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2. Presentation. Overview of population health surveysNPHS descriptionNPHS contentNPHS Microdata and documentationNPHS UsageProducts and Web-sites. Overview of Population Heath Surveys. . 4. Objectives. Aid in the development of public policy;Understand the determinants of health;Collect da
1. National Population Health Survey 2004 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
All Congress Symposium - A Journey through data: the riches of the RDCs
Part 3 - Population Health: The National Population Health Survey (NPHS)
June 2, 2004, Winnipeg
France Bilocq
Chief NPHS
Health Statistics Division
Statistics Canada
2. 2 Presentation Overview of population health surveys
NPHS description
NPHS content
NPHS Microdata and documentation
NPHS Usage
Products and Web-sites
3. Overview of Population Heath Surveys
4. 4 Objectives Aid in the development of public policy;
Understand the determinants of health;
Collect data on the economic, social, demographic, occupational and environmental correlates of health;
Increase the understanding of the relationship between health status and health care utilization;
5. 5 Objectives Follow a panel of people to reflect the dynamic processes of health (NPHS);
Provide a means to supplement content and sample;
Provide the possibility of linking survey data to other data sources
administrative data
6. Population Health Surveys
7. 7 Population Health Surveys NPHS
Cross-sectional and longitudinal
National, Provincial
North component
Institutions component (national)
Core, focus, buy-ins & supplements CCHS
National, provincial/ territorial & regional (health regions)
Common, selection of optional modules to fulfil health regions needs, sub-sample, buy-ins & supplements
8. NPHS description Institutions component
North component
Household component
9. 9 NPHS
Cross-sectional (x-sec.)
survey given population at one point in time
Longitudinal (Long.)
designed to survey selected population repeatedly over time
10. 10 NPHS Started in 1994-1995
Conducted every two years
Cycle 1 (1994-1995): Household & Institutions & North (long, x-sec) Cycle 2 (1996-1997): Household & Institutions & North (long, x-sec)
Cycle 3 (1998-1999): Household &North (long, x-sec), Institutions (long)
Cycle 4 (2000-2001): Household & Institutions (long.)
Cycle 5 (2002-2003): Household & Institutions (long.)
Cycle 6 (2004-2005): Household (long.)
11. 11 NPHS Institutions component Longitudinal & x-sectional: Cycles 1 & 2
Strictly longitudinal: Cycle 3
Target population
Non autonomous residents of long term (more then 6 months) health care establishments (4+ beds) in all provinces
excludes the territories, Indian Reserves and Canadian Forces Bases, correctional facilities, prisons, young offender facilities, orphanages and religious institutions.
12. 12 NPHS Institutions component Designed to produce national estimates only.
Cycle 1 Sampling frames
HSD residential care facilities list
HSD hospitals list
Longitudinal sample
Cycle 1 respondents: 2,287 ? longitudinal sample.
Cross-sectional sample C2: Top-up
13. 13 NPHS Institutions component Field operations conducted by STC
Data collection: ?Jan y2 - ? May y2
Paper questionnaires
Institution control form
Ask about Institution policies
Respondent questionnaire
based on household « core » content
mostly in-person interviews
Collected mainly in person
14. 14 NPHS Institutions component High proxy rate (71% in C4)
Next of kin
Institution staff
Family member
High mortality ? 1/3 each cycle
Used to survey institutionalized respondents from the household component
15. 15 NPHS North component Longitudinal & x-sectional C1, C2 and C3
Longitudinal data C3 not processed)
Target population
household residents aged 12 + living in each territory (+ Nunavut in C3)
excludes Indian reserves, Canadian Forces Bases and unorganized or extreme remote areas
Designed to produce estimates at the territory level.
