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Preliminary Presentation. Second Draft. PAUSA: Automated Parking Garages in Moscow. Executive Summary. This presentation has been prepared by Power Engineering Group and discusses a project to develop the PAUSA network of automated parking garages in Moscow.
Preliminary Presentation. Second Draft PAUSA: Automated Parking Garages in Moscow
Executive Summary • This presentation has been prepared by Power Engineering Group and discusses a project to develop the PAUSA network of automated parking garages in Moscow. • The project is designed to address the current lack of parking space in Moscow, which is estimated to be 2.8 mln spaces. • The project envisages the construction of more than 500 automated parking garages with the capacity of 300 to 1000 spaces in extensively built-up areas with heavy traffic patterns. • Key advantages; social and economic benefits to the city: • Saving of up to 110 ha of land by constructing automated parking garages instead of conventional ramp multy-storey parking facilities; • Releasing more than 70 ha of land by moving small-scale retailers to the ground floor of parking facilities, thus improving the city’s appearance; • Clearing house courtyards from parked cars; • Reducing the load on the city power grid by 37 thousand mWh per year through in-house power generation; • Improving the city’s environmental situation by reducing emissions, and encouraging use of hybrid and electric vehicles. • Construction of one garage takes 12 months and construction of 10 pilot garages can be undertaken simultaneously • Apart from the main investor (Power Engineering Group) their preliminary agreement to participate in the project expressed a large manufacturer of automated parking equipment, major financial institutions and an engineering company • The proposed benefits can be maximised through: optimal distribution of garages across the city; provision of the required utilities and infrastructure at the sites; stimulation of demand through enforcement of stopping and parking rules; development of the corresponding technical regulations. The above depend more on city government, and requires its close collaboration with the project initiators. • The most attractive schemes of obtaining construction sites are the land-to-rent auction and provision of the land with preliminary agreement on the buildings’ localization
4,1 Shortage of Parking Space Adversely Affects Traffic, Safety, and the Appearance of Moscow Involuntary violation of stopping and parking rules has a negative impact on urban life Demand for parking space in Moscow exceeds supply by 2.8 mln spaces Moscow parking space supply and demandin 2011, mln of parking spaces Supply* Demand** 2.8 mln *Supply– the number of legally available parking spaces **Demand – the number of registered vehicles in Moscow as of 1 July 2011. Source: Interviews with traffic police officers
Most Affected: Built-Up Central Neighbourhoods, Old Residential Blocks; New Business Centres; Recreational, Trading and Entertainment Areas Business Centers, such as Moscow International Business Centre (Moscow-City), are densely-occupied with plenty of offices, office staff and visitors seeking to park nearby Residential yards,particularly in the centre, do not provide for parking spaces. They are congested with cars not only at night, but also during working hours, by commuting office workers Major public or social service sites, like sporting arenas, hotels, transportation hubs with regular people traffic.In most cases there aren’t enough parking spaces provided. Entertainment / trading areas, like Pushkin Square, increasingly attract many visitors, but do not provide enough parking spaces for them High density of buildings does not allow parking demand to be metby constructing surface parking areas or even multi-storey ramp garages
Automated Garages: International Best Practice for Populous Urban Areas with Parking Shortages Budapest Parksafe, automated parking garage with 200 spaces Copenhagen, automated parking garage with 408 spaces Hollywood Grande, automated parking garage with 220 spaces Leased to residents and employees of nearby offices Public garage for local residents Located in the local government centre and used by its employees New Jersey, Hoboken, automated parking garage with 314 spaces Munich, automated parking garage with 284 spaces Graz, Austria, automated parking garage with198 spaces Leased to residents and local office workers For local residents in the old city centre Public garage for visitors to a major business centre Source: websites of equipment manufacturers for automated parking garages
Key Advantage of Automated Garages: More Spaces Within a Smaller Area Ramp multi-storey parking facility The technology used in the construction of automated garages permits more space for more vehicles in half the area required for ramp multi-storey facilities … Automated parking garage … the released land can then be used by the city to accommodate other required infrastructure Sources: websites of equipment manufacturers for automated parking garages
