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Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act

Olmstead Committee. Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. What is a Meeting?. Communication among a quorum Topic within jurisdiction of the Committee Discuss, debate or deliberate. Purpose. Public participation in government outweighs efficiency

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Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Olmstead Committee Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act

  2. What is a Meeting? • Communication among a quorum • Topic within jurisdiction of the Committee • Discuss, debate or deliberate

  3. Purpose • Public participation in government outweighs efficiency • Receipt, processing and discussion of information by a quorum without public participation violates the Act

  4. Type of Communication • Clarification of an issue within Committee’s jurisdiction • Facilitation of an agreement or compromise • Conversation that advances the resolution of an issue • Any aspect of deliberative process

  5. Serial Meetings • Telephone conversations or e-mails • Individual contacts involve less than a quorum, but ultimately involve a quorum • Meeting without public participation

  6. Serial Communication • “Reply All” • Posting the communication that occurs outside of a regular meeting does not cure the violation of Bagley-Keene.

  7. Distribution of Information • Materials for upcoming meeting • Include in members’ meeting packets • Make available to the public • No communication on material distributed prior to the meeting

  8. Agenda • 10 days prior to the meeting • Agenda items for both open and closed session • Description of business to be discussed or transacted • Committee may not discuss or act on matters not included in the agenda • New issues raised by public included in next agenda

  9. Work Groups • Three or more • Created by action of the Committee or any member of the Committee • Subject to the Act

  10. Public records • Written materials provided to majority of the Committee must be made available to the public, unless exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act.

  11. Social Gatherings • Conferences, retreats or gatherings attended by a quorum of the members • Avoid discussion of topics within Committee’s jurisdiction


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