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Overview of Astroparticle Physics at 4th Winter School

Explore the content of the universe today, from dark energy to elementary particles and galaxies. Learn about particle physics in astrophysics, the properties of the dark side of the universe, and the evolution of elementary particles. Discover key discoveries in particle physics history and understand the forces that bind particles together.

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Overview of Astroparticle Physics at 4th Winter School

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  1. Overview of Astroparticle Physics 4th Winter School on Astroparticle Physics Mayapuri, Darjeeling Rajarshi Ray Center for Astroparticle Physics & Space Science Bose Institute Kolkata

  2. Album of the Universe

  3. Content of the Universe- Today • Dark Energy ~ 73% • Dark Matter ~ 23% • Rest of it is whatever we see and know of!! We see today matter as small as elementary particles to as large as galaxies and cluster of galaxies.

  4. Particle Physics in Astrophysics • Identifying the elementary particles (cosmic rays) and their formation mechanisms. • The primordial quantum mechanical fluctuations that serve as starting point in large scale structure formation. • Properties of the dark side of the Universe.

  5. Particle Physics ~ 1870

  6. More Elementary Particles • electrons (1897) J.J.Thomson • orbit atomic nucleus • photon (1905) Einstein • quantum of the electromagnetic field • Rutherford Experiment (1909) • nucleus : occupies only a small fraction of the atom • proton (1919) • nucleus of lightest atom • neutron (1932) Chadwick – Beryllium bombarded by  particle - highly penetrating radiation • neutral constituent of the nucleus

  7. Spin and anti-particles • Pauli – 1924 – suggested additional quantum number for electron in an atom which could take two values • Goudsmit & Uhlenbeck – 1925 – explained the fine structure in atomic spectra – introduced spin angular momentum for electrons in addition to orbital angular momentum • Dirac – 1927 - Relativistic equation for electron - Natural basis for electron spin - existence of antiparticle • Discovery of positron – 1932 – Anderson – Cosmic Ray

  8. Natural Units Velocity of light c = = 1 Planck’s Constant Temperature - Energy - Mass = MeV (106eV)‏ Length - Time = fm (10-15 m)‏

  9. Natural Units Me = 0.511 MeV = 9.1 X 10-31 Kg • 1 M (Solar Mass) = 2 X 1030 Kg • Boltzman Constant k = 1.38 X 10-23 J/0k = 1 1 MeV (Temperature) = 10100K

  10. 1929 – Quantum Electrodynamics - quantization of electromagnetic field - field quanta Photon - charged particles interact with the exchange of photon Moller scattering Compton scattering Bhabha scattering

  11. Incidentally, issue of behaviour of radiation as particle – the photon – was finally settled in 1923 by A. H. Compton. Compton found that the light scattered from a particle at rest is shifted in wavelength as given by • - incident wavelength,  - scattered wavelength, • c =h/mc = Compton wavelength of the target particle (compare it with de-Broglie wavelength) Apply laws of conservation of relativistic energy and momentum

  12. What binds proton and neutron in the nucleus?? • Positively charged protons should repel each other. • some force stronger than electromagnetic force - STRONG FORCE • First evidence – 1921 – Chadwick & Bieler  scattering on hydrogen can not be explained by Coulomb interaction only • Why we do not feel this force everyday? - must be of short range Gravitational and electromagnetic forces have infinite range; a= For strong a ≈ 10-13 cm = 1 fm

  13. Yukawa -1934 Just as electron is attracted to nucleus by electric field, proton and neutron are also bound by field - what is the field quanta – pions - 1947 – two particle discovered by Powell and co-workers - one is pion which is produced copiously in the upper atmosphere but disintegrates before reaching ground - the other one was muon - pion decays into muons which is observed at the ground level

  14. Neutrino •  decay – If A  B + e- Then for fixed A, the energy of electron will be fixed. Experimentally, electron energy was found to be varying considerably Presence of a third particle – Pauli Fermi theory of  decay – existence of neutrino - massless and chargeless • Decay   decay    µ+ & µe+2 (Powell)

  15. The strange particles 1947 – Rochester & Butler – Cosmic ray particle – passing through a lead plate – neutral secondary decaying into two charged particles K0  + + - 1949 - Powell – K+ (+) + + + + - K+ (+) + + 0  -  puzzle – Parity violation in weak decays K particles behave as heavy pions K mesons(strange meson) 1950 – Anderson – photograph similar to Rochester’s   p+ + -  Belongs to which family ???

