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KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
LAHAN HUTAN HUTAN : SEBIDANG LAHAN YANG TERTUTUP OLEH HUTAN ATAU LAHAN UNTUK BUDIDAYA HUTAN. A forest, also referred to as a wood or the woods, is an area with a high density of trees. As with cities, depending on various cultural definitions, what is considered a forest may vary significantly in size and have different classifications according to how and of what the forest is composed. A forest is usually an area filled with trees but any tall densely packed area of vegetation may be considered a forest, even underwater vegetation such as kelp forests, or non-vegetation such as fungi and bacteria. A typical tree forest is composed of the overstory (canopy or upper tree layer) and the understory. The understory is further subdivided into the shrub layer, herb layer, and also the moss layer and soil microbes. In some complex forests, there is also a well-defined lower tree layer. Forests are central to all human life because they provide a diverse range of resources: they store carbon, aid in regulating the planetary climate, purify water and mitigate natural hazards such as floods. Forests also contain roughly 90 percent of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest
EVALUASI LAHAN Land evaluation is formally defined as 'the assessment of land performance when used for a specified purpose, involving the execution and interpretation of surveys and studies of land forms, soils, vegetation, climate and other aspects of land in order to identify and make a comparison of promising kinds of land use in terms applicable to the objectives of the evaluation' (FAO, 1976). Sumber: http://www.fao.org/nr/land/land-policy-and-planning/eval/en/
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Principles of the FAO revised framework for land evaluation: Land suitability should be assessed and classified with respect to specified kinds of land use and services; Land evaluation requires a comparison of benefits obtained and the inputs needed on different types of land to assess the productive potential, environmental services and sustainable livelihood; Land evaluation requires a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approach; Land evaluation should take into account the biophysical, economic, social and political context as well as the environmental concerns; Suitability refers to use or services on a sustained basis; sustainability should incorporate productivity, social equity and environmental concerns; Land evaluation involves a comparison of more than one kind of use or service; Land evaluation needs to consider all stakeholders; and The scale and the level of decision-making should be clearly defined prior to the land evaluation process. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/nr/land/land-policy-and-planning/eval/en/
EVALUASI LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Land Suitability evaluation for forest plantation follows the principles of the Land Evaluation for forestry (FAO, 1984), with the exception of the Suitability index (Si) which has been calculated using a different formula: while: A - drainage rating B - soil depth rating C - slope rating D - soil texture rating E - altitude rating F - soil pH rating G - calcium carbonate content rating Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/Danling/Web/Content/12Land_suitability.php
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Penilaiankesesuaianlahanberikutninidilakukanuntukspesies-spesiesygtelahadadilokasipenelitian : Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, andEucaliptuscamaldulensis. Metodeygdigunakanberdasarkanpadapedomanevaluasilahan F.A.O "Land evaluation for forestry" (1984). The land suitability, whose target is to find better and more suitable places for the implementation of forestry species, analyses soil conditions and climatic factors. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Data-data ygdiperlukanuntukevaluasilahanbagihutantanamanadalah: Karakteristiklahan, data sosial-ekonomi, analisis B/C ratio. Lokasipenelitianmempunyaiperansosial-ekonomi yang snagatpenting. Hutan “Ben Slimane” yang lokasinyadekatdnegankota-kota Moroccan, Rabat danCasablanca, dianggapsangatsesuaiuntukobyekwisata; jugaadalokasi yang dimanfatakansebagailokasi animal grazing dan “cork harvesting” bagipenduduksekitar. For these reasons the species considered for land suitability are those, among the natural and artificial forest species, that allow a sustainable economy for tourism, pasture, and the production of fuel and paper wood. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Methodologi Tahapanmetodologi F.A.O adalahsbb: Pemilihanspesies; Determination of ecological parameters that enable to understand the species behaviour regarding edaphic and environmental conditions; Penentuankelasuntuksetiap parameter ekologis; Pengumpulan data geomorfologi (slope) dan data tanah (drainage, pH, depth, texture, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, and coarse fragment); Pengolahan Data. