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Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland

3MRA. Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory November 15-17, 2005. The HWIR Question. At what constituent concentration will wastes , when placed in non-hazardous waste management units over the unit’s life, result in:

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Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland

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  1. 3MRA Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory November 15-17, 2005

  2. The HWIR Question • At what constituentconcentration will wastes, when placed in non-hazardous waste management units over the unit’s life, result in: 1) greater than A% of the people living within B distance of the facility experiencing a risk/hazard of C or less and 2) greater than D% of the habitats within E distance of the facility with an ecological hazard less than F, at G% of facilities nationwide? 2

  3. 3MRA Question: Concentration in Effluent, prior to disposal? Land Application Unit

  4. GIS-Based Site-Specific Conceptual Site Model Hab 2 Range 2 LWS=Local Watershed Vad=Vadose Zone Range 1 WS Sub 2 Aqu=Aquifer Rch=Water Body Reach WS Sub 1 WSSub=Watershed Subbasin Ring=Distance WBN Rch 2 Range 3 HumRcp=Human Receptor 2 BG=Population Block Group 1 3 WS Sub 3 Range=Ecological Range WBN Rch 1 4 Hab=Ecological Habitat =Well Location Src=Source 5 8 WBN Rch 3 WBN=Water Body Network 13 7 6 14 Src 1 Hab 1 WS Sub 4 Farm 1 15 9 16 10 18 Range 1 17 Farm 2 Range 2 11 12 LAKE 20 BG1 19 Range 3 WBN Rch 4 BG2

  5. LF WP 3MRA Module Connectivity AT AIR TF SI EE AF ER LAU SW WS HE HR VZ AQ FF Exposure/Risk Transport Foodchain Sources 5

  6. Conceptual Site Model Connections LWS=Local Watershed Vad=Vadose Zone HumRcp 1 HumRcp 10 HumRcp 13 Aqu=Aquifer HumRcp 2 HumRcp 11 Rch=Water Body Reach HumRcp 14 HumRcp 3 HumRcp 12 WSSub=Watershed Subbasin HumRcp 15 HumRcp 4 Ring=Distance HumRcp 16 HumRcp 5 HumRcp 17 N HumRcp=Human Receptor N connections 2 connections 1 connection HumRcp 6 HumRcp 18 BG=Population Block Group HumRcp 7 HumRcp 19 Range=Ecological Range HumRcp 8 HumRcp 20 Hab=Ecological Habitat HumRcp 9 BG 1 BG 2 Air Source 12 8 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Hab 1 LWS 1 LWS 2 Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Vad 1 Vad 2 WSSub 1 WSSub 2 WSSub 3 WSSub 4 Hab 2 Aqu 1 Aqu 2 9 3 12 Rch 1 Rch 2 Rch 3 Rch 4 8 12 8 WBN 1 Farm 1 Farm 2 8 Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 3 12 Ring 3 8 (one-tenth scale)

  7. GIS Site-Specific Spacial Overlays Slide Based on Research Triangle Institute 7

  8. Data Type Site-Based Regional National Waste Management Unit Waste Properties Meteorological Watershed and waterbody layout Surface water Soil/vadose zone Aquifer Farm food chain/terrestrial food web Aquatic food web Data Collection Approach 8

  9. Data Type Site-Based Regional National Human exposure factors Ecological exposure factors Chemical properties Biouptake/bioaccumulation factors Human health benchmarks Human receptor type and location Ecological benchmarks Ecological receptor Ecological habitat type and location Data Collection Approach (Cont.) 9

  10. Potential Dimensionality for HWIR National Assessment Simulations Storage Realization (10000) Receptor Type (9) Time (10000 yrs) Source Types (5) Risk Bins (7) Receptor Locations (677) Site (201) Pathways (13) Waste Level (5) Cohort (6) Chemical (36) Distances (3) Risk Measure (2) Total Simulations (1,809,000,000) Total Numbers Potentially Stored (3.6e19) Total Bytes (14 Billion 10 GB hard drives) 10

  11. Roll-Up of Output Results • Source Type (landfill, aerated tank, waste pile, stacks, etc.) • Chemical (organics, metals, radionuclides) • Exit Level Concentration (from Plant to Waste Site, or from Waste Site) • Location • Receptor Type (child, resident adult, farmer, fisherman, wildlife, aquatic life, etc.) • Transport Pathway (air, aquifer, river) • Exposure Pathway • Risk Measure [HQ oral, HQ inhalation, Risk oral, risk inhalation] 11

  12. Outputs from the HWIR Risk Visualization Processor 12

  13. SUMMARY Framework Designed to meet intent of the HWIR Technology Software System: • Protection of Human Health and Environment • Practical and Cost-Effective Application of Risk-Based Decision-Making • Consistent and Technically Defensible Tools to Support the Process • Site-Specific or National Basis 13

  14. 3MRA Storyboard • Where to get 3MRA software • EPA CEAM site • How to enable 3MRA to run with FRAMES 2.0 • Copy hwirio.dll from FRAMES 2.0 subdirectory to c:\3mra • Copy import.0.hdssf to c:\3MRA\ssf for convenience • How to import a 3MRA simulation into FRAMES 2.0 • Use the 3MRA import tool • What is produced by 3MRA models. • Example output from Site Visualization processor 14

  15. Copy HWIRIO.dll to c:\3mra Copy 3mra\import.0.hdssf to c:\3mra\ssf for convenience 15

  16. 16

  17. 17

  18. The original SUI is presented but the underlying reading/writing is FRAMES 2.0 18

  19. Choose hdtest.ssf. If not available type in hdtest.ssf. Only hdtest.ssf will work for the filename. 19

  20. Use 0114001, Benzene, WP, CW=4 for speed sake. Any should work 20

  21. Make sure you are only running one realization for speed sake 21

  22. Pressing start will generate the case 22

  23. Bring up the FRAMES simulation editor 23

  24. Open the sim from the c:\3mra\ssf directory. Movement to FRAMESV2 is probably better. 24

  25. FRAMESV2 now has the CSM drawn for you. The Simulation is ready to Go. 25

  26. After waiting a little bit, the simulation comes back all green. File->Save to write the data to the files. 26

  27. 3MRA Result FRAMES 2.0 result 27

  28. A graphical form of the result from a viewer in FRAMES 3MRA not in 2.0 yet 28

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