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Adaptation of model Introductory proposal

PIECES. Adaptation of model Introductory proposal. Leonardo da Vinci program Transfer of Innovation Project Pathways into Employment in the Care and Tourism Sectors LLP-LdV/TOI/SE/10/1281. CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL HOMOLOGADO Perines , 18. 39007 Santander

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Adaptation of model Introductory proposal

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  1. PIECES Adaptation of model Introductory proposal Leonardo da Vinci program Transfer of Innovation Project Pathways into Employment in the Care and Tourism Sectors LLP-LdV/TOI/SE/10/1281 CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL HOMOLOGADO Perines, 18. 39007 Santander Tfno.: 942 37 57 08 – Fax: 942 37 41 39 decroly@decroly.com - www.decroly.com

  2. Already employed people in the hotel and catering sector with low or no qualifications. Target group

  3. The 13.7% of the workforce belongs to the catering and hotel sector. • 4,000 companies make up the sector in our region. • 90% are small firms with no more than nine workers. Many of them are family companies where the owner is the main worker of the establishment. This also means that few managers do businesses or managing training, because they do not have free time. Context in Cantabria

  4. 15,000 people currently work in this sector in low season and 22,000 in high season. • we can find 80% of workers with low or no qualifications in the catering and restoration sector as cooks, kitchen assistants, waiters ...etc, • One of the main problems found in this sector related to job mobility is seasonality, and another one is work timetables. • two types of employment contracts in the labor market: • Permanent • Temporary (high season) Context in Cantabria

  5. Training timetables • Some employees work in shifts or work late evenings and it is often difficult to gather a group of students to the same timetable. • Companies seldom allow their employees to train during working hours. • Crisis: many unemployed people without specific qualification in catering are working in this sector for being the only job found. This is why so many catering workers are no qualified. Problems

  6. 80 % of their workers have low qualification. • 20% are part time workers. • 10% are older than 50. • Some of their training is done during working hours and some out of work. Workers are not willing of doing training after working hours because they feel tired and are not interested. Information from employers

  7. There are two compulsory courses for workers: food handling and occupational risk prevention. • Employers support training in the work placement. • Main training needs are: • Foreign languages: English • Customer service Information from employers

  8. The catering and hotel sector association of Cantabria (AEHC) • Restaurants • Hotels • Inns • Training provider: Decroly • Regional Ministry of Education • Regional Ministry of Tourism • Founding provider: The Tripartite Foundation Partners

  9. D. Antonio Sainz Pardo Cueto, General Director of the Regional Society of Tourism (Institution which belongs to the Regional Ministry of Tourism). • D. Pedro Vega- Hazas, General Director of the Hotel and Catering Association of Cantabria (Hotel- School “Las Carolinas”). • D. Fernando Sebrango Revuelta, Manager of the “Chiqui Hotel.” • D. Gerardo Muñiz Bárcena, Manager of “Posada La Venta del Mar”, “Posada La Morena”, Restaurante “Sacacorchos.” Stakeholders Forum

  10. Analysis of the hospitality industry in Cantabria. • Diagnosis of current and future training needs of active workers with low qualifications. • Supporting Decroly in the "work packages” of Pieces project. • Participation in the piloting. Objetives of the Forum

  11. Proposal of adaptation

  12. Organises course with employer. • Delivers education programme to workers. • Communicates with mentor. • Gets feedback from workers. Teacher

  13. Person with relevant experience to be able to monitor the gained competences. • Evaluates improvement of workers. • Communicates with teacher. • Gets workers’ opinions about training. Mentor

  14. Signs a contract with school. • Fills in the company data in an entry form. • Fills in workers’ data. • Motivates workers for training. • Organises programme with school to fit work placement needs. Employer

  15. The agreement

  16. Company form

  17. Combines work with training. • Applies knowledge in work placement. Student /worker

  18. Face to face learning. • Distance training. • On line training. • Mixed training. Types of training

  19. Flexibility, depending on needs : • Training. • High/low season. Timescales

  20. Provided to the company by The Tripartite Foundation (www.fundaciontripartita.org). • It is the public body responsible for workers’ training. • It is tripartite: Public Administration, business organizations and the most representative trade unions. Financing

  21. Close cooperation between manager and training providers. Interaction / Partnerships

  22. Increase number of qualified workers. • Individual learning. • Promotion at work. • Create better organisational learning opportunities. • Improve quality of services provided to customers. • Improve relations between employers and training providers. Aims

  23. Any questions?

  24. Ana Mª Agüero Fuentes: anaguero@decroly.com Begoña Goitia González: bgoitia@decroly.com

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