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History of OFCF Cabinet Council: Enhancing Youth Services in Ohio State Governance

From the establishment in 1984 under Governor Celeste to the evolution initiated by Governors Voinovich, Taft, and Strickland, the OFCF Cabinet Council has dramatically improved interdepartmental collaboration for youth services. Learn about its progression and impactful milestones till date. 8 Relevant

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History of OFCF Cabinet Council: Enhancing Youth Services in Ohio State Governance

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  1. History of OFCF Cabinet Council by Administration 1984 - Now

  2. Governor Celeste – established Interdepartmental Cluster Services for Youth (ICSFY) which led to the creation of OFCF. Governor Voinovich - Enactment of 1992 Executive Order to create OFCF Cabinet Council overseen by the Governor, to expand the work of cluster and encourage collaboration on more system and policy issues in counties. Moved to Statewide Implementation in 1994; greater emphasis on parent involvement and responsibility; Quarterly state performance measurement reporting begins; Cabinet led and supported by Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff . Governor Taft - Overseen by the Governor’s EA; Hired 4 state Directors for Policy, Partnerships, Programs, and Performance; 5 Regional Directors; 5 Regional Family Coordinators; Licensing work ended; PfS integrates three community planning models and pilots in 5 counties. Later reduced staffing pattern to an Executive Director, secretary, and 5 field people. Governor Strickland – Overseen by the Governor’s EA Director; staffing pattern reduced to Executive Director, secretary, and three field people. History of OFCF Placement in Governor’s Office .

  3. Governor Voinovich’s OFCF Vision All children will enter school ready to learn. 1995 1996-1997 1998 History of OFCF Cabinet Targeted budget investments; Help Me Grow corporate partnership launches; AECF Family to Family Grant, Kellogg’s Family for Kids Grant HB 274 gave legislative authority to FCFCs; 5 Regional Coordinators hired; 5 Regional Parent Coordinators hired; all 88 county FCFC established; Wellness Block Grant Initiative; confidentiality of information interagency agreement; local FCFCs formed ISCO & held retreat; ODJFS serves as Admin. Agent Closely connected to welfare reform and urban schools efforts through preventative and early Health Care; Early Start; Head Start; Public Preschool; Family Support and Stability; School Readiness Resource Centers; Parent Leadership Training Institute

  4. Governor Voinovich’s OFCF Vision All children will enter school ready to learn. History of OFCF Cabinet 1991 1992 1993 1994 Grant received from the NGA to create a family policy academy; state team forms Enactment of Executive Order to create OFCF Cabinet Council overseen by the Governor, to expand the work of cluster and encourage collaboration on more system and policy issues in counties First Statute Enacted; Pilot in 13 counties; other voluntary counties also begin; began holding OFCF sponsored conferences with 500-700 attending; Special Children’s Budget Analysis developed Moved to Statewide Implementation; greater emphasis on parent involvement and responsibility; Quarterly state performance measurement reporting begins; Cabinet led and supported by Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff

  5. Governor Taft’s OFCF Vision Enabling every child to succeed. 1999 2000 2001 2002 History of OFCF Cabinet All FCFC program funding continues to counties; strategic planning for fresh direction; Licensing work began Overseen by the Governor’s EA; Hired 4 state Directors for Policy; Partnerships; Programs; and Performance; 5 Regional Directors; 5 Regional Family Coordinators; Licensing work ended; PfS integrates three community planning models and pilots in 5 counties Fatherhood Commission began; Created 6 Commitments to Child Well-Being; Partnerships for Success Director hired, OSU contracted, RFP to counties; asset building focus integrated with PfS; 1st Children’s Budget developed; Help Me Grow integrated three 0-3 programs; overseen by OFCF Cabinet and chaired by ODH and ODJFS; directed to create a plan for the Gov. on how to develop an integrated EC&E system for all families; Family Stability, Wellness Block Grant, School Readiness Resource Centers, State Cluster Funding continues 17 indicators selected for the 6 commitments to CWB; directed to focus on HMG, chaired by ODH & ODJFS; Early Literacy, chaired by ODE & ODJFS; and Youth ATOD, chaired by ODADAS and ODH

