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QUIZ : The police state, propaganda and censorship

QUIZ : The police state, propaganda and censorship Who was in charge of propaganda in Nazi Germany? Name 5 examples of propaganda used by the Nazis to keep power after 1933. Name 3 examples of propaganda used by the Nazis to win support before 1933. Name all 4 parts of the police state.

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QUIZ : The police state, propaganda and censorship

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  1. QUIZ : The police state, propaganda and censorship Who was in charge of propaganda in Nazi Germany? Name 5 examples of propaganda used by the Nazis to keep power after 1933. Name 3 examples of propaganda used by the Nazis to win support before 1933. Name all 4 parts of the police state. Who was in charge of the police state? Name two famous films made during the Third Reich. What was the name of the cheap radio mass produced by the Nazis?

  2. The Nazi police state The Nazi police state was a structure of organisations and their leaders. The task of the police state was to expose and eliminate all forms of opposition and ‘undesirables’.

  3. The Nazi Police State

  4. ACTIVITY • Plan your answers to these two questions by completing the tables on the handout. • Describe the key features of the Nazi police state. (6 marks) • Describe the propaganda methods used by the Nazis in the years 1933-39. (6 marks) One key feature of X was…./One method was…. For example….. (develop with factual knowledge) • A second key feature of X was…./A second method was…. For example….(develop with factual knowledge)

  5. A photo of Goebbels, taken 1931. It was banned after 1933. Why? • Propaganda and censorship • Hitler wanted to create a state which believed in and supported Nazi ideals. This was achieved partly through the police state, and partly through skilful use of propaganda and censorship. All 3 worked together and reinforced each other…. • The police state would root out and deal with those who had not been persuaded by propaganda and censorship; • Propaganda and censorship would cover up/’justify’ the atrocities of the police state

  6. Propagandawas a means of control. It could take many forms…. school subjects cinema sport theatre parades + rallies books propaganda newspapers radio music sculptures youth movements painting celebration days

  7. You should know 3 examples of how Goebbels used propaganda & censorship to control the thoughts, beliefs and opinions of the German people…..

  8. There are two aspects to Nazi propaganda – 1The propaganda which the Nazis used before 1933, to GAIN power 2 The propaganda that the Nazis used to keep power/gain support in Germany after 1933 Make sure you check the dates in the question carefully! IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE! • Was the use of propaganda the main reason why support for the Nazi Party grew in the year 1929-1932? • The use of propaganda • The effects of the Wall Street Crash • Nazi opposition to Communism • Activities of the SA • Was rearmament the most important reason why people supported the Nazi Party in the years 1933–39? • Rearmament • Censorship and propaganda • Tackling unemployment • Youth movements

  9. What kind of propaganda was used by the Nazis before 1933 to gain power?

  10. QUESTION 2 TYPE B: Explain how……. (8 marks) METHOD/IMPACT One way in which x used y was… For example…….. (explain how the method won support). This won support because..... (sum up the impact of the method of propaganda). Explain how the Nazis used propaganda to win support in Germany in the years 1933-39. • Method 1: • RADIO • Reich Radio Company • The People’s Receiver (no foreign broadcasts) • By 1939 70% of German households had a radio • Loudspeaker pillars were erected in public places. To reach an A*, link your two methods A second way in which x used y was… For example…….. (explain how the method won support). This won support because..... (sum up the impact of the method of propaganda). • Method 2: • CINEMA • 45 minute newsreels • 1000 films made, all plots approved by Goebbels • Films given pro-Nazi slants • Examples – HitlerjungeQuex & The Eternal Jew. Another way of reaching an A* on this Q is to write a short conclusion explaining the link between the 2 methods. You only need a conclusion if you’re aiming for an A* For more than a C, highlight that both involved indoctrination, glorification of Nazis/Hitler, censorship, and all-pervasive propaganda (impossible to escape!) 10 mins

  11. QUESTION 3 The comparative question (16 marks) Was the creation of a police state the most important effect of Nazi rule on the German people in the years 1933–39? (16 marks) • The creation of a police state • Reduction in unemployment • The changing role of women • The use of propaganda ACTIVITY Complete the planning table for the first and last bullet point.

  12. 25 mins QUESTION 3 The comparative question (16 marks) In some ways, the police state was the most important effect of Nazi rule. For example…..(how did have an impact on the people?) Therefore, the police state had an important effect because… (sum up its impact). Start and finish each para with the wording of the Q • You should not write about all 4 bullet points. How many you write about depends on what grade you’re aiming for (and how much time you’ve got left in the exam!)….. • For an A/A*, write about 3 plus a conclusion • For a B, write about 2 plus a conclusion • For a C, write about 2 (no conclusion) • You should always write about the first bullet point (the one mentioned in the Q). • When working out how many bullet points to write about, weigh up how much time you have left. As a general rule, aim for a B grade answer. Then, before you write the conclusion, check how much time you’ve got left. If you’ve got time for a 3rd bullet point AND a conclusion, go for the A/A* answer. If not, just stick to 2 bullets points and a conclusion (B grade). Repeat for up to 2 more of the bullet points (1 more for a C/B, 2 more for an A/A*)

  13. Here’s a successful A* conclusion….. In conclusion, no single factor was the most important effect, the three factors worked together to give Hitler what he wanted. A pure Aryan Germany of anti-Semitic, Nazi soldiers and wives who would have lots of children. Propaganda manipulated the change in the role of women, they were told from a young age what their roles were, whist the police state methods were there to deal with those who did not succumb to Goebbels’ clever thought control, or did not fit Hitler’s ideal. EXAMINER: Before this conclusion, the answer had 3 well supported paragraphs about the effect the police state, propaganda and the changing role of women had on the German people. This conclusion successfully explains how all 3 worked together to have an impact on the German people.

  14. An attempt at an A* conclusion that didn’t measure up…… In conclusion, none of these effects are more important than the others, but instead all three worked together to create the Nazis’ ideal race. They were designed for a country that knew it would be going to war so these effects of Nazi rule prepared Germany for this while keeping any opposition quiet. This made the German people ready for the upcoming years of war.   EXAMINER: This is a good connection but it doesn’t work because the conclusion doesn’t name the 3 bullet points which have been written about, spelling out the connection between them. The connection needs to be clear to see. If you are going for the A* conclusion, make sure you have named the three points you have written about when you are explaining the connection between them.

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