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Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences National Institute Of Sport Medicine. Methods
Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences National Institute Of Sport Medicine Methods A total of 93 subjects (68 elite athletes and 25 control) participated in this study. The athleteswerefromdifferentsports: 16 handballplayers (19,8 hours/week), 27 footballplayers(10,1 hours/week) and 25 triathlonists (19,7 hours/week). The mean age of the handball players was 27,81 years, of the football players 24,14 years and of the triatlonists 22,92 years. After a medical examination and anthropometric measurements, the subjects completed a vita maximal treadmill protocol while VO2rel (ml/min/kg) was measured. Subsequently, 10mL of venous blood was extracted at rest (r) and after the test was over (max). Adrenalin (A) and noradrenalin (NA) were measured in venous plasma (pg/ml). Statistical analysis was made by Statistica for Windows 9.0 software. One-WayAnova, post hoc Tukey test, linearcorrelation, Student t-test wereusedtolearnaboutconnections. Introduction Catecholamineslike adrenalin and noradrenalin play an essentialroleinglucosemetabolisminresponsetoexercise. Adrenalin is a powerful regulator of a number of metabolic and physiological functions, and noradrenalin reflects the actions of the sympathetic nervous system. Exercise performed on intesity above anaerobic threshold leads to a marked increase in catecholamine levels. CATECHOLAMINE LEVEL CHANGE OF HUNGARIAN ELITE ATHLETES DURING VITA MAXIMAL TEST Protzner,A.,Trájer,E.,Udvardy,A.,Komka,Zs.,Bosnyák,E.,Szendrei,B.,Szőke,V.B.,Tóth,M. Results The rest adrenalin valuesweresignificantlyhigherintheeliteathletesgroup (p=0,037). The samepatterncan be observedincase of rest (p=0,00) and max (p=0,004) noradrenalinvalues. Footballplayers had significantyhigher rest adrenalin valuesincomparismtothetriathlonists (p=0,002) and thecontrolgroup (p=0,001). The samepatterncan be observedwithmax adrenalin values. Footballplayers had significantlyhigher rest noradrenalinvalues, thanthehandballplayers (p=0,00), thetriathlonists (p=0,00), and thecontrolgroup (p=0,00). The maxnoradrenalinvaluesweresignificantlyhigherinthegroup of thehandballplayerscomparedtothetriathlonists (p=0,00) and thecontrolgroup (p=0,00). The soccerplayers had alsohigherlevels, thanthetriathlonists (p=0,00) and thecontrolgroup (p=0,00). Wefoundsignificantcorrelationsbetweenthehandballplayers rest noradrenalinvalues and their rest heartrate (r=,623). Correlationanalysisconfirmedsignificantrelationbetweenfootballplayers rest adrenailnvalues and rest heartrate (p=,394), systole (p=,581) and dyastole (p=,390). The samepatterncan be observedincase of noradrenalinvalues and rest heartratevalues (p=,519). The samegroupsmax adrenalin (r=,408) and noradrenalin (r=,538) values and maximalheartrateconfirmed a significantrelation. Discussion In this pilot study we observed higher differences at the cathecolamine values in case of elit athletes than among the control group, especially in football players. The control group had nearly same values like the triathlonists. Our future aim is to increase the number of the subjects, and examine the relationship between cathecolamines from more aspects. References Zouhal H, Gratas-Delamarche A. Rannou F. Granier P. Bentue-Ferrer D, Delamarch P. Between 21 and 34 Years of Age. Aging Alters the Catecholarnine Responses to Supramaximal Exercise in Endurance Trained Athletes. Int J Sports Med 1999; 20:343 - 348 Christophe Hausswirth and Didier Lehénaff: Physiological Demands of Running During Long Distance Runs and Triathlons Laboratory of Biomechanics and Physiology, French National Institute of Sport and Physical Education (INSEP), Paris, France E-mail: protzneranna@gmail.com TÁMOP.4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0001