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The Nervous System

The Nervous System. Central and Peripheral. The neuron or nerve cell. What does a nerve cell do?. Detect change Respond to change Transmit the information to other cells which then can respond to and/or transmit the information. Neuron or nerve cell. http://scienceblogs.com.

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The Nervous System

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  1. The Nervous System Central and Peripheral

  2. The neuron or nerve cell

  3. What does a nerve cell do? • Detect change • Respond to change • Transmit the information to other cells which then can respond to and/or transmit the information

  4. Neuron or nerve cell http://scienceblogs.com

  5. What are the parts of a nerve cell? • Soma: the cell body • Dendrites: branching extensions off the body where information comes IN • Axon: Tail like extension off the body where information is conducted away from the body • Synapse: at the end of the axon where information goes OUT

  6. A synapse is where 2 nerve cells meet Axon Dendrite http://www.coolschool.ca

  7. What happens at a synapse? • Transmitters stored in vesicles • Impulse causes the vesicles to release the transmitters • Uptake into the dendrite of the next nerve continues the transfer of information • Excite or inhibit

  8. A typical neuron has100,000 synapses http://www.mult-sclerosis.org

  9. Divisions of the Nervous System • Central Nervous System (CNS) • Brain • Spinal cord • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) • Somatic: Voluntary control • Autonomic: Involuntary control • Sympathetic • Parasympathetic

  10. Brain: Fun Facts • 2 % of body weight (about 3 pounds) • Consumes 20% of our energy • Requires 20% of our blood • Requires 25% of our oxygen • Needs twice as much glucose as other cells • Can’t store any glucose

  11. Parts of the Brain • Cerebrum controls reasoning, thought, memory, judgment, speech, sight, smell, hearing and voluntary control of the body. http://www.a2zpsychology.com

  12. Parts of the Brain • Cerebellum controls muscle coordination, balance, posture and muscle tone http://www.nlm.nih.gov

  13. Parts of the Brain • Brain stem is responsible for heart rate, breathing, swallowing, coughing, and blood pressure http://static.howstuffworks.com

  14. Nerve cells • Detect change • Respond to change • Transmit information to other nerves • All of the above

  15. All are parts of a nerve EXCEPT • Soma • Dendrite • Contractile filament • Axon and myelin

  16. The cerebrum • Controls balance • Control judgment • Controls breathing • Controls heart rate

  17. When a cop asks a drunk to touch his nose, he is testing his • Brain stem function • Cerebral function • Cerebellar function • Frontal lobe function

  18. When a person stops breathing because of a overdose, the drug has effected his • Cerebrum • Cerebellum • Brain stem • Lungs

  19. Spinal Cord • Carry messages up the cord to the brain • Carry messages from the brain down 3. Relay reflex action Damage to the cord Causes severe problems

  20. Peripheral Nervous System • Afferent nerves: Carry information from the sense organs* to the spinal cord • Efferent nerves: Carry information away from the spinal cord to the muscles • pain, hot, cold, pressure, vibration

  21. How information is gathered

  22. How neurons control muscles Axons synapse with a muscle fiber

  23. Two possible routes • Sensation Afferent N Spinal Cord Brain Spinal Cord Efferent N Muscle • Sensation Afferent N Spinal Cord Efferent N Muscle Why do you think that information would be processed in the cord and not in the brain? Under what circumstances?

  24. http://www.biotopics.co.uk What if I touch something hot?

  25. Sensory Motor Reflex Arc http://www.frankswebspace.org.uk

  26. Patellar reflex

  27. Muscle Reflex Arc http://www.proprioception.co.uk

  28. How muscles reflexes work http://faculty.etsu.edu

  29. Autonomic system maintains involuntary functions • Sympathetic Fight or flight • Increase HR • Increase breathing rate • Increases blood pressure • Slows GI tract • Parasympathetic Calms • Slows HR • Decrease breathing rate • Decreases blood pressure • Increase GI activity

  30. All information is processed in my brain • True • False

  31. Information carried to the central nervous system is • Afferent • Efferent • Reflex

  32. The correct order of a reflex arc is • Sensory n. to the spinal cord to motor n. • Motor n. to the spinal cord to sensory n. • Spinal cord to sensory n. to motor n. • Sensory n. to motor n.

  33. Cranial Nerves I - Smell II - Visual acuity, visual fields and ocular fundi II,III - Pupillary reactions III,IV,VI - Extra-ocular movements, including opening of the eyes V - Facial sensation, movements of the jaw, and corneal reflexes VII - Facial movements VIII - Hearing and balance IX,X - Swallowing, elevation of the palate, gag reflex V,VII,X,XII - Voice and speech XI - Shrugging the shoulders and turning the head XII - Movement and protrusion of tongue

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