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WP1: Mapping and Analysis of Research and Innovation and Update of the Strategic Research Agenda

WP1: Mapping and Analysis of Research and Innovation and Update of the Strategic Research Agenda. Jack Verhoosel, TNO Jan Erpenbach , BLE Christophe Guizard , IRSTEA Markus Loetscher , FOAG j ack.verhoosel@tno.nl. ict-agri.eu. Goals of WP1.

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WP1: Mapping and Analysis of Research and Innovation and Update of the Strategic Research Agenda

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  1. WP1: Mapping and Analysis of Research and Innovation and Update of the Strategic Research Agenda Jack Verhoosel, TNO Jan Erpenbach, BLE Christophe Guizard, IRSTEA Markus Loetscher, FOAG jack.verhoosel@tno.nl ict-agri.eu

  2. Goals of WP1 • Toproduce 3 annual action plansfor the implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda. First action plan ready in month 8, i.e. end August 2014. Target groups of the action plans are: • ICT-AGRI2 WP2 for new calls • European RTD andinnovationprograms andstandardizationbodies (H2020, EIP) • National scale RTD andinnovation programs. • Toextensivelyinteractwith the complete chain of stakeholders from research toapplication • Research, manufacturing, IT suppliers, service providers, consumers, farmers, etc. • Allparticipants are engaged in nationalmapping. • Joint workshops are held withalternatingmainorganisers. • Tocompile the collected information andtoproduceanupdated Strategic Research andInnovationAgenda at the end of the project.

  3. WP1 Tasks • Task 1.1: Interdisciplinary research and innovation (BLE) • Focus on stimulation of new forms of combined innovation actions between research organisations and sector organisations (industry as well as farmers) • Task 1.2: Compatibility of ICT and Robotics in agriculture (TNO) • Focus on current landscape of standardisation of ICT in agriculture in entire supply chain and actions to improve adoption • Task 1.3: Support interaction with stakeholders in the ICT-AGRI chain (IRSTEA) • Focus on improving the involvement of all kinds of stakeholders in the ICT, robotics and agriculture domain to the ERA-NET • Task 1.4: Update of the Strategic Research Agenda (FOAG) • Focus on addition of new research and innovation actions to the SRA

  4. What is an action plan? Focusseson one or more agriculturalchallenges, problemsandsubsectors. Select one or two SRA topics to focus on in first year action plan. Detailedanalysis of the opportunitiesandhindrancesforfurtherprogress of the use of ICT androboticsfor a sustainableandcompetitiveagriculture. Suggestsfor research, development, innovationandstandardization actions tostimulatesolutions. Containsinformation aboutappropriate call mechanisms as discussedwith stakeholders. Targets at WP2 calls, European RTD andinnovationprograms andstandardizationbodies, suchHorizon 2020, European InnovationPartnerships.

  5. Action plan 1 Main Focus Action plan topic Challenges call topics Specific (research) problems call topics implementation of standardisation call topics Call topics Call approaches / instruments Bottom up solutions Top down solutions Top down / Bottom up solutions Stakeholders Funders/users/farmers Industry/SME/users/farmers

  6. How to select action plan topics? Agricultural sector: Arablefarming Dairyfarming Lifestockfarming Pigfarming Greenhouses etc.…..

  7. Possible actions for the plan? Calls under ICT-AGRI2 Joint call withPPPs or other ERA-NETS ICT-AGRI topics forprojectsunder Horizon2020 Using EIP via multi-actor projectsthematicnetworks Focus groups of experts forproblemdescriptions Generic call topics as well as specific call topics Stimulate adoption of use of standards Influencestandardisationbodies on workitems ….

  8. Whichstakeholders to target?

  9. How toinvolvestakeholders? Workshop SRA Survey (Questionnaires) Thematicnetworks, Focus groups

  10. Mobiliseorganisationsand companies SRA Partners: Help isneeded Create a place to collectideas Use Social network

  11. How tomotivate stakeholders? Incentives to involve them: Funding! Impact on action plan topics Impact on priorities in calls Invitationto focus group Interactionwithother stakeholders andpeers ….? Tips and tricks: Usehigherpolitical levels …..

  12. Discussionandquestions

  13. Task 1.1: Interdisciplinary research andinnovation (BLE) Objective: • Toachieveinterdisciplinary research andinnovation as recommended in the SRA. Result: • Actions forstimulation of research & innovation, e.g.: • Calls under ICT Agri II • Common Call with PPP (ICT-Agri I) or other ERA-Nets • Knowledge Hub (bringingtogetherexistingresearch projects) • ICT projectsunder Horizon 2020 • Using EIP via multi-actor projectsandthematicnetworks – (Pigwise, 3D-Mosaic) Activities: • Development of important topics in the SRA intoresearch/innovationneedsandproposalsfor solution domains. • Discussion of proposalswithrelevant stakeholders. • Conceptualdescription of complete solutionsfor ICT androbotics in agriculture. • Mappingof research andinnovationbased on conceptualsolutions.

  14. Task 1.2: Compatibility of ICT androbotics in agriculture (TNO) Objective: Toidentify the major actors requiredfor establishment andimplementation of standardisationandtoidentifystrategic actions thatwillenhance a broadacceptanceanduse of standards. Result: A goodoverviewof howcurrent IT androbotics systems interoperateandhowstandardisationis beingused. Indication of important gaps in thisstandardisationlandscape andactions on howtheycanbetackled. Mainactivities: Studythe available sources forcurrentstandardisation of ICT androbotics. Identifyandinteractwith the important stakeholders (workshop at SmartAgriFood 2014). Identifyactions toimproveimplementationand take up of ICT androbotics in agriculture.

  15. Task 1.3: Support interactionwithstakeholders (IRSTEA) Objective Tomobilise the expertise in organisationsand companies supplying farmers with ICT androboticsforinternal farm purposes, business transactions or administrativecommunication. The stakeholders include food chains, public services, advisory services, software houses, machine manufacturers(multinational, SMEs, farmers, EIP OperationalGroups) Issues concerningfunding, IP rightsandcommercialisationwillbeaddressed. Results: Format for online input of mapping data in the MKB togetherwith WP4. Mapping of research andinnovationneeds at national level. Mainactivities: Organiseand monitor mapping on the national level by ICT-AGRI-2 partners Map the main stakeholders andtheir ICT solutions on the European level Organise a variety of interactionsforconsultation of stakeholders (workshops, surveys, interviews, etc.)

  16. Task 1.4: Update of the SRA (FOAG) Objective: Toprovideanupdatedandfurtherdevelopedversion of the SRA in whichall the new insightsgainedby the performance of ICT-AGRI-2 tasks. The new version of the SRA willcontainrecommendationsbeyond the lifetime of ICT-AGRI-2. Result: Update Strategic Research andInnovation Agenda Mainactivitiesare: Draft the strategic agenda on basis of solution pathwayshighlighted in the action plans. Organisea workshop forconsultation of stakeholders with the updatedstrategicagenda Publishthe updated Strategic Research andInnovation Agenda

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