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JEOPARDY. IMMUNOLOGY. WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR. This costimulator is expressed by professional APCs including B cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages and binds to molecules on T cells called CD28. What is B7 OR B7.1 or B7.2?. WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR.

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  2. This costimulator is expressed by professional APCs including B cells,dendritic cells, and macrophages and binds to molecules on T cells calledCD28. What is B7 OR B7.1 or B7.2? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  3. These cells regulate the infiltration of leukocytes into inflammatoryreactions. What are venular endothelial cells? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  4. This complement component can mimic immediate hypersensitivity reactions bydirectly causing mast cell degranulation. What is C5a? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  5. This immunosuppressive drug inhibits transcription of the IL-2 gene. What is cyclosporin A? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  6. To avoid hypeacute rejection of grafts, efforts must be made to ensure thatdonor and recipient match with respect to these antigens. What are the ABO blood group antigens? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  7. This rare renal complication is caused by human immune complex disease andfollows infection with a gram-positive organism. What is post -streptococcal glomerulonephritis? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  8. Affinity maturation in B cells mainly occurs in these lymphoid structures. What are germinal centers? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  9. The migration of lymphocytes into secondary lymphoid organs occurs throughthese. What are high endothelial venules OR What are HEV? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  10. Centrocytes binding antigen and either complement or CD23 on foliculardendritic cells are induced to express this surface determinant to ensuretheir survival. What is BCL-2? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  11. The distribution of variable residues in immunoglobulin that yieldsvariability can be measured using this famous plotting method. What is Wu and Kabot? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  12. This type of immunity is present at birth and does not exhibit specificityfor a foreign antigen. What is innate immunity ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  13. These low molecular weight compounds are not immunogenic by themselves butcan become immunogenic if they are coupled to a higher molecular weightcompound. What are haptens? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  14. A secondary, anamnestic immune response occurs more rapidly than a primaryimmune response because of the presence of these cells. What are memory cells ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  15. This process refers to the coating of antigen by antibody or complement tofacilitate phagocytosis. What is opsonization? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  16. The classical and alternate pathways of complement converge on whichcomponent of complement. What is C3? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  17. This immunodeficiency is associated with the failure of B cells to mature. What is Bruton's agammaglobulinemia or X-linked agammaglobulinemia? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  18. This molecule consist of an a chain non covalently associated to B2microglobulin. What is Class I MHC(major histocompatibility complex)? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  19. These cells are said to be restricted by MHC class I molecules. What are CD8 T cells? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  20. These are the major cytokines produced by CD4 TH2 cells. What are IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13 (Interleukin 4, 5,10, and 13)? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  21. A 9 month old baby was vaccinated against smallpox with attenuated smallpox virus. He developed a progressive necrotic lesion of the skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue at the site of inoculation. A deficiency of thesecells might account for this reaction. What are T cells? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  22. This type of hypersensitivity can lead to the development of granulomas. What is delayed type hypersensitivity (or hypersensitivity type IV)? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  23. This disease is characterized by IgM antibodies present in synovial fluidswhich have specificity for the heavy chain of IgG antibodies. What is Rhematoid Arthritis? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  24. The following may result when a T cell recognizes an antigen in the absenceof co-stimulation. What is T cell anergy ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  25. This is the site of somatic mutation and immunoglobulin heavy chain classswitching. What is the germinal center ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  26. Receptors for the C1 component of complement are found on these two classesof immunoglobulin. What are IgM and IgG? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  27. This is the predominant isotype of an antibody produced in a primaryimmunization. What is IgM ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  28. Alternative RNA splicing enables a B cell to co-express these twoantibodies on a B cell simultaneously. What are IgM and IgD? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  29. This assay measures the clumping together of an antibody with a particulateantigen. What is an agglutination reaction? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  30. A solid phase immunoassay which is commonly used in clinical laboratoriesto detect the presence of antibodies to gp120 in a serum sample. What is an ELISA? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  31. These molecules generally present exogenously derived peptides frombacterial antigens to CD4 T cells. What are Class II MHC (major histocompatibility ) molecules? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  32. This autoimmune disease is mediated by antibodies to acetylcholine receptors. What is Myasthenia Gravis? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  33. This reaction commonly occurs when bone marrow cells are transplanted into an immunocompromised host. What is a graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  34. A 7 month old baby has a history of repeated ear infections and bacterialinfections, and has been hospitalized with pneumonia twice. The babylikely has a deficiency of these cells. What are B cells? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  35. These molecules are co-dominantly expressed on cells. What are MHC (major histocompatibility) molecules? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  36. The process whereby T cells learn to respond to antigen in the context ofself MHC? What is MHC restriction? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  37. This substance enhances the immune response to an antigen but does notconfer immunogenicity to a hapten. What is an adjuvant? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  38. These antigens bind outside the peptide binding groove on MHC class IImolecules and activate a family of T cells. What are superantigens? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  39. A state of non responsiveness to antigen. What is anergy? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  40. The site of T cell education. What is the thymus? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  41. This type of hypersensitivity reaction is produced by the local formationof antigen-antibody aggregates which activate the complement cascade andcause acute intradermal inflammation. What is the Arthus reaction? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  42. This drug inhibits mast cell degranulation. What is sodium cromoglycate? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  43. This cytokine is the principal mediator of the response to gram negativebacteria. Its major cell source is the activated phagocyte. What is TNF? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  44. This TH1 cytokine is a potent activator of macrophages and upregulates theexpression of Class I and Class II MHC molecules on a variety of celltypes. What is IFN-g ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  45. This motif which is found in the cytoplasmic domains of CD3 proteins and inIga and IgB has important signaling functions. What is the immunoreceptor tyrosine based activation motifs (ITAM)? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  46. This immunosuppressive drug acts by specifically interfering with theprotein kinases involved in IL-2/IL-2 receptor signaling. What is Rapamycin ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  47. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is induced by transfer of maternalantibodies of this isotype. What are IgGs? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  48. This refers to the increase in the affinity of antibodies produced duringthe course of a humoral immune response. What is affinity maturation ? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  49. Cytotoxic T cell lysis of target cells is mediated by the release of thesesubstances from granules. What are perforin and granzyme B? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

  50. The process whereby Natural Killer cells can lyse antibody coated target cells. What is antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC)? WEILL CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE - QATAR

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