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German Commission for UNESCO International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility of the Nottingham University Business School Copernicus Alliance The “Higher Education“ Working Group of the UN Decade in Germany (AG Hochschule).
German Commission for UNESCO International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility of the Nottingham University Business School Copernicus Alliance The “Higher Education“ Working Group of the UN Decade in Germany (AG Hochschule) 4thInternational Conference on Higher Education for SustainableDevelopment, September 14-16, 2011, Leuphana University of Lüneburg INTEGRATED APPROACH TO THE ‘SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’ CONCEPT IN URBAN PLANNING EDUCATION: A BULGARIAN PATH ElenaDimitrova Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Geodesy, Sofia International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
ISSUES TO DISCUSS • Planning education for sustainable development (SD) in context • The ‘sustainable development’ topic in the Programme in Urbanism at UACEG, Sofia • The partnership challenge • Education effectiveness: evaluating what and how? • Lessons learned: SD education success factors International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
PLANNING EDUCATION FOR SD DEVELOPMENT: peculiarities and contextual aspects Urban Planning is: • A border area between technical, social, cultural, political, managerial considerations • Integrating a broader range of key SD issues and competences • Requiresaction-oriented professional knowledge and skills • Contextually sensitive – ways of life, value systems, economic frameworks International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT: planning education challenges • Education of professionals for SD is about: • Enhancing awareness/ appreciation about the importance and urgency of the concept • Accumulation of knowledge – theoretical and practical • Developing critical thinking and creative abilities • Building self-confidence and motivation for action • Needed capacities comprise: • Specific knowledge and skills within the professional field • Ability to integrate technical, social, humanitarian and natural sciences. • Education for SD is not a linear process International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
BULGARIA in European process and space Regional differences in GDP EU 27 index = 100 International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
POST-SOCIALIST BULGARIAN CITIES: changing urban context • Urban management– decentralization, changes in land ownership, quality decrease in urban services; inadequacy of legislation and normative basis; emergence of the civil sector. • Urban way of life– higher living standards and mobility in some social groups, broader market opportunities social stratification an spatial segregation. • Urban planning– emerging focus on strategic and integrated planning, EU influence – funding schemes and programmes, lack of experience in coordinating strategic and operational planning. • Urban structures – new urban development, densification, pressure on public green space, urban sprawl. International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
Sofia: urban transformations and urban images 2009 International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SOFIA: INCREASED URBAN MOBILITYurban processes and urban values International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SOFIA: BUILDING PRESSUREhousing in the periphery Increasing market pressure in fashionable residential quarters, 20007 International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SOFIA 2000s: planning effects of urban land restitution The Students’ town, student hostels from 1980s Building permits (red contours) on public urban greenery (restituted urban land) in housing estates The Students’ town, a new residential building on restituted land, 2000s
BULGARIAN PLANNING SYSTEM: tasks and challenges • Re-thinking existing plans • Developing new planning instruments; • Building institutional capacity • Involving new actors in new types of interactions • Building a relevant information database • Acting within extremely dynamic urban processes • Dealing with competing/conflicting demands • Providing for transparency of the planning process
SD EDUCATION in the programme in URBANISM at UACEG • Programme development: BSc since 2002 (TEMPUS result), MSc since 2006; • Structure of the SD teaching modules: SD1 (compulsory) in Year 1, sem.2; SD2 (optional) in Year 2, sem.3 • Principles of the educational approach • Introducing the SD concept from the very beginning; • Providing basic professional knowledge alongside with stimulating intellectual curiosity and ethical debate; • Linking theory (SD1) to local municipal practice (SD2); • Linking educational activities to ongoing research and practice projects, case-study based approach International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN SPACE Pressure on the environment Quality of life • Use of resources, energy and territory • Waste generation • Health aspects • Economic aspects • Social and sociocultural aspects • Aspects of physical environment Sustainable development criteria • ACCESSIBILITY • of resources • of products • EFFECTIVENESS • of resource use • of consumption Social and cultural dimensions Technical and economic dimensions Temporal dimensions Spatial dimensions
SD1 MODULE Topic 1: The sustainable development idea International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD1 MODULE Topic 2: The theoretical discourse and the political process International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD1 MODULE Topic 3: Spatial aspects of sustainability International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD 1 MODULE Topic 4: The interdisciplinarity challenge International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD 2 MODULE in the BSc in Urbanism Programme • SD2 module contents: 9 case studies developed in the period 2003/04-2010/11 • Topics addressed: • modes of use of public green space / potentials and conflicts; • tourism development strategies; • chances to take under economic restructuring (small mining settlements); • SD in Bulgarian peripheral / border regions. • the preservation/ development balance • Number of participating students: 5 to 14 • Team working International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD II MODULE : Linking Theory to Practice (1) International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD II MODULE: Linking Theory to Practice (2) International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SD II MODULE : Linking Theory To Practice (3) International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
‘SD’ PARTNERSHIPS: The ‘SD Team’ of the Programme A flexible network of people – professionals and citizens - who share the idea that: • The Earth is more than a sum of resources to manage and utilise – it should be respected; • Quality of life is measured by the chances provided for creative action and spiritual development; • Facing SD challenges requires professional competence but also sensitivity to development ethics and environmental justice. International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
