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Low Vision Mapping

This study aims to assess low vision services worldwide, identifying success factors for comprehensive coverage to inform WHO and Vision 2020. Addressing human resources, service locations, equipment availability, and factors affecting service utilization, the research highlights critical areas for improvement. Factors such as funding, rehabilitation worker training, access issues, and external contextual factors like government policies are analyzed to map national low vision services, focusing on prevalence, workforce numbers, device availability, and underserved groups.

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Low Vision Mapping

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  1. Low Vision Mapping Jill Keeffe and Peggy Chiang

  2. Aims of study • To understand the current situation of low vision services throughout the world(What, where, who, and how services are delivered) • Identify the critical success factors associated with coverage of low vision services (key attributes that ensure comprehensive low vision service coverage) • This research will be used to inform the WHO Low Vision Working Group and Vision 2020 (provide priority areas to ensure comprehensive coverage)

  3. Survey themes

  4. Human resources

  5. Location of services

  6. Type of low vision service provision

  7. Equipment • Devices available as part of low vision services- 88%(84/95) • Supply source of affordable low vision devices- 65% (55/84) • Reasons that individuals do not obtain low vision devices:

  8. Funding of low vision services

  9. Barriers to access Other: lack of awareness, lack of services, poor referral pathways, logistics

  10. Groups of people most likely to miss out on services

  11. 80% of countries have ≤10% coverage Low vision service coverage No information No services provided ≤10% 11-50% >50%

  12. Critical factors

  13. Summary Funding - lobbying the government for ownership, funding mix, national budget & insurance to include low vision (example Cameroon vs. India) Rehabilitation workers – primary level care i.e. outreach & community based rehabilitation services by mid level ophthalmic personnel, HR training, task shifting Access - government awareness & acceptance, intervention timing, social welfare services, community & family support, Multidisciplinary services – clinical, education, rehabilitation, comprehensive services integrated with government and other existing services, integration of low vision curriculum into ophthalmic personnel training External contextual factors – government policy, distribution of resources in urban and rural settings, appropriateness of intervention

  14. Mapping national services • Prevalence in adults from surveys • Children: WHO estimates using <5MR • Number of HR by cadre – clinical and rehabilitation • Availability of range of devices • Under-served groups

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