Wanted Igneous Rock-Basalt You will find this rock near volcanos.It is fine-grained, and could be any color between grey to black. This rock also may have certain parts of it that have much larger crystals then another part. To help you find this rock you should know the composition of it. It’s made of mafic, amphibole and pyroxene, sometimes plagioclase, feldspathoids, andquartz sometimes olivine. Reward-Trip to Volcano
WANTED Metamorphic Rock-Marble This rock can be found anywhere where heat and pressure can be applied. This would be pretty much anywhere on the ground. Marble is light colored, and is unfoliated. That means that the mineral grains are random with no pattern to them. This rock is composed of either calcite or dolomite. Reward- Hiking Boots
WANTED • Sedimentary Rock-Shale • 70% of the rocks in the world are Sedimentary, so it won’t be to that hard to find Shale. It is fine-grained, and splits into many layers where it is weaker. It is mostly always gray. This rock is made of clay minerals and quartz. • Reward- Science Rock Kit