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GETTING STARTED The following section will provide additional help and support for a Workforce Coordinator in key areas of the role. This resource contains additional information to the Good Club Guides, and should be read in conjunction with the Good Club Guide for a Workforce Coordinator and other ASA Good Club Guides. These are available through the British Swimming website at www.britishswimming.org.
HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE • As a reference to assist you/others in their role • To assist a club in recruiting volunteers by giving information about a role • To prompt discussions at your club about the standards and qualities of volunteers needed • As part of an induction for a new volunteer at the club • To input into the development / action plan for the club
ACTIVITY 1: HOW DOES THAT FIT WITH YOUR ROLE? Using the role description in the ASA Good Club Guide for a Workforce Coordinator, consider how this relates to you, and the role you are doing / could be doing in the future? E.g. are there areas, as a Workforce Coordinator, that you may need to consider as part of your role having read the above information?
ACTIVITY 2: ASSESSING YOUR CURRENT WORKFORCE Before you begin writing a Workforce Development Plan you may find it useful to county how many members, teachers, coaches and volunteers you currently have within your club. Try and complete the following tables as accurately as possible with the number of volunteers and staff you currently have in your club
Once you have completed tables 1 to 4 you should review what you have found and think about if this is the right number of people for each role. Below is an overview of the British Swimming UKCC Framework, which may help you to do this.
ACTIVITY 3: WHAT WOULD AN IDEAL CLUB WORKFORCE LOOK LIKE? In an ideal world, write down the roles that you feel your club should have in place? Compare this to Activity 1 and make a note of where there are differences between what you currently have and what you feel you should have.
ACTIVITY 4: PREPARING TO WRITE YOUR PLAN Refer to Appendix 1 in the template resources available on www.britishswimming.org: Use the club health checklist to tick the things that your club has in place, and give your club an overall score out of 10 on how well it currently looks after it’s workforce The rest of the activities in this resource are designed to help you work through the areas of a Workforce Development Plan. At the end of the resource you should be able to complete your plan. A template Plan is available in Appendix 10
ACTIVITY 5: WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES? In your role as Workforce Coordinator, write down what you think are the 3 main priority areas for your club in relation to supporting its workforce e.g. getting a Workforce Development Plan in place, gaining support of the existing committee to recognise that the club needs to look at volunteering in a different way now. You could share this information with your ASA County Workforce Coordinator who may be able to give further guidance and support.
ACTIVITY 6:CURRENT STATUS As a Workforce Coordinator, how have you found, or how will you find out why people have volunteered at your club? Appendix 2 provides a useful template you could use and adapt for your club to do this.
ACTIVITY 7: PLANNING A VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME From the examples provided in the ASA Good Club Guide for a Workforce Coordinator think about any actions you now need to follow up. Who do you need to share this with?/ who else can help you with this?
ACTIVITY 8: HOW WILL YOU SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS IN YOUR CLUB? Write down how you do/could support volunteers within your club? E.g induction, opportunity to try new roles, recognise efforts of volunteers, assist with cost, provide social opportunities, providing insurance information. What do you need to set up in order to be able to support volunteers?e.g template/formal records, agree a suitable location and time for meeting volunteers, explain process and time commitment, ask chairman/president to help with supporting some volunteers to share the workload and ensure volunteers are valued by figure-heads in the club. ·
Where will you carry out support meetings? e.g on the spectator area at the pool, book a meeting room with refreshments to say thank you, arrange a lunch? · How often will you support volunteers? e.g monthly, bi-monthly · · Anything else you need to consider?
ACTIVITY 9: COMMUNICATION What do you currently communicate to volunteers? E.g. latest club news, social events etc How do you currently communicate with volunteers? E.g. face to face, via newsletters
ACTIVITY 10: HOW WILL YOU COMMUNICATE IN THE FUTURE? From the information in the Good Club Guide, write down any actions you now need to follow up: Who do you need to share this with?/ who else can help you with this?
ACTIVITY 11: HOW DO YOU VALUE YOUR VOLUNTEERS? What do you currently do to ensure that everyone that helps your club feels a valued part of the team? From the information in the Good Club Guide, think about any actions you now need to follow up. · Who do you need to share this with?/ who else can help you with this?
ACTIVITY 12: WRITING YOUR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN By working through the activities 1 to 11 you should be able to write a Workforce Development Plan. Using the template in Appendix 10, and working with your Club Committee, try and complete your Workforce Development Plan.
ACTIVITY 13: SELF REFLECTION ACTIVITY What could you do to gain further experience in being a Workforce Coordinator having now read this resource? Eg. Contact neighboring swimming club by December to network with the Workforce Coordinator What information might be useful for you to follow up / gain further information on to help you during you term of office as a Workforce Coordinator?
Who are the people who will be important for you to speak / communicate with in order to achieve the above and why? What further help do you need in developing your skills as a Workforce Coordinator?
12 months from today, what is the one thing you would like to have achieved in being a Club Workforce Officer? TIP: Set a reminder in your phone / diary / calendar that you have committed to doing this, and to re-visit this page!
SUMMARY We hope you have found this guide informative in guiding you in your role, and providing you with information and helpful tips. We wish you a great experience in your role and thank you once again for all your time and commitment you are giving to the sport.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ASA are grateful for the contributions and input from the ASA Volunteer working group in ensuring these resources are written and reviewed by volunteers, for volunteers. These resources also draw upon the work developed by swim21 clubs, Mike McLaughlin, runningsports and Volunteering England. The ASA would like to acknowledge and thank these people and organisations for their support and permission in using the work they have completed.