With High Demand in Moscow, Automated Parking Garages Will Be Able To Provide in Excess of 700,000 Parking Spaces The Moscow City Government Program Development of Transport System for 2012—2016envisages the construction of approximately 1.5 mln parking spaces: Surface parking close to social service sites Courtyard level parking areas People’s Garages Programme Multi-storey garages Park-and-ride facilities On-street parkinig 310 ,000 spaces 430,000 spaces 100,000 spaces 177,000 spaces 230,000 spaces 210,000 spaces can be offered through the use of automated parking multi-storey garages Source: Moscow City Government Program Development of Transport System for 2012—2016
The Project Proposes More Than 500 Automated Parking Garages Throughout the City with 10 Pilot Garages at Initial Stage Possible distribution of automated garages in Moscow by 2020 2011—2012 Pilot project with the construction of 10 automated parking garages 2013—2015 Approximately 100 automated garages within the limits of the Third Ring Road 2016— 2020 More than 500 automated parking garages distributed throughout the city The proposed network solution will allow a reduction in Moscow’s demand for parking space of 15—25%
The City will Receive a Number of Social and Economic Benefits Through the Project’s Implementation* Improvement in the city appearance A saving in city resources • Fitting well into any type of development • Releasing neighbouring territories from small-scale retailers • Reducing the pressure on residential courtyards • Saving in land that can be used to accommodate other important infrastructure • Saving in power and reduction in the load on the city power grid City benefits from the project Positive environmental impact Comfort, security and economic benefits for people • Encouraging the use of hybrid and electric vehicles • Reducing emissions • Reducing noise pollution • May be used by the disabled • Higher parking speed per car if compared to conventional parking • Improved vehicle security • Affordable rates to all strata, etc. The project will also result in less congestion, increased domestic production and the creation of new jobs *The benefits have been evaluated as regard to other types of garages and subject to technologies planned to be used
Automated Parking Garages Require a Smaller Footprint than Ramp Facilities, Saving up to 110 ha of Land Multi-storey automated parking garages: …require half the area of ramp facilities… …saving of up to 2.2 ha under a 10-pilot garage scenario, and up to 110 ha* under fully implemented project The required area for the construction of 500 parking spaces in different parking facilities, sq. m. Building area saved through construction of automated parking garages, ha Pilot project (10 garages) Ramp multi-storeyfacility 2000 2 times 500-garage network Multi-storeyautomatedgarage 1100 2.2 ha 110 ha *Calculated for garages with the capacity of 500 parking spaces
Retailer Relocation to Garages Will Release up to 75 ha of Land and Improve the City’s Appearance The project will house small-scale retailers on the ground floor of its facilities… …saving up from 0.45 ha to 1.5 ha under a 10- pilot garage scenario, and from 22 ha to 75 ha if project fully implemented Land released after moving small-scale retailers to ground floor of parking facilities, ha Building structure Pilot project 18-20 floors 500-garage network Average kiosk takes up to 15—20 sq. m. 0.45 ha 1.5 ha 22 ha 75 ha Removing small-scale retailers from city streets will improve the city’s appearance Sources: Strategy Partners research
Automated Parking Garages Will Preserve Historic Sites Without Worsening the City’s Overall Appearance The technology used in the construction of automated parking garages is based on framework structures that could be accommodated for various facades: Modern Classic Historic This means automated garages can blend well into any Moscow architectural solution
Automated Garages will Relocate Cars of Neighbourhood Residents from Courtyards Parking facilities will offer a preferential night-time tariff for neighbourhood residents
1 445 In-House Power Generation of a Fully Completed Network Will Reduce the Load on the City Power Grid by 37K mWh p.a. Power consumption by automated garages under the project, mWh p.a. calculated on the basis of 10 garages of 1,000 parking spaces Reduction of the load on the city power grid will be up to 0.7K mWh p.a. at the pilot stage, and will reach 37K mWhp.a. for the whole network Power consumption by an automated garage Power generation by an automated garage* Power purchased by an automated garage from the city Sources: equipment manufacturers for automated parking garages (Stolzer, Germany); designer data *Sourced by solar panels located on the building perimeter,wind-power generators and power accumulation systems working on lithium-iodine batteries
Positive Environmental Impact: Hazardous Emissions Down by 50 Kt(as compared with conventional facilities) CO2emissions per 10 pilot garages, tonnes CO emissions per 10 pilot garages, tonnes • The fully completed project of 500 automated garages will permit a reduction in emissions on a larger scale: • 46,857.14 tonnes of carbon dioxide • 118.57 tonnes of nitrogen oxide • 2,375.71 tonnes of carbon monoxide • 232.86 tonnes of volatile organic substances -77% -83% Conventional garage Automated garage Conventional garage Automated garage NОxemissions per 10 pilot garages, tonnes Volatile organic substances emitted per 10 pilot garages, tonnes -68% -81% Conventional garage Automated garage Conventional garage Automated garage Sources: Air Quality Study Automated Parking System, EEA Consultants Inc., 2007