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Data klimatiksepertielevasi , rataansuhutahunan, danrataancurahhujantahunantidakdipertimbangkankarenadaerahsurveidianggaphomogendarisudutpandangklimatikini. Each class of every ecological parameter was classified with a determined value for each species. The value ranges from zero (worst conditions) to one (optimum conditions). This was done to show the behaviour of the species regarding the chosen parameters as shown in the Table 42 - Table 48. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 42 - Rating danPembobotanuntuk Drainage Tanah Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 43 - Rating untuk slope Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 44 - Rating danPembobotanuntukKedalaman Tanah Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 45 - Rating and weights for soil pH Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 46 - Rating and weights for soil CaCO3 Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 47 - Rating and weights for soil organic carbon Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 48 - Rating and weights for soil texture (USDA classification) Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 49 - Rating and weights for coarse fragments Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Masing-masingnilaiinikemudiandikalikandnegansuatu “bobot” (nilainyabulat 1-5), untukmendapatkansuatunilai yang mencerminkankepentingansetiap parameter ekologisuntuksetiapspesies. Misalnya “bobot” untukfaktor-faktorpembatas , seperti drainage untukjenistegakanTetraclinisarticulata,ditetapkannilai 1 sedangkan parameter yang perannyasamabagisemuaspesiesdiberibobot t 5. To enhance the limiting factors, the values of each relevé, whose weight was different from one, have been summarised (å 1nx) and divided by the sum of the their weights (å 1nw), and then multiplied by the product of the values whose the weight was equal to 1 (Y). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN In this way we obtained a number from 0 to 1 for each relevé, that reflects the importance of the limiting factor, giving it more weight because it is multiplied to the final value. Angkainidipakaiuntukmemberikansuatu INDEKS untuksetiapsatuanlahansesuaidengan “facet” yg paling representatifdalam “the relevé”. IndeksinikemudiandikonversimenjadiKelasKesesuaianLahansepertipadaTabel 50. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 50 – Kelas-kelasKesesuaian. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN HASIL PENILAIAN Figure 34 - Figure 37 Menunjukkanklasifikasikesesuaianlahanuntukspesies yang dianalisis. Suitabilities for afforestation, production and naturalistic conservation were overlapped as layers, to show the potential use of the considered species for economic purposes (paper wood, fuel wood, cork, and grazing in forest) and for a naturalistic conservation of the forest, related to its historic importance and to recreational purposes. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN HASIL PENILAIAN Eucalyptus camaldulensisdianggaplebihpentingsecaraekonomiskarenanilainyasebagaibahanbakardanbahanbakuindustrikertas. Pinushalepensis is the next in importance, used for timber wood, and then Quercussuber, for grazing under forest and cork harvesting, and Tetraclinisarticulata, whose timber is used for making tools. Prosedurinitidakmempertimbangkanfaktorekonomisguna-lahan (Figure 38). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Dari sudutpandangnaturalistik, dipertimbangkanempatspesiesdalamurutankepentingannya: Quercussuber and Tetraclinisarticulata, because they are the original species of this area, and then Pinushalepensis and Eucalyptus camaldulensis, which are species introduced with plantations (Figure 39). Kesesuaianlahanuntukkonservasitanahditetapkanuntuk unit-unit ygmenunjukkanrisikoerosi yang besar (Kelas 3 - 5) dandenganmemperhatikanbahwaTetraclinisarticulatadanPinushalepensislebihsesuaiuntukkonservasitanah, karenamerekalebih “rustic” daripadaEucalyptus camaldulensisdanQuercussuber(Figure 40). HasilnyadisajikandalamTabel 51. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 34 - Land suitability for Quercussuber Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 35 - Land suitability for Tetraclinisarticulata Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 36 - Land suitability for Pinushalepensis Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 37 - Land suitability for Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 38 - Land suitability for wood protection Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 39 - Land suitability for naturalistic forestry Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Figure 40 – KesesuaianLahanuntukKonservasi Tanah Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
Table 51 - Land evaluation for Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
Table 51 - Land evaluation for Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
Table 51 - Land evaluation for Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
