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Learn about the advantages of the four-umpire system and the pre-game considerations, terms to remember, and mechanics involved in this system.
ADVANTAGES OF FOUR (4) SYSTEM • Provides best coverage of field. • An umpire always goes out on any ball hit over the infield.
THINGS TO GO OVER IN PRE-GAME • Down and set with runners on base. • Who goes out if the ball is hit directly to the left or right fielder. • Responsibilities with runners on base. • Tag up responsibilities.
TERMS TO REMEMBER • 90 DEGREE ANGLE (TAG) – the path of the runner into a base or tag not involving a base together with the umpire’s line of vision, form a 90 degree angle. • 90 DEGREE ANGLE (THROW) – the location on force plays. The path of the ball (throw) to a base together with the umpire’s line of vision form a 90 degree angle. • ALWAYS WORK FOR A 90 DEGREE ANGLE!
TERMS TO REMEMBER • PASSING THE BATON – this occurs between plays. • One umpire MUST always be aware of the situation so runners never leave a base and violate leaving a base while the ball is in the circle being held by the pitcher. • Once all play has ended, the plate umpire will signal for the base umpire to move to their next calling position.
TERMS TO REMEMBER • PASSING THE BATON (Continued) – • Once the base umpire reaches their next calling position, they signal to the plate umpire that they have the base runner(s) for leaving early before the next pitch. • The plate umpire then moves into their position behind the catcher for the next pitch. • EXAMPLES OF PASSING THE BATON!
TERMS TO REMEMBER • HOLDING POSITION – an area from which you can choose a position for an impending play or a variety of plays. • A holding position is NEVER a calling position.
TERMS TO REMEMBER • WORKING BETWEEN PITCHES - Preparatory movement toward a possible play after a pitch is not hit. • If there is no immediate play to a base by the catcher on a pitch not hit, you should move toward a position for a possible delayed play on the lead runner.
TERMS TO REMEMBER • PRIMARY POSITION – the initial location assumed by an umpire. • CALLING POSITION – the subsequent movement or adjustment, usually one or two steps from the PRIMARY POSITION. • SECONDARY POSITION – the subsequent location assumed after the initial play or after a runner has obtained a base.
BETWEEN INNING MECHANICS • 3rd base umpire comes into the infield to clean the pitcher’s plate as soon as the last out is recorded. • Remember “butt to center field” or better known as …. • 1st and 3rd base umpires move to a position on the edge of the grass about 15’ inside the base foul line. • 2nd base umpire stays in the centerfield area on the edge of the grass. • Plate umpire moves to the side of the team taking the field. • Watch the on-deck batter.
THINGS TO REMEMBER • Plate umpire stands behind home and the base umpires will face the plate umpire positioned just outside the batters boxes. • Have a good pre-game coaches, captains and umpires meeting. • Only review what needs to be reviewed. • No ground rule can supersede a book rule. • Remember to READ the Sportsmanship statement. • The HEAD coach and team captain(s) MUST be at the pre-game meeting.
THINGS TO REMEMBER • 3rd base umpire - always keep the pitching rubber clean between innings. • Exception if the 3rd base umpire is out on fly ball. • As soon as the last out is made. • Base umpire – watch the pitcher for illegal pitches. • If she is illegal – YOU MUST CALL IT • Immediately and WITHOUT exception! • Be prepared to explain your call. • Do not attempt to explain it unless are asked.
THINGS TO REMEMBER • Watch for obstruction / interference. (POT) • Award accordingly. • Does not matter if the runner would not have made the next base. • POE – watch 1st baseman standing on inside of corner of the base, not allowing the batter-runner that inside corner of the base.
Button-Hook Technique • With no runners on base and there is a clean base hit to the outfield, the base umpire needs to come and “button-hook”. • With moving into the infield, watching the batter-runner touches the base, you observe the BR movement, if she moves back towards first base, you move back with her to get the 90 degree angle in the event of a throw. • If the BR advances to 2nd base, you stay inside the infield and advance to 2nd paralleling the base path.
Ball Rotation (Rule 4-1-4) • The pitcher has a choice of balls at the start of each ½ inning. • In the event a 2nd new ball did not get into the game in the top of the first inning, then rotate a new one in. • If a ball is hit or thrown into dead ball territory rotate another ball into the game, NO EXCEPTION! • Review 4-1-4 for more details of the rule.
THINGS TO REMEMBER • Remember your secondary responsibilities. • That routine fly ball can always hit the outfielder on top of her head or just plain be dropped!!! • If you deviate - communicate!!! • While fly ball coverages are set in stone, many secondary responsibilities are not-that’s why pre-game and communication are so important!!!
NO ONE ON - MOVEMENT WITH PITCH • Both 1st and 3rd base umpires start between 10’ -15’ behind their bases. Watching the pitcher, walk forward a couple of steps with the release of the pitch. • 2nd base umpire starts on the 2nd - 3rd base line extended behind 2nd base. • Always in a set / down position. • Make yourself “small”.
STANDARD MOVEMENT WITH BASE HIT THROUGH THE INFIELD • All base umpires button hook into the infield. • Each is responsible for his / her base. • Plate umpire comes into the infield, always from around the right hand batters box.