Driving Up the Use of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Automated parking garages can be used to facilitate induction charging of electric motors and help popularise hybrid and electric vehicles:
Offering High Levels of Comfort and Safety for All Comfort Safety
Converging Tariff Policy by Accommodating all Residential Strata, Including Subsidised Categories Potential drivers for the tariff policy City area Boulevard Ring Garden Ring A cheaper tariff Third Ring Road Moscow Beltway Working hours Night time Year Month Week Day Hour Time of day Parking permit valid for Subsidised categories Other residents Residential strata
19% Local Sourcing to Provide Additional Business to Russian Enterprises in Excess of RUB 100 bln, and Create Approximately 4,500 New Jobs Local sourcing will provide new business totaling RUB 104 bln The project will create approximately 4,500 new jobs Single garage construction budget, RUB bln 100% = RUB 130 bln 2011—2012: 10 pilot garages Imported 90 new jobs 900 new jobs 2013—2015: 100 garages 80% 80% Domestic production 2016—2020: 500 garages 4,500 new jobs Equipment used by automated garages can be supplied by leading Russian enterprises (e.g., Tushino Machine-Building Plant and companies comprising TVEL Corporation (ROSATOM fuel company)
Constructing of a Garage will take around 12 months. All 10 Pilot Garages can be Built Simultaneously With simultaneous work all 10 pilot garages can be constructed in a year’s time Main steps in constructing a garage* 1 month Project 4 months All pilot garages can be constructed simultaneously Production 2months Transporting 5 months Construction 1 month Checking and start of exploitation Months *Without approval procedures
Tentative Participation Confirmed by Major Manufacturers of Automated Parking Systems and Leading Financial Institutions Investments, project management, garage operation Equipment, project solutions Loans Dongyang Menics, Hundai* One of the major Korean companies involved in the development and manufacturing of automated parking systems Sberbank, VTB and VEB Major national financial institutions Power Engineeringand Electrotechnical Company Russian major investment and construction and investment engineering companies * Possible options
Success of the Project and its Social and Economic Benefits Depend on a Number of Conditions to be Defined by the City Government Factors affecting the level of social and economic benefits of the project: Distribution and size of the garages • Garages need to be located in areas with heavy traffic • Garage capacity should satisfy demand Required utilities and infrastructure on the sites • Land plots need to have utilities and access roads for sufficient throughput capacity Many factors are defined by the policy pursued by the city government Demand for parking • Demand partly depends on enforcement of stopping and parking rules, rules of use in municipal parking areas Red tape and excessive requirements and standards • Red tape and excessive requirements and standards may prolong the network’s development and make the project more expensive
Attractiveness of Construction Site Depends on several Parameters Preferably Parameters Necessary • Central administrative district District In close proximity to offices or shopping centers without sufficient parking spaces Within walking distance from underground station (500 meters) Localization Minimal area – 1200 sq.m. Allowance for a building 20 meters tall Optimal area – 2000 sq.m. Size Rectangular. Least side no less than 20 meters long Shape Adjacent roads; Electricity facilitates of no less than 300 kW. Accessible from different sides; Water and sewage infrastructure Infrastructure No encumbrance. No existing buildings Encumbrance
Examples of Attractive Construction Sites If available
Attractive Schemes to Obtain Construction Sites: Site-to-Rent Auction and Provision of Sites with Agreement on the Buildings’ Localization Attractive schemes Possible schemes of obtaining construction sites: 1 Site-to-Rent Auction ü 2 Site-to-Develop Auction 3 Concession 4 Joint-stock company with city participation 5 Provision of Sites with Agreement on the Buildings’ Localization ü 6 Development of land in accordance with owners rights
Next Steps Private Investor City Feasibility study for the project Specific negotiations with potential participants in the project Standard garage design Prospective locations for the distribution of 10 pilot garages and an implementation scheme defined in conjunction with project developers. Participation in the development of a standardised garage design Incorporation of the project into a program for the development of an integrated parking environment Pilot parking garages Garage network deployment Identifying demand for automated parking garages and prospective locations across the city Land allotment conditions for selected plots; defining the required architectural solutions. Tenders for lease rights. Regulatory framework to develop technical regulations for automated parking garages