  6. Governor Taft’s OFCF Vision Enabling every child to succeed. 2003 2004 2005 2006 History of OFCF Cabinet 2nd Children’s Budget created; the 4 State “P” Director positions ended; maintain one person as OFCF Director; 5 Family Regional Coordinators positions ended; HB 57 made changes to SC Mechanism to increase focus on unruly youth Help Me Grow; Early Literacy; and Youth ATOD prevention initiatives continue; PfS Planning Process for OFCF Cabinet; well-being indicators are developed for the 6 commitments to child well-being Access to Better Care Initiative began; family-centered, wraparound principles and out of home placement timeframe added to the SC Mechanism via HB 66; ODMH Director and ODE State Sup. Appointment Co-Chairs of OFCF Cabinet; ODMH becomes Admin. Agent; July – Angela Sausser Short hired as OFCF Director; Administrative Assistant hired; HB 289 introduced; PFS and HMG continue Strategic Planning process with OFCF Deputy Directors – crafted mission, vision, guiding principles, and core functions; HB 289 passed in Aug, guidance developed for FCFC comprehensive planning for the Commitments along with attendance for mandated members and creation of an Advisory Board; transitional plan developed; Data Group began meeting

  7. Governor Strickland’s OFCF Vision A community-based seamless system of care for families and children needing assistance so that children thrive and succeed. History of OFCF Cabinet 2007 2008 2009 First Lady agrees to chair OFCF Cabinet; HB 289 Plans submitted by 88 FCFCs; HB 289 Report Guidance Created; ABC, HMG, and PfS continue Early Childhood Cabinet oversees work related to children 0-6; OFCF responsible for 6-24; both work on cross-system issues that span across ages; HMG is overseen now by ECC; FCFC model drafted; Cabinet Retreat; Visits to all 88 county FCFCs; all 88 county FCFCs submit 1st annual HB 289 reports OFCF Deputies operationalize their work; 12 First Lady Regional Forums held; Cabinet’s Progress Report to Challenges distributed; Analysis and recommendations of state’s interagency workgroups provided to Governor’s office

  8. Then Developed state and local Interdepartmental Cluster Services for Youth Cluster focused on multi-system children Placement Funding becomes Community Based Funding Now OFCF Cabinet and county FCFCs Service Coordination focuses on multi-need children Access to Better Care Reclaim Governor Celeste Goal: Intersystem efforts for multi-system children 1984 - 1991

  9. Then Created OFCF Cabinet and 88 county FCFCs in statute Local decision-making and input into policy Emphasis on parent involvement and responsibility Strong private sector investments on multiple initiatives, including HMG and emphasis on counties being able to access federal and other non-state dollars for services and programs. Strong emphasis on early childhood and prevention Funds to develop Service Coordination Mechanism, state pooled funds for county service coordination needs (Cluster $); Family Stability funding Now OFCF Cabinet and 88 county H.B. 289 adds accountability FCFC Family Representatives; Family Network Meetings Lack of private sector investments HMG; Creation of the Early Childhood Cabinet Updated SC Mechanism; no funds to support local service coordination needs but instead have ABC and FAST funding Governor Voinovich Goal: All children will enter school ready to learn. 1991-1998

  10. Then Built structure to 17 state level positions until 2003 when 12 positions ended. Continued Voinovich focus on early childhood, prevention, and out of home placement reduction until 2003 when significant funding ended; Sponsored a collaboration model (PfS) to assist counties in planning with an emphasis on child well-being. H.B. 289 passed requiring planning and reporting on child well-being based. Established P-16 Councils and WIA Boards Became initiative focused, instead of looking at priorities, issues, policies Now OFCF Staff has 5 positions – Executive, 3 field, secretary Access to Better Care and Help Me Grow initiatives PfS has developed the community capacity building model for 44 of the 88 counties County HB 289 Plans and 1st year Reports received P-16 councils and WIA Boards continue Becoming priorities, issues, and policy focused again Governor Taft Goal: Enable every child to succeed. 1999-2006

  11. 2007-2008 First Lady chairs OFCF Cabinet and places emphasis on collaboration and coordination. ODMH continues to serve as Administrative Agent for the Office of OFCF. Relationship building between state and 88 County FCFC’s through visits by First Lady and OFCF Cabinet Directors where a change in leadership style from top down control to generative was stressed. Cabinet studied purpose and value of FCFC in relation to current needs. Cabinet began efforts to address prioritized challenges and issues identified during visits (ie. common data base, flexible funding). PfS added 10 counties; HB 289 plans and reports submitted by counties; Service Coordination continues, ESCORE for service coordination data collection discontinued due to contractual issues; ABC & HMG initiatives continue. Now First Lady chairs OFCF Cabinet and places emphasis on collaboration and coordination. FCFC continues under EA Coordinator; Service Coordination revisited for new emphasis; Family and Community Engagement Teams established in partnership with ODE; Stress importance of collective wisdom and sharing of professional knowledge in finding best use of dollars and staff time (Dennis Embry work). Governor Strickland Goal: A community-based seamless system of care for families and children needing assistance so that children thrive and succeed. 2007-present

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