16. 16 NPHS North component C1 Sample size: ? 2,000
Cross-sectional sample C2 and C3: top-up
Integrated NPHS / NLSCY survey
reduce respondent burden
Field operations conducted by Yukon & NWT statistical agencies
Collection challenges (moving/scattered population)
17. 17 NPHS North component Data collection: November y1 - March y2
Paper questionnaire
includes most of household « core » content
Collected in person & by telephone data
18. 18 NPHS Household component Target population
Household residents all ages in all provinces
excludes Indian reserves, Canadian Forces Bases and some remote areas in northern Québec & Ontario
Children aged 0-11 (2,022) collected via NLSCY in C1 and « repatriated » in NPHS in C2
19. 19 NPHS Household component Designed to produce provincial & national level estimates
Cycle 1 sampling frame
Based on Labour Force Survey (LFS) frame & Enquęte sociale et de santé (Québec only)
Sample of households
One member selected per household at collection ? longitudinal panel
20. 20 NPHS Household component Longitudinal sample
Cycle 1 responding selected members + children from NLSCY formed the NPHS longitudinal panel ? 17,276.
Subsequent cycles from C2 and on
? Survey same panel of respondents.
21. 21 NPHS Household component
22. 22 NPHS Household component NPHS x-sectional samples:
Longitudinal sample (panel)
17,276 respondents selected in C1
Except 0-11 in C1, partials and deaths
Buy-ins ($) (C1+C2)
Sample bought by provinces to increase geographical resolution
Top-ups (C3)
Sample to complement the panel to obtain good x-sectional representation
23. NPHS Household component Cross-sectional samples composition
24. 24 NPHS Household component C1 (1994-1995) buy-in for x-sec sample
Ontario (? 1500 hhlds) & Manitoba (? 400 hhlds)
Sub-provincial geography (health district/region)
N.B. (? 150 hhlds) & B.C. (?800 hhlds)
Increase coverage of certain areas only
Sampling: RDD method for B.C.
LFS design elsewhere
25. 25 NPHS Household component C2 (1996-1997) buy-in for x-sec sample
Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta
Sub-provincial geography (health district/region)
Ont.: 6 major regions with sub-regions (?37,800 hhlds)
Man.: 11 regions (? 11,200 hhlds, incl. 0-11)
Alta.: 17 regions (? 13,500 hhlds, incl. 0-11)
Sampling: RDD method
26. 26 NPHS Household component C3 (1998-1999) top-up for x-sec sample
All provinces
To be representative of 1998-1999 population
Added births and immigrants
Selected from LFS rotate-out samples (? 1,300 hhlds)
Added Cycle 1 non-respondents, unable to trace
(? 2,800 hhlds)
27. 27 NPHS Household component Sample summary
For 1st three cycles, data were collected to serve both longitudinal and x-sectional purposes
17,276 (same sample for all cycles)
Results drawn from the longitudinal data will always relate to the 1994-1995 Canadian population
28. 28 NPHS Household component Cross-sectional:
Longitudinal + supplementary samples
Supplementary samples:
provincial buy-ins and/or top-up samples
not followed up from one cycle to the other
Results drawn from the cross-sectional always refers to the years data were collected e.g. C3 data represents the 1998-1999 Canadian population
29. 29 NPHS Household component Field operations conducted by STC
Data collection: June y1 - June y2
Q1-Q4 plus Q5
operational reasons / seasonality
Questionnaire Computer Assisted Interview
? 55 minutes
Content development (Provincial Ministries of Health, Health Canada, data users, researchers …)
Built in skip patterns & edits
30. 30 NPHS Household component Collected in-person for C1, by telephone from C2 and on
From C1 to C3 (longitudinal & X-sectional):
Two questionnaires : General & Health
«General» used to collect health data from all household members
household composition may be different from one cycle to the other
«Health» used to collect more detailed health data from 1 selected member (include longitudinal panel member).
31. 31 NPHS Household component
32. 32 NPHS Household component From C4 and on (longitudinal only)
One questionnaire
Combines general and health questionnaires
Roster of household members like for C123
Household information collected from longitudinal respondent to derive household related characteristics
33. 33 NPHS Household component
34. 34 NPHS Household component Interviewer training, manuals, guide
Respondents’ relations strategy
Introduction letter
Gifts (Calendar, fridge magnet, medical wallet kit)
Newspaper clip (C6)
Thank you letter
Roulette with NPHS results
35. 35 NPHS Household component Non-response:
Refusal and no contact letter
Resends in subsequent Qs
Weights adjustment
Longitudinal sample only
Provide change of address card
Use contacts provided by respondent
Other (Post office, Canada 411,WEB, etc.)