NO ONE ON - FLY BALL NEAR LEFT FIELD LINE • 3rd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks in, watches for batter-runner touching first. • Then moves to holding zone between home and 1st. • Must get home if ball is dropped (righthand batter box)`. • 2nd base umpire button hook in. • Watch runner touch 2nd. • Plate umpire comes into infield watching for the catch. • If ball is not caught, moves to holding zone between 3rd and home. • Goes to 3rd if play comes there.
NO ONE ON –FLY TO LEFT CENTER FIELD • 2nd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks in. • Watches runner to first. • Be ready to move to holding zone if fly ball is not caught. • 3rd base umpire goes to 2nd base. • Takes batter-runner if ball is not caught. • Plate umpire goes to holding zone. • Moves towards 3rd if ball is not caught.
NO ONE ON – FLY BALL RIGHT FIELD LINE • 1st base umpire goes out. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield. • 3rd base umpire button hooks into infield. • Plate umpire trails batter runner up 1st base line. • Has call at 1st base.
RUNNER ON 1ST – GROUND BALL IN THE INFIELD • 1st base umpire moves into position for the call at 1st. • 2nd base umpire moves to get the angle for the call at 2nd. • 3rd base umpire moves into fair ball territory in case something should happen. • Plate umpire trails batter-runner towards 1st and then moves to holding zone if something should happen.
RUNNER ON 1ST –FLY BALL DOWN LEFT FIELD LINE • 3rd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks in and has tag up at 1st base. • Moves to holding zone after batter-runner touches 1st if ball drops and attempts to advance to 2nd base. • Be ready to rotate home. • 2nd base umpire button hook into infield. • Plate umpire trails batter-runner to 1st and moves to 3rd base line holding zone and has call at 3rd if ball drops.
RUNNER ON 1ST – FLY BALL TO CENTER FIELD • 2nd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks in. Watches tag at 1st. Waits until batter-runner touches 1st and then releases to holding zone. • Be ready to rotate home. • 3rd base umpire goes to 2nd base. • Plate umpire moves into infield. • Moves to holding zone if ball is not caught. • Has call at 3rd if necessary.
RUNNER ON 1ST – FLY BALL DOWN RIGHT FIELD LINE • 1st base umpire goes out. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield. • 3rd base umpire button hooks into infield. • Plate umpire trails batter-runner to 1st. • Has tag up at 1st. • Has call at 1st if necessary. • Moves back to home if ball is not caught.
RUNNER ON 2ND –FLY BALL NEAR LEFT FIELD LINE • 3rd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks into infield. • Watches batter runner touch 1st. • Moves to holding zone. • Rotates home if needed. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield. • Has tag at 2nd. • Plate umpire moves to holding zone. • Has play at 3rd.
RUNNER ON 2ND – FLY BALL TO CENTER FIELD • 2nd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire comes inside between 1st & 2nd. • If the ball is not caught, watches batter-runner touch 1st base. • Moves to the holding zone for possible play at home. • 3rd base umpire comes inside and towards 2nd base watches tag at 2nd. • Plate umpire moves to the holding zone. • If there is a tag up at 2nd base and she advances to 3rd, umpire moves inside and make the call. 38
RUNNER ON 2ND – FLY BALL NEAR RIGHT FIELD LINE • 1st base umpire goes out. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield and has tag at 2nd. • 3rd base umpire buttonhooks into infield and has call at 3rd. • Plate umpire trails batter-runner to 1st. Has call at 1st. • Releases towards home.
RUNNER ON 3RD – FLY BALL NEAR LEFT FIELD LINE. • 3rd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks into infield. • Has his / her base. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield, has his / her base. • Plate umpire moves to holding zone, watching for the tag. • Then moves back towards home for possible play.
RUNNER ON 3RD – FLY BALL TO RIGHT CENTER FIELD • 2nd base umpire goes out. • 1st bases umpire button hooks into infield. • 3rd base umpire moves into the infield and has calls at 2nd base. • Plate umpire moves to holding zone. • Has tag at 3rd and watches runner into home.
RUNNER ON 3RD – FLY BALL NEAR RIGHT FIELD LINE • 1st base umpire goes out. • 2nd base umpire moves to holding zone between 1st and 2nd. Has possible play at 1st if ball should fall in. • 3rd base umpire button hooks into infield. • Plate umpire has tag at 3rd. Has runner coming home.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 2ND - FLY BALL NEAR LEFT FIELD LINE • 3rd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks into infield. • Has tag at 1st. • 2nd base umpire button hooks into infield. • Has tag at 2nd. • In the event the runner that started on 1st advances beyond 2nd base, they have that runner into 3rd base. • Plate umpire moves to holding zone. • Moves to 3rd if play develops there on lead runner. • Be prepared to move back to home in the event that runner advances.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 2ND – FLY BALL TO LEFT CENTER FIELD • 2nd base umpire goes out. • 1st base umpire button hooks into infield. • Has tag at 1st. • Moves to holding zone and then to home if play develops there. • 3rd base umpire moves into infield. • Has tag at 2nd. • Should be prepared to cover 1st in the event the runner moves back toward 1st. • Plate umpire moves to holding zone. • Moves to 3rd if play develops there.