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MY FUTURE PROFESSION. Урок –обобщение с применением ИКТ для 10 класса. Составила : Т.Н. Давыдова, учитель английского зыка . Listen to some facts about professions and then check your understanding up by reading the text .
MY FUTURE PROFESSION Урок –обобщение с применением ИКТ для 10 класса.Составила : Т.Н. Давыдова,учитель английского зыка
Listen to some facts about professions and then check your understanding up by reading the text . All professions and occupations are divided into 5 types according to the character of work: man-man, man-machines, man-symbols, man-object of art and man-nature. Social pulls say that the most popular reasons of choosing this or that occupation are: prestigiousness, high salary, interesting work, good working conditions, availability of training. The last place takes the advice of parents or friends.
What means of word formation are used to form a new word? plumber carpenter 3. gardener 4. locksmith 5. real estate agent 6. electrician 7. painter 7. housekeeper 8. janitor 9. delivery boy 10. doorman 11. shop worker 12. foreman
What means of word formation are used to form a new word? 1. pharmacist 2. mechanic 3. barber 4. travel agent 5. repairperson 6. tailor 7. greengrocer 8. baker 9. optician 10. hairdresser 11. florist 12. jeweler 13 butcher
Количественный результат: домашние задания в электронном виде записываются в папку учителя. • What about your homework? • Have you translated the text? • Why learn English? • English is probably the most widespread language on earth. People all over the world speak English. They do not use all use it as their first language. In some countries, such as, Nigeria and India, there are often many different languages and so these countries use English as an official language for government, business or education. • Certain “international” professions, such as an airline pilots and air traffic controllers require a working knowledge of English. English is also the working language of computers. If you know English, you can now communicate with people from all over the world by computer.
Условия достижения положительных результатов:- выявление факта выполнения домашнего задания у всего класса за короткий промежуток времени (5-7 мин.);- устранение типичных ошибок;- обнаружение причин невыполнения домашнего заданияотдельными учащимися. II. Этап проверки домашнего задания. Количественный результат: домашние задания в электронном виде записываются в папку учителя. Папка учителя 1 !!! 2 Если задание выполнено формально Если задание выполнено замечательно Если задание выполнено хорошо
Is it true or false? Write down the full answers into your file. • English is spoken in the most of the countries. • English is spoken in the most of the countries as the first language. • Former British colonies use English as the second language for government, business or education. • If you know English, you can work in an international company. • If you know English, you can communicate with people from all over the world only by computer. • If you know English, you cannot work as a fireman or a dentist. Keys: 1 t, 2 f, 3 t, 4 t, 5 f, 6f. Для того, чтобы совершенствовать ум, надо больше размышлять, чем заучивать. Р.Декарт
На прошлых уроках вы определили по тесту подходящий вам тип профессий. Вспомните свои ответы для выполнения следующего задания. Test yourself. Мы учимся, увы, для школы, а не для жизни. Сенека 1a. to care of animals. 1b. to work with machines. 2a. to care of sick people 2b. to make schemes, programmes. 3a. to watch quality of figures 3b. to watch the plants 4a. to process materials (a tree, a fabric, plastic) 4b. to sell or advertise goods 5a. to discuss scientific articles or books 5b.to discuss books, plays or concerts 6a to grow farm animals 6b.to train somebody in sport or labor skills 7a. to copy pictures 7b. to grow plants 8a.to look for and explain an information 8b. to prepare concerts plays 9a. to repair clothes, houses 9b. to correct mistakes in texts and pictures 10a. to treat animals 10b. to do counts 11a. to make new kinds of plants
11b. to design new kinds of things 12a. to solve difficult situations 12b. to check up, to make in order tables and schemes 13a. to watch the work clubs 13b. to watch microbes 14a. to watch the work of medical machines 14b. to treat people 15a. to give a detailed description of experiments 15b. to describe different events 16a. to do medical tests in a hospital 16b. to talk to sick people 17a. to paint walls or things 17b. to build houses or machines 18a. to organize trips and excursions 18b. to take part in plays or concerts 19a. to make a thing according to the working drawing 19b. to make working drawings 20a. to treat plants or trees 20b. to type На прошлых уроках вы определили по тесту подходящий вам тип профессий. Test yourself. Мы учимся, увы, для школы, а не для жизни. Сенека
Make sentences. Prove your results of the test. Write down your answers into your file. Why have you chosen this kind of profession? Model: I think, I can work in the man-man type of profession, because I like (prefer, would like, fond of) looking after little children. Нынешняя молодежь привыкла к роскоши. Она отличается дурными манерами, презирает авторитеты, не уважает старших. Дети спорят с родителями, жадно глотают еду и изводят учителей. Сократ
Name some professions of the type. Write down your answers into your file.
Read the text and find words, which mean professions, synonym word combinations. Write down your answers into your file. Мы учимся, увы, для школы, а не для жизни. Сенека Test yourself. Psychologists say that a preferable child’s toy shows his abilities and future profession. Is it true? If a child prefers to play with puzzles, cubes he is a future mathematician, a programmer, a system administrator or an architect. If he usually plays with soldiers, he is a future leader. If he usually plays with cars, he won’t be a leader, he will choose a profession of a worker. If a child prefers to play with soft toys, it means he has humanitarian abilities. He will become a journalist, social worker or he will study languages. If his favorite toy is a dinosaurs, he will be good at biology, chemistry or physics. If a boy often plays with dolls, it is better to consult a psychologist. If a girl likes to play with “boys’ toys” such as cars, she is very emotional and impulsive.
Мы учимся, увы, для школы, а не для жизни. Сенека Make sentences and write down them into your file. Whichof the following skills is the most important for you in your future profession? Mark the boxes from 1 (most important) to 4 (least important).
Make sentences and write down them into your file. Мы учимся, увы, для школы, а не для жизни. Сенека Why are you learning English? Put a cross (x) in the boxes that best describe your reasons.
Make sentences and write down them into your file. Никогда не поздно поумнеть. Д.Дефо Which school subjects are the most important in your future profession?
Write your answers to these questions.What are you going to do after finishing secondary school?What faculty are you going to study?Why do you choose this kind of profession?Whichof the skills is the most important for you in your future profession?Which school subjects are the most important for you?What do you do to be well prepared for your further education? Было время, когда считали возможным сообщать образование. Даже знание в собственном смысле слова сообщить невозможно. Можно их человеку предложить, подсказать, но овладеть ими он должен путем собственной деятельности… Можно наполнить чем-нибудь тело, но ум наполнить ничем нельзя. Он должен самодеятельно все охватить, усвоить, переработать. А. Дистерверг Make sentences and write down them into your file. You may copy the questions. • Make a dialogue. Fill in the words. • -Hi. What are you doing? • … . Writing a history test. I want to enter the university next year. I want to be well prepared. • What faculty are you going to study? • -At first I wanted to become a biologist and study at the … Faculty. But my mum advises me to become a historian. And you? • -I think I will be a … .
Кто не понимает ничего, кроме химии, тот и ее понимает недостаточно. Лихтенберг Make sentences and write down them into your file. What would you advise to your friend if he cannot choose his future profession? Add something to your classmate’s answer.
Your home task for the next lesson. • слабые+средние средние+сильные. • in 2 days • use your writings, your file, copy some • information from this presentation. • make a story about your future profession. • in the written form in the oral form
Your file. • Some facts about professions. • Give some examples of professions. • English language and professions. • Your choice of profession. • Some professions of the chosen type. • What psychologists say about your favorite toys in childhood. • The most important skills of English and school subjects in your future profession. • How to be well prepared for your future profession.