If traced then interview
36. NPHS Content
37. 37 NPHS Content Common to all cycles
Changes: focus, addition, brought back…
Supplements - separate data outputs
C1 Health Promotion Survey (Health Canada)
C2 asthma (Health Canada)
C3 Food Insecurity (HRDC)
38. 38 NPHS Content - All cycles Alcohol consumption
Blood pressure check
Chronic conditions *
Drug use
General Health
Health Care Utilisation *
Health Status (HUI)
Height / weight
Insurance (not C1)
Mental Health
Physical activities
Restriction of activities * Repetitive strain (not C1)
Self-perceived health
Social support
Two-week disability (not C4...) *
Women’s / Preventive health
Household composition *
Education *
Income *
Labour force *
Socio-demographic characteristics *
Survey administration
39. 39 NPHS Content Stress
Self-esteem, C1, C4
Ongoing problems C5, core as of C6
Recent life events C1, C4
Childhood & adult stressors C1, C4
Work stress C5 core as of C6
Mastery C5 core as of C6
Self-perceived stress C4 +
Sense of coherence C1 & C3
40. 40 NPHS Content Access to services, C2
Blood pressure
Breast feeding
Dental visits
Emergency services
Eye examinations
Flu shots
Insurance coverage
Alcohol dependence + opinion C2, C5
41. 41 NPHS Content Diet / Nutrition C3, C5, C6
Family medical history C3
Self-care C3
Tobacco alternatives C3
Strength C5+
Dependence C6+
Smoking initiation C6+
42. 42 NPHS Content Chronic conditions C4
Heart disease
Sleep C5, core as of C6
Body image C5, core as of C6
Family history: depression C6
General: Life satisfaction C6
43. 43 NPHS Content Coping (16 questions CCHS) C6
Household level of education C6
Added income category C6
$80,000 - $100,000
44. 44 NPHS Content – Supplements Health Canada, Health Promotion Survey C1
Alcohol during pregnancy
Body image
Health care services
Injury prevention
Nutrition choices, habits
Sexual health
Smoking - attitude
Sources of health information
C2: Health Canada, Asthma
C3: HRDC, Food insecurity
45. 45 NPHS Content - Buy-in Health Canada, Health Promotion Survey, C2
Breast self-examination
Sexual health
Nutrition choices, habits
Food insecurity
Road safety
Alcohol - attitude
Smoking - attitude
46. 46 NPHS Content - Buy-in Manitoba
Coping C1
Attitude toward parents C1
Coping C1 & C2
Sources of health information C2
Sexual health C2
Social support C2
Health services / child health services C2
Tanning / UV exposure C2
Violence & personal safety C2
Health Canada
Residence history (20 years) C5
47. NPHS Microdata
48. 48 Microdata
49. 49 NPHS Microdata Master File
Statistics Canada
Research Data Centres (RDCs)
Remote Access
Household Cycle 1, 2 and 3
Cross-sectional: General and health master file
Household Cycle 2 and 3
Longitudinal – Full
Household Cycle 4 +
Longitudinal (subsets)
50. 50 NPHS- Microdata As of C4: Master file: contains all panel members (17,276)
4 subsets of respondents
(flags, sampling weights and bootstrap weights)
1. Longitudinal Square (complete panel; 17,276 records)
2. Longitudinal Full- Master (Complete response in all cycles)
3. Longitudinal Full Extreme - Master
(Complete response in extreme cycle e.g. for C5: C1 and C5)
4. Longitudinal Full - Share
(Complete response in all 5 cycles + agree to share; 12,221 records)
51. 51 NPHS Microdata Master File
Institutions Cycle 1 and 2
Institutions Cycle 3, 4 and 5
North Cycle 1 and 2
North Cycle 3
52. 52 NPHS Microdata Master File
Asthma and Food insecurity master file available in RDC upon request only
Share File
To be used by share partners: Health Canada and provincial Ministries of health
Same pattern as Master except for supplements.
