≧ a ⊕b
XOR metric 2 • XOR is unidirectional • For any given point x and distance △ > 0, there is exactly one point y such that d (x, y) = △ • Unidirectionality ensures that all lookups for the same key converge along the same path, regardless of the originating node • Caching (key, value) pairs along the lookup path alleviates hot spots • XOR topology is also symmetric • d (x, y) = d (y, x) for all x and y
Node state 1 • For each 0 ≦ i < 160, every node keeps a list of (IP address, UDP port, Node ID) triples for nodes of distance between 2i and 2i+1 from itself • We call these lists “k-buckets” • The size is not fixed a priori but is chosen such that any given k nodes are very unlikely to fail within an hour of each other (for example k = 20) i-bucket
Node state 2 • Each k-bucket is kept sorted by time last seen • Least-recently seen node at the head • Most-recently seen at the tail
Node state 3 • When a Kademlia node receives any message (request or reply) from another node, it updates the appropriate k-bucket for the sender’s node ID • If the sending node already exists in the recipient’s k-bucket, the recipient moves it to the tail of the list • If the node is not already in the appropriate k-bucket and the bucket has fewer than k entries, then the recipient just inserts the new sender at the tail of the list • If the appropriate k-bucket is full, then the recipient pings the k-bucket’s least-recently seen node to decide what to do • If the least-recently seen node fails to respond, it is evicted from the k-bucket and the new sender inserted at the tail • If the least-recently seen node responds, it is moved to the tail of the list, and the new sender’s contact is discarded
Kademlia in the P2P system 1 Key words table • In the eMule,a P2P file exchange software, Kademlia network has two table : the Key words table and the Data index table To Find: Wii tips and tricks.pdf Key words: Wii, tricks Hash(Wii) Hash()=>SHA-1,160bit Hash(trick)
Kademlia in the P2P system 2 Data index table • Data index table: To Find: 1011…001 1011…001
Keywords in Kademlia Hash of “break” only !
“Spot on” • A quick window of the module (lesson 1) • Preludio : some internet facts • Course vision : “Computer scale-up to internet” • Step 1 : Reference model of future internet • Step 2 : Reference model of internet computer • Inside submodule “Structured overlay networks for p2p” (lessons 3-4) • Chord (previous lecture) • Topology, routing, and churn • Kademlia (this lecture) • Topology • Routing (put, get), • Churn (join, leave) • Inter-netting structured overlay networks (lesson 7) • Dealing with network partitions
Inter netting structured overlay networks • Example 1: Two DHT-based overlay networks (key,value) • One pair is stored in DHT1 and searched for in DHT2 • Many pairs stored in both DHTs can be found • Two companies wishing to share/aggregate information • Better fault-tolerance, and data availability • Example 2: An Overlay Network get some nodes isolated • So called “network partitions” • Alternative physical routing via ON inter-routing
(Techi) Inside Protocols [RunW=Intel,Time ≥ 10m) AND[ProgW=LINUX, Distro=DEB] OR [RunW=Intel,Time ≥ 10m) AND[ProgW=LINUX, Distro=OSX] OR [RunW=AMD, Time ≥ 10m] AND[ProgW=VISTA, Distro=BUG] • VIP:SREG (Id,Mode,FromCard,ToCard, Payload) • VIP: SUPD (Id,Mode,FromCard,ToCard, Payload) • RDP: SREQ (Id,Mode,FromCard,ToCard, Payload • RDP: SRESP (Id,Mode,FromCard,ToCard, Payload) • RDP: SNOTIF (Id,Mode,FromCard,ToCard) • Mode{LOGIN, LOGOUT, ACCEPT, REJECT, LOOP, ☺, ☠,…} • Card = (IP-PORT-PKI) • Service ::= HumW | RunW | StockW | ProgW | DataW | LinkW • Payload ::= ORi=1..m(ANDj=1..n j)i where ::= (Service,Constraints*) | NOT() Payload looks like a first-order logic language… Pattern-matching algorithms and Constraint Logic Programming for routing content-based networks