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Learn about programming insights, advice, and evaluation criteria for Python programs. Understand the importance of reliability, completeness, sensitivity, and dynamic range. Gain insights into marking criteria and helpful programming habits to earn extra marks. Discover valuable tips on approaching problems, handling loop iterations, and ensuring code correctness. Explore the significance of program execution and algorithm accuracy. Avoid common mistakes like data type conversions and input handling. Analyze source catalog reliability, completeness, and sensitivity. Decode logN-logS plot interpretations and Eddington bias implications. Discover the intricacies of catalog analysis through examples and discussions. Anticipate potential issues like confusion and dynamic range for a comprehensive understanding.
Lecture 9 • Some tut and python notes • The catalog of sources • How good is it? • Reliability, completeness, sensitivity • LogN-logS • Confusion • Dynamic range
Insight into Tut marking • Questions and proofs are marked in a standard fashion. Programs are more difficult. • My criteria for programs: • Does it run? • Is the algorithm correct? • Is it free from evil practices? • Are all the requirements addressed? • I give these four equal weight, and try to judge them separately. • PLUS one can earn extra marks by conspicuous use of some good programming habit.
Some remarks and advice about python programming. • The way to attack a problem is to attempt to break it into pieces and solve the pieces individually. • “If you don’t understand how to solve a problem, do any part of it you do understand, then look at the whole again.” (R Heinlein). • Programming is one of the few activities in which procrastination (putting unpleasant things off for later) can be a good thing.
Procrastination example • Tut 2, the MC: • It should be clear that you have to do something a million times. It may not be clear to you exactly what. So write a loop over the million times, and shove all the rest into a function: • A little more thought tells you that the function must return a chi squared value. So change to: • Worry about the function later! numIter = 1000000 for i in range(numIter): doSomething() numIter = 1000000 chi2Vals = [] for i in range(numIter): chi2Vals.append(calcChi2())
Remarks and advice continued. • The first most important thing your code should do is run, and the second is that it must work correctly. • If these criteria are not met, it is pointless to worry about “saving memory/time/characters.”
Remarks and advice continued • The pass statement makes a useful placeholder if your code is incomplete but you want to see if it runs. Eg • The raise statement is a useful way to stop the program if there is an error. Eg • Don’t forget that 2-d numpy arrays are in row-column order, not x-y. Ie, shape[0] is the number of rows, hence the size of the matrix in the Y direction, not the X. def calcChi2(): pass if calcChi2()<=0.0: raise ‘nonPosChi2’
Remarks and advice continued • Converting intfloatint again (as some of you did in tut 1) falls into the ugly category of evility. As such, I’ll deduct marks for it. • I won’t penalize the following, but I think they are bad ideas: • Use of raw_input rather than sys.argv. • The reason is you may want to run your python programs from within a script. You can’t do that if the program blocks for input. • Omitting the #!/usr/bin/env python. • If you don’t have this, and forget and attempt to run your program as a stand-alone, you will get some weird results! (Among other reasons, because import is also a unix command.)
How to analyse the source catalog. • Things we want to know: • Reliability: • The number (or fraction) of false positives. • Completeness: • The fraction of real sources we are finding. People say things such as “the survey is essentially complete at a flux greater than so-and-so.” • Sensitivity: • Broadly speaking this is the flux at which we are only detecting 50% of the sources. • These are often not very exactly defined terms.
A source-detection Monte Carlo: • Things to note from this plot: • Fainter sources become more numerous… • …until a cutoff value of S. • Measured ^S is scattered about true S. • The ^S distribution is biased at low S.
The logN–logS plot. • In a ‘Euclidean universe’, • Therefore • But Olbers’ paradox says there must be a cutoff. • This is observed in several actual surveys. => large-scale structure. Input fluxes
Eddington bias • Happens because measured flux ^S is random – it is scattered about the true value. • The result is a ‘blurring’ of the ‘true’ logN-logS. • Because usually n(S) has a negative slope, this blurring inflates the number of sources. Red: ‘measurable’ fluxes
How does our catalog shape up? • The really interesting things in the logN-logS curve always seem to be happening just at our sensitivity limit. 2 things to do: • Persuade ESA/NASA etc to spend $$$$ on a bigger and better telescope; • What do you mean, “don’t be ridiculous?” • Ok then, let’s lower the Pcutoff. • But… Blue: ‘true’ detections
…Don’t forget the falsies. • Next episode: Confusion, dynamic range. Cyan: false detections.
Confusion A NICMOS exposure towards the galactic centre. Credit: Spitzer Science Centre/STScI An all-instrument mosaic of XMM EPIC cameras. A rich stellar cluster.
A 1D simulation. • Start with a distribution of sources. Euclidean model gives: • Each source has some random structure. • They also vary in width. n(S) αS-5/2 (Actually I used a lower power to make the plots look better.)
A 1D simulation. • Add in instrumental broadening. • Now every source looks much the same. • ‘Unresolved sources’. • Most sources in eg optical, radio, x-ray images are unresolved.
A 1D simulation. • And finally, add noise. (Remember, it can happen the other way around – first noise then broadening.) • Sensitivity here is limited by noise. • Suppose we push the noise right down, by observing longer, or with a more sensitive instrument…?
Confusion • …Eventually the sensitivity becomes confusion-limited. • At each point in the sky, the nett flux is a sum of contributions from >1 source. • Brightest contributor named the confused source; its flux and position are distorted. • All fainter are not directly observable. • But, can get statistical info on n(S) from noise distribution.
Two possible remedies: • Subtract sources, starting with the brightest. • Eg the CLEAN algorithm in radio interferometry. • Eg 2: sExtractor. Brightest subtracted
The other possible remedy: • Try to reduce the instrumental broadening.
Higher resolution • Methods: • Via hardware: wider aperture – higher resolution. • Or software: deconvolution (eg Maximum Entropy). • The fundamental limit comes from the widths of the objects themselves – ‘natural confusion.’
Eg the Hubble Deep Field. Credit STScI
Example of bright source subtraction: Planet 1 Planet 2 Credit: Gemini Observatory/AURA
Another example: hot gas around Cen B Raw Smoothed Bright sources subtracted Dummy Schroeder, Mamon and Stewart – in preparation.
Dynamic range • The problem with this is that the subtraction may not be perfect. • Imperfect measurement of source position or flux. • Calibration errors (interferometry). • Imperfect knowledge of the source profile (XMM). • Ratio of brightest source to remaining artifacts called the dynamic range. Imperfect subtraction of the PSF in a MERLIN image. Best dynamic range only 104 (=40 dB).