Table 51 - Land evaluation for Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (*) Erosion risk class is shown before the chosen species in suitability for soil conservation column Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Analysing the results for land suitability in the four land systems (plateau of Ben Slimane, western scarp of the plateau, eastern scarp of the plateau, and southern reliefs): DapatdisimpulkanbahwaspesiesPinushalepensisdanEucaliptuscamaldulensis (Figure 36 dan Figure 37), sangatsesuaidengankondisipermukaan (lahan) didaerahsurvei. Hasilinimunculdariperilakuekologisspesiestegakan yang dianalisis, spesies-spesiesinimampuberadaptasidneganbaikterhadapkondisilingkungandantanah yang “tidakbaik”. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN It is evident when analysing the results for each species in the four land systems, that in the plateau of BenSlimane,Quercussuber is suitable from moderate to high undulating planation surface while it is marginally suitable in the flat areas where the soil drainage condition, one of the limiting factor in addition to slope steepness, is poor and the soil texture is clayey. Moreover in the undulating surface the few areas marginally suitable for oak are on calcareous substratum. Along the eastern scarp of the plateau, oak is found to be marginally or not suitable at all because of the high slope steepness. The same results for the western scarp of plateau were found but this is mainly due to poor soil drainage. In the southern reliefs, cork oak is moderately suitable where the soil is well drained and the slopes are not very steep (Figure 34). This potential distribution of Quercussuber is very similar to its actual distribution, except for the undulating surface covered by agricultural crops. Taking these results into account, it is possible to suppose that in the past, cork oak forests did not accupy a much greater area. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Jenis-jenisQuercussuber, TetraclinisarticulatakurangsesuaidisebagianbesardaerahBen Slimane plateau, kecualidibeberapalokasi yang kondisilokal-tanahnyadapatdiperbaikinilaikesesuaiannya. Spesiesinisesuaiataucukup-sesuaidisisitimurplateaudandidaerahselatan , dimanatanah-tanahnyamempunyai drainage ygbaik, dankemiringannyamasihsesuaiuntukpenyebarannya. Along the western scarp of the plateau bad soil drainage is probably the main cause of the Tetraclinis absence; in this area only few hills with calcareous substratum result highly suitable (Figure 35). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN It can be noticed that also in this case the potential distribution of Tetraclinisarticulata, according only to soil and climatic conditions, is very similar to the actual distribution even if some of these areas were afforested with Pinushalepensis. As previously stated, Pinushalepensisis from moderately to highly suitable in the western scarp of the plateau, in the southern reliefs, and in the Ben Slimaneplateau, but it is not suitable in the flat areas and in the western scarp of the plateau mainly because of the poor soil drainage (Figure 36). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Eucaliptuscamaldulensiskurang-sesuaidisepanjangsisitimurdanbaratdariplateaudandidaerahselatan, karenakecuramanlerengnyamenjadifaktorpembatasbagipenyebarannya. (Figure 37). On the other hand the high adaptability of this species to grow on poor drained soils, permits it to be used for wood production in the dayas. JenisEucalyptus gomphocephala, meskipuntelahdigunakanuntukpenghutanan-kembali, namuntidakdianalisiskarenaperilakunyasangatmenyerupaijenisEucalyptus camaldulensis. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Menurutpetakesesuaianjenis-jenisterpilih, peta-petappotensialuntukproduksikayu-hutan, hutanalam, dankonservasitanahdapatditetapkan. Misalnya, untukproduksikayuhutan, jenisEucaliptuscamaldulensissangatsesuaididaerahselatandandiplateauBen Slimane, sedangkanjenisPinushalepensissangatsesuaidisepanjangdaerahtimurdandaerah-daerahplateau dengantanah-tanahberkapur. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Untuktujuankonservasialami, QuercussuberdanTetraclinisarticulata,bersifatautochtonousdilikasipenelitian, dipilihsebagaispesiesutama. Keduaspesiesinisangatsesuaiataucukupsesuaididaerahbagianselatan, dibagiansebelahtimurplateau, dandidaerahberombakplateauBen Slimane. Dalamskenarioini, jenisEucaliptus, dilokasidimana oak danTetraclinistidaksesuai, dapatmenempadidaerahdatardan “dayas”, sedangkantanah-tanahberkapurdidaerah-plateaulebihsesuaiuntukjenisPinushalepensis. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Untuktujuankonservasitanah, dilokasi yang mempunyaikelasrisikoerosilebihdari 2, ternyatabahwalokasi yang rawanerosiinidapatdiproteksimelaluipenghutanankembalidenganspesiesTetraclinisartculatadanPinushalepensis (keduanyasangatsesuaidneganlahancuram) , Eucaliptuscamaldulensisdapatdigunakandilokasi yang kelasrisikoerosinyalebihringandengankemiringanlahan yang lebihdatar. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm
KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN . Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm