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Mission and vision at schools, are they applied on the actual practice?

Mission and vision at schools, are they applied on the actual practice?. Danae Anczak Valentina Ibañez Daniela Muñoz Macarena Villarroel. Mission and vision. PEI (Proyecto Educativo Institucional) → mission and vision The mission d efines the direction and orientation of the institution.

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Mission and vision at schools, are they applied on the actual practice?

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  1. Mission and vision at schools, are they applied on the actual practice? Danae Anczak Valentina Ibañez Daniela Muñoz Macarena Villarroel

  2. Mission and vision PEI (Proyecto Educativo Institucional) → mission and vision • The mission defines the direction and orientation of the institution. • The vision provides meaning and direction to the present, making clear what the school intend to achieve in the future.

  3. Schoolsanalysed • Mission: The principal goalis to educate integral students and active citizens. • Vision: Thevisionseeks to formstudentsable to buildtheirlifeproject, and to contributepositivelywithsociety. • Colegio Técnico Profesional Aprender (Polivalente La Pintana) • Technicalprofessionalschoollocated in La Pintana. • Subsidizedinstitution. • Enrollment: 890 students • Eveningclassesenrollment: 89 students • Theschoolprovideselementary, primary and secondaryeducation.

  4. Mission To achieve a formation based on values, that it is focuses on the development of respecting each other, property and procedures. In addition, to form students who can have a successful performance on their higher education. • Vision To be an inclusive school, being highlighted by their solid students’ values: respect, honesty, solidarity, and perseverance; these linked to the academic knowledge provided, in order to have access to higher education • Liceo Santa María de Las Condes • Publicschoollocated in Las Condes • Humanistic/scientificschool • Enrollment: 1200 students. • Theschoolprovideselementary, primary and secondaryeducation. • MixedSchool / Girl’s and Boy’sclasses are separated.

  5. Results and discussion • Colegio Técnico Profesional Aprender (Polivalente La Pintana) keep students quiet Passive citizens Teachers’ praxis don’thavecongruencewithwhattheschoolwants to promote. Active citizens Freire (1972) Students Person Educational duty Increase liberation

  6. Parra (2003) • Liceo Santa Maria de Las Condes “Studentsmust be educatedbytheirparents at home, theschoolwillonlyprovideacademicknowledge” Education is a cultural activity that transmits values. Contradiction with mission and vision Congruence with the mission and vision Activities that helps students with their low academic results. “Apoyo pedagógico”

  7. Conclusion Mission and vision are not in concordance to the actual practices in theschools. • Aprender schoolThere are notactivitiesorstimulusbytheschool to guidetheirstudents to havean active role in thesociety, turningstudents in passiveactors. • Liceo Santa Maria de Las CondesThepedagogicalpracticeisnotcongruentwiththemission. Neverhteless, theschooloffersacademicsupportforstudentswhohavelowacademicresults, thus, a pointpresented in themissionans visión ispromoted. Limitation: We could observed just one teacher, so it is not a proper data in order to stablish if the mission and vision are applied on the practice or not.

  8. Reference Freire, P. (1972) Sobre la acción cultural. Chapter.1: “La educación como una dimensión de la acción cultural”. Santiago: Icira. Parra. J. (2003). La educación en valores y su práctica en el aula. Tendencias pedagógicas 8. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Retrievedfromhttps://repositorio.uam.es/bitstream/handle/10486/4818/31559_2003_08_04.pdf?sequence=1

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