  16. proton does not decay to neutron – smaller mass • Also p+ e+ +  does not occur. WHY??? • 1938 Stuckelberg - Baryon no. conservation • Baryon no. is conserved in Electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions So  belongs to baryon family – strange baryon

  17. Strange particles • Gell-Mann & Nishijima – Strangeness (S) - new Quantum number like lepton no., baryon no. etc • Strangeness is conserved in EM and Strong interactions but not in weak interactions Strangeness not conserved K meson – S=+1 - Weak decay  and  - S= -1 Strangeness – conserved - Strong production

  18. Isospin • After correcting for the electromagnetic interaction, the forces between nucleons (pp, nn, or np) in the same state are almost the same. • Equality between the pp and nn forces: • Charge symmetry. • Equality between pp/nnforce and np force: • Charge independence. • Better notation: Isospin symmetry; • Strong interaction does not distinguish between n and p  isospin conserved in strong interaction • BUT not in electromagnetic interaction

  19. Conserved quantum numbers

  20. Zoo is crowdedToo many inmatesorder requiredPeriodic Table ~ 1960

  21. The “Eightfold Way’’ - Murray Gell-Mann and Yuval Ne’eman, 1961 Baryon octet

  22. Meson Octet

  23. Baryon decuplet - was predicted based on this arrangement and was discovered in 1964.

  24. Why do the hadrons (baryons and mesons) fit so beautifully???? • Gell-Mann & Zewig proposed independently (1964) • Hadrons are composed of spin ½ QUARKS – comes in three types or flavours Every baryon (antibaryon) consist of 3 quarks (antiquark) and each meson is composed of a quark and an antiquark

  25. Quark Up Down Strange Charge +2/3 -1/3 -1/3 K+ K0 us ds Mesons qq - + 0 du ud uu,dd,ss sd su K0 K-

  26. + - 0 ++ uud ddd udd uuu p n 0 + - uus dds uds dss uss - 0 - sss Baryons(qqq) Decuplet Conceptual problem? Howcan we have uuu,ddd or sss state ??? Need for a new quantum number Colour Charge Proposed by O. W.Greenberg All naturally occurring particles are colourless

  27. Existence of quarks – experimental evidence • e-p scattering • For smaller energy transfer the scattering is elastic • For moderate energy transfer proton gets excited For Higher energies : Deep inelastic Scattering Can One estimate the energy Needed to probe proton??? Dimension – Atom 10-10 m proton – 1fm = 10-15m Now use Uncertainty principle

  28. Electrons – electric cherge - EM force – Photon Quantum Electrodynamics Quarks - Colour Charge - Strong force – Gluon Quantum Chromodynamics • New Theory Quark – three colours - Red , Blue , Green Gluons – eight - red + anti-blue and other combinations Mesons – quark+antiquark – colour+anticolour – WHITE

  29. Photons – No self Interaction - Abelian theory (QED)‏ - interaction increases with decreasing separation between particles Gluons – colour charge • Self interacting • - Non-abelian theory (QCD)‏ • interaction decreases with • decreasing separation between • particles i.e quarks

  30. Strong force between protons 0 strong decay  decay

  31. Story of quarks continues …. • Quark family does not end with u,d and s as lepton family does not end with e, e , µ, µ • Bjorken and Glashow – fourth flavour of quark charm c • meson (called ) was discovered in 1974 • In 1975 came the tau () lepton and it continued.

  32. For Baryons B=1 If for any Baryon Y≠1Hyperon • Inclusion of strangeness Gell-mann-Nishijima-Nakano relation 

  33. Periodic Table - Today

  34. Leptons are colourless

  35. All quarks come in three colours

  36. Mediating particles (radiation) • The weak and electromagnetic interactions were unified by Glashow, Salam and Weinberg • -predicted W and Z bosons with masses 80 GeV and 91 GeV • Discovered in 1983 Together we have Standard Model of particle physics

  37. Consequences of quark structure

  38. Single Baryon

  39. Hadronic matter  Phase transition  Quark matter Strange Quark Matter (u,d & s )  Ground state of matter First idea : Bodmer (1971) Resurrected : Witten (1984) Stable quark matter : Conflict with experience ???? 2-flavour energy  3-flavour Lowering due to extra Fermi well Stable Quark Matter  3-flavour matter Stable SQM  significant amount s quarks For nuclei  high order of weak interaction to convert u & d to s

  40. Strangeletsmaller lumps of strange quark mater SQM in bulk : charge neutrality with electrons For A  107 SQM size < compton wavelength of electron  Electrons are not localized nu = nd = ns  Net charge QSQM = 0 if ms = mu = md But ms > mu or md  QSQM > 0  small + ve charge

  41. SQM & Strangelet Search : • SQM : • Early universe quark-hadron phase transition • Quark nugget  MACHO • 2. Compact stars (Core of Neutron Stars or Quark Stars) • Strangelets : • Heavy Ion Collision • Short time • Much smaller size A ~ 10-20 • Stability Problem ??? • 2. Cosmic Ray events : • Collision of Strange stars or other strange objects

  42. SUMMARY Thank You

  43. Small Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Relativistic Mechanics Quantum field theory Fast

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