Only contains respondents who agreed to share
Household, Institutions: sharing rate ? 96%
North: no provision for data sharing
53. 53 NPHS Microdata Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
Household Cycles 1, 2 and 3, General and health
Cross-sectional only
Institution Cycles 1 and 2
Cross-sectional only
Health Promotion Survey (Supplement C1)
Available in RDC upon request
54. 54 NPHS - Documentation Documentation
User guide: PUMF
Longitudinal documentation
Collection, processing, response rate, weighting, variable naming convention, etc.
Data dictionary
Record layout (SAS & SPSS)
Derived variables document
55. 55 NPHS - Documentation 8 characters in length Example: DHC6_AGE
1–2 variable section name DH: Demographic/ Hhld section
3 survey type C: Core content
4 year (4, 6, 8 …) 6: 1996-97 cycle
5 variable type _: From question.
6–8 variable name/number AGE: variable name
Will not match original 1994: conversion layouts available
56. NPHS - Usage Rules
Complex design
57. 57 NPHS – Usage “Rules” Only statistical aggregates may be published
Aggregates released must not identify a person, business or organisation directly or indirectly
Information can not be released before the official release by Statistics Canada
58. 58 NPHS – Usage “Rules” Respondent information can not be linked to administrative health records without consent to do so from the respondent (linking question)
Share partners obtain link file upon request
For respondents who agreed to both sharing and linking data.
59. 59 NPHS – Usage “Rules” Master file and share files are to be treated as confidential and must be protected.
60. 60 NPHS Usage – Complex Design
61. 61 NPHS Usage – Complex Design Variance estimation with complex multistage cluster sample design
No exact formula for estimation
Approximate approach required
Approximate methods for variance estimation:
Taylor linearization
Replication methods
Balanced Repeated Replication
62. 62 Bootstrap weights
Complex survey design => no formula for variance estimation
Bootstrap weights are provided (500)
For each subset of respondents
Bootvar (macros)
Totals, ratios, differences of ratios, linear & logistic regression parameters
SAS & SPSS NPHS Usage – Complex Design
63. 63 Household
Bootstrap weights
All cycles , all master files , all share files
No bootstrap weights for the PUMFs
Bootstrap weights starting in C3
No bootstrap weights
Provide SAS program to estimate variance NPHS Usage – Weights
64. 64 Household component Cycle 1, 2, 3
Creation of cross-sectional coordinated bootstrap weights
Cross-sectional samples for C1, 2, 3 not completely independent (include longitudinal panel members)
Impact ? reduce variance
For General and Health files
Master and Share files, Cycles 1, 2 and 3
CD-ROM in RDCs NPHS Usage - Weights
65. 65 Post-stratification based on Census projections
Cycles 1, 2 based on 1991 census
Cycles 3, 4 and 5, based on 1996 Census
Previous files not changed
NPHS Usage - Weights
66. 66 NPHS – Usage Attrition Attrition longitudinal household component
General definition
Loss in sample size due to deaths, non-response, movements out-of-scope and untraceable situations
NPHS definition:
Loss in sample size due to non-response and untraceable situations
No out-of-scope
Deaths are considered as a response(analytical value)
67. 67 NPHS – Usage Attrition Observed attrition (Full-Master) after 5 cycles okok
68. 68 NPHS – Usage Attrition okok
69. NPHS Products
70. 70 NPHS Products CANSIM II main dissemination vehicle
x-sectional tabulations from NPHS 1st three cycles table
few longitudinal tabulations
counts, % and confidence intervals
national & provincial levels
age and sex
Canadian Statistics
E-Pubs: Health Indicators
71. 71 NPHS Products Health Reports
STC quarterly publication
Wide range of analytical articles based on the NPHS
14 (4), released
Repetitive strain injuries.
15 (1) released, Daily January 21, 2004
Stress, health and the benefit of social support
Incident arthritis in relation to excess weight
72. 72 NPHS Products Joint STC - CIHI publications
“How Healthy are Canadians”
“Health Care in Canada”
both are annual publications
73. 73 WEB Sites NPHS questionnaires and documentation are available on STC ’s Web site at:
Main entry point for analytical products and tabular statistics
74. 74 Contact Info Mario Bédard, Data Access Unit, Population Health Surveys
Health Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
(613) 951-8933, mario.bedard@statcan.ca
France Bilocq, Chief, NPHS
Health Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
(613) 951-6956, france.bilocq@statcan.ca