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DOSE RECEIVED BY TAX MOTORS. Lau Gatignon TCC2 Meeting. TAX l ocations schematic. H2. NA61. Primary proton beams. T2. H4. H6. H8. T4. P4. NA62. P6. T6. COMPASS. M2.
TAX locations schematic H2 NA61 Primary proton beams T2 H4 H6 H8 T4 P4 NA62 P6 T6 COMPASS M2
During the preliminary TAX intervention in May 2011, HLD monitors were glued oneach of the TAX motors in TCC2. Thanks to Kurt Weiss / RP.The monitors were removed at the time of the motor replacement and analyzed by RP. The doses accumulated over the 2012 run are shown on the next slide. The length of the proton run was 154 days with a typical super-cycle of 45.6 s. Therefore the number of super-cycles, assuming 80% SPS efficiency over thisperiod is about 0.80 x 154 x 24 x 3600 / 45.6 = 2.3 105. Therefore an approximate integral flux on the targets is: T2 1.3 1018 pot i.e. ~ 15-20% of total T4 0.7 1018 pot i.e. ~ 5-10% of total T6 6.5 1018 pot i.e. ~75% of the total The dosimeters were normally glued under the motors at the electrical connection box(except in two cases, where they were very close to that position).
18 m SPL2 SPL1 T2 2LE 31.8 kGy 2LS7.8 kGy 4-7 1012ppp H2 2RE 50.0 kGy 2RS 7.3 kGy H4 2-3 1012ppp T4 4LE 2.7 kGy 4LS missing H6+H8 4RE 6.0 kGy 4RS missing P42 25 1012ppp (~75%) T6 6LE missing 6LS 2.6 kGy P62 6RE 44.2 kGy M2 6RS missing 52 m
CAN WE LEARN SOMETHING FROM THESE DATA? • All upstream TAXes have degraded breakdown voltageDegradation of breakdown voltage seems correlated with dose • Dose not directly proportional to proton flux on target
My personal impressions from these data: • T6 gets probably a fair amount of dose from the protons hitting T6 • T2 is apparently irradiated mainly from upstream (splitters), in a straight line • As the doses from upstream are important, I am not convinced that themove of motor from above to below has played a big role w.r.t. dose. • I would expect the dose due to protons hitting the TAX to be more symmetricbetween upstream and downstream TAX • A FLUKA simulation of the dose from the protons around the TAX (above vs below)would be of interest,