‘SD’ PARTNERSHIPS within the educational field • UACEG- the academic staff at the Faculty of Architecture; • TEMPUS Joint European Projects (JEP) –universities from UK, Ireland, Italy, etc. • AESOP(Association of European Schools of Planning) • EESD(Engineering Education for sustainable development) • ERASMUS Programme– students from France, Austria and Spain • Colleagues from TU-Vienna – Sozopol project • A PhD student from Algeria International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
‘SD’ PARTNERSHIPS with research • Bulgarian National Science Fund–late 1990s; • FP5, PETUS Project, 2002-2005, 8 European partner institutions • ASO-Sofia (Austrian Federal Ministry of Science) - Austrian-Bulgarian research cooperation, BOKU, Vienna, 2005-2006 • COST Action C20(The Urban Knowledge Arena), 2005-2009 • University Research budget, 2009, 2011 International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
‘SD’ PARTNERSHIPS with Bulgarianplanning practice and governance • Bulgarian municipalities - still limited local expertise and urgency of the requirement to meet EU standards; • General appreciation of the potential benefit of the partnership; • Building trust is sometimes a long process; • Most effective partnerships are built where research funding was also available. International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
‘SD’ PARTNERSHIPS with the NGO sector The NGO sector is a newly developing one in the country, estimated need for expert support • Eneffect - Centre for Energy Efficiency– specialized, national and international level; • Scouts’ Land, local youth NGO, Lucki municipality • ZAEDNO – Communication for Support and Development Foundation, solidarity actions, NGO networking through Internet • Green School Village– sustainable development in rural areas through changing personal way of life . International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
THE ‘STUDENTS-TEACHERS’ PARTNERSHIP • Supportive and reliable, eager to invent • Enthusiastically searching and/or critical to approaches and results, insisting on : • “More time for contacts” • “Teachers listening longer to our opinion” • Estimation of important factors (both beginners and advanced ones): • Direct contacts with real-life places and actors • Relating visions to reality • Proving the relevance of the professional intervention • Team working International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
PARTNERSHIP ETHICS: lessons learned In building lasting partnerships it proves important to be: • PROACTIVEin identifying and approaching potential allies and partners; • HONESTabout the vision/strategy proposed and about the expectations on support and benefits; • DIALOGICAL– open to criticism and respectful to differences in points of view; • PATIENTin building common language and trust; • SELF-REFLECTIVEon current results • FOCUSED ON PRIORITIESwhile keepingOPEN-MINDEDto a broad horizon and a long-term perspective. International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
PLANNING EDUCATION FOR SD: Evaluating what and how? • Evaluate what • Awareness about the SD concept • Professional capacity for analytical and integrative approaches • Communication skills • Personal attitude and motivation for action • Evaluate how • Direct feedback – exams, surveys, interviews • Indirect feedback – course and diploma works, further professional development • Evaluation results • positive indications; • identified shortcomings • need for more in-depth analyses International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
Lucky project, SD2 module, 2008/09:in partnership with Scouts’ Land NGO Discussingdevelopment alternatives after the mine closes down: photo tourism, biological agriculture, teleworking, green school International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
LUCKY PROJECT, SD2 module, 2008: students’ estimation of project results Question:What were the three most important things you learned from this project? • “We came to know a marvellous place and I hope we could contribute to a better future for its inhabitants” • “Team working – I came to be more patient and self-content” • “How such a small settlement could reveal a development potential in so diverse and interesting aspects” • “Everything is possible when there are people willing to do it” • “I could contribute to a sustainable mode of existence” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
And something more … International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
SOZOPOL PROJECT, 2007/2008: Between preservation & development • MSc Programme in Urbanism • One-year long educational project, • In partnership with TU-Vienna • Jointly with specialised modules in ICZM and in Integrated Planning International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
Partners: Department of Urban planning, Centre of Regional Planning and Development, TU-Vienna; Department of Urban planning, UACG, Sofia Participants:14 students fromUACG, Sofia, 11 students fromTU-Vienna (Austria, Italy, Turkey) from the fields of urban planning and architecture,working in 4 international teams. Project aim:to investigate the possibilities for real-life action concerning: • Investigation on forms of EU and national funding; • Various actors’ responsibilities in the process of self-organization, • Arenas of dialogue, interaction and partnership – needed and possible ones; • Required new knowledge and skills. International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
TEAM А: “SOZOPOL ARENA 2020+” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
TEAMB: “BUILDING THE SOZOPOL-PRIMORSKO REGION AND THE LEADER+ PROGRAMME” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
TEAM С: “FREE HORIZON” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
TEAMD: “A RECIPEE FOR A TASTY MUNICIPALITY” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
STUDENTS’ ESTIMATION OF PROJECT RESULTS: Sozopol International Project, 2008 Question: What was the most inspiring moment in this project? • “Any moment when I realised I was capable of doing things, and my colleagues were capable as well; any moment when I was able to realise that there is a sense in doing things – and most of all, any moment when I had the need - and not the obligation - to go ahead. This last one was - at least for me – a completely new feeling.” International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD PROJECT, 2009/10:a value based approach (1) • SD2, BSc in Urbanism • winter semester, 2009/2010 • Links the educational process to an ongoing NGO project on sustainable regional development – funded by an international organization after a competition; • The project was developed and submitted by current and ex-students of the Programme in Urbanism at UACG International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD MUNICIPALITY: past and present International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD MUNICIPALITY: past and present International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD MUNICIPALITY: past and present International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD project: the initiators International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
THE UNIVERSITY IN THE PROCESS Content analysis: answers to 4 questions What do you like best in your town? What do you like least? What do you what to be changed ? What would you do to change it? International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
Do you like living here? What traditions have you kept alive? How do you spend your free time? What would you show to a visitor? International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011
IVAYLOVGRAD PROJECT:building on social capital International HESD Conference, Luneburg, September 14-16, 2011