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Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning Webinar #7 – Transitioning Students with Special Needs through Community P

Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning Webinar #7 – Transitioning Students with Special Needs through Community Partnerships Linda Dolezsar , School District #51 (Boundary ) Linda Farr Darling, UBC April 29 , 2013. The Context: Growing Innovation

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Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning Webinar #7 – Transitioning Students with Special Needs through Community P

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  1. Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning Webinar #7 – Transitioning Students with Special Needs through Community Partnerships Linda Dolezsar, School District #51 (Boundary ) Linda Farr Darling, UBC April 29, 2013

  2. The Context: Growing Innovation • Connecting: Growing Innovation Planning Principles • Processing: Project example: - Transitioning Special Needs Students into the Community (School District #51) • Transforming: Questions, connections and applications Agenda and Timeline

  3. unique partnership between the University of Education, the Ministry of Education and educators in several rural school districts. • conceptualized in February, 2011, by members of the Rural Education Advisory Committee through the office of the Eleanor Rix Professor of Rural Teacher Education. • Strength-based: designed to celebrate, support and shine a light on some of the many unique teaching practices across B.C. that are innovative and collaborative. The Context:Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning

  4. We have defined innovation as a “unique response to a local need, issue or interest”. • 18 projects (from 61 applications) funded in 2011-2012, and met 4 key criteria: a) an inquiry was focused on addressing a local issue, need or interest b) links were made to research c) student outcomes were articulated d) a community engagement strategy was identified. Context: Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning

  5. 1) Personalized learning for every student 2) Quality teaching and learning 3) Flexibility and choice 4) High standards 5) Learning empowered by technology Grassroots Approach:B.C. Ed Plan and Growing Innovation

  6. Growth through implementation of several catalysts for learning: 1. Website (www.ruralteachers.com): a) clickable map, which leads to further detail on all projects including artifacts. b) video gallery, with 5 videos posted and 2 more to follow. c) webinar resources & information on upcoming webinars 2. Upcoming webinars/symposia/news events follow @ruralteachers on twitter hashtag: #growinginnovation Commitment to “Growing” Innovation:Notice our symbol…

  7. 5 frames for thinking and planning… Nurture Purposeful Student Engagement Practice Place- Conscious Learning Engage Community Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships Embed Research & Inquiry Planning Principles

  8. Planning principles As you listen to Linda, consider ways that the 5 planning principles are being addressed • 3-2-1 (individuals and teams) 3 things that resonated 2 questions 1 potential application for engagement

  9. Inquiry Question: Will a combination of community partnerships, technology, and functional curricula provide the basic skills that support increased independence and personal goal setting for youth with special needs? • Context: Rural community of 600 and 6 secondary students with moderate to profound special needs • Objective 1: Develop community partnerships where students with special needs can build their collaborative, creative, and problem solving skills through real-life experiences • Objective 2:Develop and compile meaningful functional curricula using a blended learning approach of interactive technology and guided school simulations

  10. Locate two community partners • Meet to discuss prerequisite skills • Develop time frame for community work • Teach prerequisite skills using functional curricula and a blended learning approach • Develop performance skill rubrics for each community setting and partner survey • Introduce students to settings First Steps

  11. Personal care and attire (Daily self-check) • Making introductions & greetings • Having conversations • Following directions • Getting a person’s attention politely • Asking and answering questions • Making an apology • Manners and etiquette Social Skills for Community

  12. Number recognition Calendar concepts Date formats (1/12/13; 3/13, etc.) Expiration and code concepts Recycling Facing and stocking concepts (specific employment skill) Curriculum for McMynn’s Grocery

  13. At McMynn’s

  14. Table setting • Pouring and serving hot and cold beverages • Food serving • Coffee maker and kettle use • Basic food preparation (cut, stir, peel, pour) • Elevator use • Mapping skills Curriculum for the Manor

  15. Serving Food at the Manor

  16. Using the elevator

  17. Results show top 3 skills in each area: • Social – Personal hygiene, courteous manners, and following simple directions. • Technology – Use of Internet, Internet safety, and simple word processing. • Community work – Working with limited supervision, understanding arrival and ending times, working cooperatively alongside co-workers(pleasant, cooperative attitude). Community Partner and Parent Survey Results

  18. Community partners deepened their understanding that youth with special needs make unique and long-lasting contributions to the community through the development of their personal skills and independence. • Students improved their ability to communicate and take directions from others outside of school; increased their understanding of what happens in a business setting; and developed skills for their future. Additional Outcomes

  19. Student Comments

  20. 2012-2013: • Students have continued to work in the community, further developing important lifelong community skills. • The new teacher is using functional curricula developed and also purchased through the grant. • Technology continues to be embedded through a blended learning approach. Sustainability

  21. 3- things that were compelling for you 2- questions or connections 1 – application to your setting Transforming:Connections and Reflections

  22. We invite you to: a) visit www.ruralteachers.com b) share information re: webinars in your districts and take part if interested c) view the videos included on the website and use as catalysts for dialogue and planning c) contact project leaders directly d) share other examples of innovation to broaden our community “Growing” Innovation

  23. Catalyst #1 - Website (www.ruralteachers.com) Catalyst #2 - Webinars Catalyst #3 - Video gallery (5 videos posted on website; 2 to follow, including discussion frame for use at staff meetings, pro d days, conversations, etc.) Potential Catalysts: virtual and face to face learning rounds and regional symposia; UBC learning symposium (May, 2013) • District or school initiated visits to project sites. • The Rural Education Advisory Committee is open to hearing about other innovations and connecting rural educators: contact Linda or Pat) “Growing” Innovation:Catalysts for Learning

  24. Growing Innovation CONTACTS Linda Dolezsar (linda.dolezsar@sd51.bc.ca ) Pat Dooley (pat.dooley2010@gmail.com Linda Farr Darling (Linda.Darling@ubc.ca) ….

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