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Lifelong Dual Language Learners: Bilingual, Biliterate and Bicultural Students at the Elementary, Middle and High School Level ELL Best Practice August 18, 2010 San Antonio, TX Forum.
Lifelong Dual Language Learners: Bilingual, Biliterate and Bicultural Students at the Elementary, Middle and High School Level ELL Best Practice August 18, 2010 San Antonio, TX Forum
PresentersPharr-San Juan-Alamo ISDLeonila IzaguirreBilingual/ESL DirectorErnesto DueñasBilingual-ESL Strategist
Demographics(Total Number of Enrollment = 31,325 as of Nov. 11,2009)*PEIMS Edit + Reports Data Review
Mission To develop a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehension in both English and Spanish for English Language Learners (ELL’s) in Pre K-5, while maintaining Spanish language and literacy skills as an enrichment through middle and high school to graduate bilingual, biliterate and bicultural students. Vision • Create a foundation in our economical, technological and multicultural world by: • Preparing students to graduate that are fluent in two languages: English and Spanish. • Preparing students to succeed in any college or university. • Preparing students to succeed in the career of their choice.
Key Strategies/Approaches Dual Language program must be implemented for at least 5-7 years with extensive exposure and use of the two languages. Fidelity to the implementation of the program is required to ensure grade level language development and content learning. Instruction is an enrichment not a remediation which challenges and empowers students with interactive and authentic activities set with high expectations. Success is a result of collaborative ownership and support by administration, staff and members of the community.
Model/Design • Gómez and Gómez 50/50 Dual Language Enrichment Model • Dr. Leo Gómez and Dr. Richard Gómez, Professors in Bilingual/Dual Language Education, have focused their research on language and academic issues that affect Bilingual Learners for over 20 years • They have been extensively involved in the development, implementation and assessment of dual language education programs successfully implementing the Gómez & Gómez Dual Language Enrichment Model, in over 40 districts across Texas alone. • They have also secured, administered and evaluated numerous Title III dual language programs.
Program Implementation District Wide • The One Way Dual Language Program will replace the transitional bilingual program. • Program implementation will continue by adding an additional grade level each year. • The District’s goal is to have full implementation in the elementary schools by the year 2014.
Model/Design for Elementary Partial Immersion 50/50 Elementary 50% of the instruction is in Spanish and 50% is in English from the beginning until fifth grade.
Model Design for Elementary • PK-1st grade initial literacy in the primary language • Math PK-5th in English • Social Studies/Science in Spanish • Both Language Arts 2nd-5th Grade
Dual Language One-Way Program PK-5th District Wide Program Participation of LEP/ELL Students2009-2010
Model Design for Middle School Partial Immersion 80/20 Secondary 80% of the instruction is in English 20% of the instruction is in Spanish
Model Design for Middle School • 6th Grade Span. Lang. Arts/Drama/Dance • 6th Grade Social Studies or Science in Spanish • 7th Grade Span. I HS Credit • 7th Grade Texas History Spanish • 8th Grade Span. II AP HS and or College Credit • 8th Grade U.S. History in Spanish
Dual Language Program 6-8th District Wide ProgramParticipation of Students 2009-2010
Recent Immigrant Participationin Middle School DL Program • Recent immigrants are integrated into the Dual Language Program • Recent immigrants receive instruction in content courses in English (ESL Instruction) • Recent immigrants are integrated into the Spanish content courses and the Spanish electives in the Dual Language Program
Model Design for High School Students may choose from a variety of content and elective courses offered in Spanish to continue as enrichment. Dual Language students entering high school have the right to decide if they want to continue with the rigor of the Spanish curriculum needed to meet the requirements to graduate with the Dual Language recognition.
Model Design for High School • Students must meet all state requirements for graduation • Students are provided with a graduation plan which requires they completed and receive credit for a minimum of 8 Dual Language courses from the following available: REQUIRED Spanish I Spanish II AP Spanish III AP Spanish IV AP Algebra I World Geography Algebra II pre-AP World History Geometry BCIS Biology Pre-AP Arte Hispano-Americano Chemistry Speech Physics Media Tech 1 Anatomy Folklorico Microbio/Path Additional Foreign Lang.
*Students must complete 6 Spanish courses (combination of Content and electives ) to be recognized as Dual Language Graduates . (Created by Two -Way Dept. 2005-06 )
Dual Language Program 9-12th District Wide ProgramParticipation of Students 2009-2010
Graduates • Dual Language Graduation Ceremony • Dual Language Seal on Diploma • Dual Language Seal on Transcript • Dual Language Stole
Hiring Practices • University of Texas at Pan American • State Certification • Bilingual Certification • Alternative Certification Programs • District Level • Bilingual ESL Certified / Endorsement • Title III Teacher Fluency Documentation • District Level documentation • Highly Qualified (NCLB)
Budget • Program Description Account Description FY10 Adopted Budget # 163 – Elem. Bilingual Prog/ Dual Lang. State Bilingual (State Required) # 199 Local Campus - Dual Lang. Programs Allotments - Middle/High Schools # 163 – Elem. Bilingual Prog/ Dual Lang. State Bilingual (State Required) # 199 Local Campus - Dual Lang. Programs Allotments - Middle/High Schools Paraprofessionals (K) Teacher Stipends Professional Development Instructional Materials Early Childhood Summer School Language Enhancement Teachers Teacher Stipends Curriculum Projects Instructional Materials $ 814,000.00 $519, 470.00 $410,501.00 $ 269,665.40 $161,969.00 TOTAL………….. $2,175,605.00 Campus Based $35,000.00 $20,000.00 Campus Based TOTAL………….$ 55,000.00 Budget Justification State bilingual allotment (#163) is used to fund the Dual Language Program at the Elementary campuses (PK-5) as per state requirements. T-III Allotment is used for supplemental activities as needed. Local allotment (#199) is used for teacher stipends and curriculum projects at the Secondary Level. Campus based funds are used to pay salaries of Language Enhancement Teachers.
Student TAKS Performance 5th Grade 2007-2008 (Cohort 7 – Pharr Elementary) Two-Way Campus
Student TAKS Performance 6th Grade 2007-2008 (Cohort 6 - Austin MS)
AP Language Exam 2009-2010 5- 12 hrs. = $3,200.00 4- 9 hrs. 3- 6 hrs.
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 1- PSJA High HS (9th-11th) 9th 10th 11th
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 1- PSJA High HS (10th-11th) 10th 11th
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 1- PSJA North HS (9th-11th) 9th 10th 11th
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 1- PSJA North HS (10th-11th) 10th 11th
Continuing Education Cohort 1 (PSJA High and North combined) 20% 1% 79%
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 2- PSJA High (9th & 10th) 9th 10th
Student TAKS Performance Cohort 2- PSJA North (9th & 10th) 9th 10th
Continuing Education Cohort 2 (PSJA High and North combined) 1% 22% 77%
Please contact us at: Dr. Daniel King Superintendent of Schools P.S.J.A. I.S.D. ((956)354-2000 ext. 1033 Leonila Izaguirre Bilingual-ESL Director P.S.J.A I.S.D. (956) 354-2000 ext. 1210 Rosalva Silva Dual Language Coordinator P.S.J.A. I.S.D. (956) 354-2000 ext. 1213 Ernesto Dueñas Bilingual-ESL Strategist P.S.J.A. I.S.D. (956) 354-2000 ext. 1212