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Catholic Social Teaching. Promotion of Peace and Disarmament. Definition.
Catholic Social Teaching Promotion of Peace and Disarmament
Definition • The promotion of peace and disarmament is not only the promotion of nonviolence such as wars but it is also the discouragement of anything that disrupts the relationship between men, both spiritually and physically. Promotion of peace/disarmament is the respect for human dignity where we strive for justice for every one, friends or fiends.
Pope John Paul II: “Peace is not just the absence of war. It involves mutual respect and confidence between people and nation.” CCC: “Every human life, from the moment of conception until death, is sacred because the human person has been willed for its own sake in the image and likeness of the living and holy God.”
What does it mean to be at peace with one another? • Calmness • Tranquility • Fairness • Serenity • Freedom from quarrels • Nonviolent (verbally and physically) • Agreement • Justice • Harmonious relations • Public security and order • Etc
Disarmament? Huh? • “Disarmament is the acting of laying down arms, especially the reduction or abolition of a nation’s military forces and armaments.” • Simple Term: The acting of putting down weaponry, especially the decline or removal of military weapons.
Why Promote Peace/Disarmament? 5th Commandment: “You shall not KILL” 2nd Greatest Commandment: “Love your neighbors as yourself.” 7th Beatitude: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called son of God.” “Would you kill me?” “I believe it will save lives and be the first step to achieving Christian values in the world” – Steven Johnson
War of Afghanistan • TEN YEARS!!! • Lost of innocent lives/ Military soldiers • Drafts (Is it justice?) • 919,967 have been killed (lowest est)
Pax Christi USA “Pax Christi USA strives to create a world that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring, articulating, and witnessing to the call of Christian nonviolence. This work begins in personal life and extends to communities of reflection and action to transform structures of society. Pax Christi USA rejects war, preparations for war, and every form of violence and domination. It advocates primacy of conscience, economic and social justice, and respect for creation.” -national Catholic Organization -over 500,000 Catholics every year -400 local groups -100 bishop members -700 parish sponsors -600 religious communities -50 college and high school
Nuclear Bombing • A 10-megaton weapon can deal severe damage up to a distance of 11 miles and moderate damage at 15 miles. • Blast • Radiation • Heat • Bombing of Hiroshima: • - August 6, 1945 • 78,150 deaths • 13,983 missing • 129,558 total casualties minor/major
World peace starts with YOU! • If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.Lao Tzu
Bibliography • The CCC 2302- 2316 ( The Catechism of the Catholic Church) • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Literature • "Pax Christi USA." Working for Peace. WordPress, 1945. Web. 24 Aug 2011. <http://paxchristiusa.org/>. • "The United States Stategic Bombing Survey." The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagaski. United States Government Printing Office, 1946. Web. 24 Aug 2011. <http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/USSBS/AtomicEffects/index.html>. • Google Images
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