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This presentation outlines the key priorities, operational programs, and targets for the Council for the Built Environment (CBE) in the 2014/15 financial year. It also covers governance, financial information, performance enablers, risks and risk mitigation, and the transformation implementation plan.

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  1. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public WorksCBE Annual Performance Plan for the 2014/15 Financial Year29 July 2014

  2. PRESENTATION OUTLINE • CBE Staff • CBE Mandate from the Act • Extract from the Minister’s 5 Year Statement re: CBE • CBE Vision & Mission • CBE Strategic Goals • Key Priorities for CBE in 2014/15 • Outline of CBE Operational Programmes & Targets for 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan • Governance Report • Financial Information • Performance Enablers • Key Risks and Risk Mitigation Strategies • Transformation Implementation Plan

  3. CBE DELEGATION • Chief Executive Officer – Ms Gugu Mazibuko • Interim Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Rhulani Mhlanga • Acting Manager - Strategic Management and Monitoring & Evaluation – Mr. Zola Skosana

  4. CBE’s MANDATE - STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Mandate as set out in the Council for the Built Environment Act (no.43 of 2000) : • Promote and protect the interest of the public in the built environment; • Promote and maintain a sustainable built environment and natural environment; • Promote ongoing human resources development in the built environment; • Facilitate participation by the built environment professions in integrated development in the context of national goals; • Promote appropriate standards of health, safety and environmental protection within the built environment; • Promote sound governance of the built environment professions; • Promote liaison in the field of training in the Republic and elsewhere and to promote the standards of such training in the Republic; • Serve as a forum where the built environment professions can discuss relevant issues; and • Ensure uniform application of norms and guidelines set by the Professional Councils throughout the built environment.

  5. KEY EXTRACTS FROM THE MINISTER’S 5 YEAR POLICY STATEMENT – PRESENTED TO DPW MANCO ON 20JUN2014 • As a line department, our first responsibility is to implement the policies and priorities of government - NDP (long-term vision for 2030), the Manifesto of the ruling party, the MTSF (Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-19), priorities for the current year from State of the Nation Address and 14 outcomes of government (DPW contributes directly to the following outcomes 4, 6, 7 & 12) • Lead the transformation debate whilst helping to facilitate effective delivery of the infrastructure programme on the Built Environment, this must be an inclusive process which engages all stakeholders, including business – both established and emerging black business. This goes for both construction and property sectors. • Second more radical phase of transition, thorough-going policy review process culminating in a Public Works Act. • Finalise consultations with the CBE (Council for the Built Environment), professional councils and relevant stakeholders for a new BEPs regulatory framework.

  6. CBE’s Vision And Mission Vision: An environment built to meet people’s needs and aspirations. Mission: Implementing projects and programmes that address built environment issues and add value to the built environment professions, government and the general public.

  7. 5-YEAR STRATEGIC GOALS • Support government priorities in relation to built environment matters. • Facilitate and monitor continued sustainable, dynamic and competent and transformed built environment professions and professionals. • Establish and maintain a centre of excellence for an integrated built environment body of knowledge. • Strengthen public protection and educate public in relation to the built environment.

  8. STRATEGIC GOALS The strategic goals listed below were synthesised to guide the work of the CBE and to co-ordinate respective Professional Councils:

  9. KEY PRIORITIES FOR THE CBE IN 2014/15 • Alignment of CBE’s activities to the government’s development priorities relating to the built environment. • Skills development initiatives at the schools and tertiary levels, establishment of structured candidacy programme to address bottlenecks in the skills pipeline, workplace training and transformation. • Research and information on built environment issues. • Strengthening monitoring and regulatory work on delegated public functions of the professional councils and ensuring public awareness on built environment issues.


  11. CBE PROGRAMMES IMPLEMENTATION IN ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN/BUSINESS PLAN 2014/15 PROGRAMME 1 – 6 projects • Initiative on skills needs regarding built environment graduates and professionals, required to support government’s infrastructure delivery programme – approaches to attract, develop and retain BEP skills (graduates and professionals) in the public sector for infrastructure delivery. • Project to support health and safety initiatives in construction - consult Higher Education Institutions (HEI) that offer BE programmes on incorporation and expansion of the health and safety content of BE academic programmes. • Project on environmental sustainability within the built environment - support public sector Green Building and Energy Efficiency initiatives being developed by the inter-governmental task team (DPW - Property and Facilities Management Chief Directorate, Department of Energy and Department of Environmental Affairs). • Project on supporting job creation priorities of government - increase the implementation of labour intensive construction techniques by built environment professionals (BEPs). • Implementation of transformation programmes and targets by 6 BEPCs - A transformation framework was approved by the CBE Council on 28th May 2013. • Unqualified audit report - first draft of the 2013/14 Annual Report will be submitted within the stipulated deadline of 31 May 2014 to the Auditor General and National Treasury

  12. PROGRAMME 1 – QUARTERLY TARGETS Final research report on environmental sustainability and green built environment issues approved by CEO. Final research report on labour intensive construction and the engagement with built environment professionals approved by CEO.

  13. CBE PROGRAMMES IMPLEMENTATION IN ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN/BUSINESS PLAN 2014/15 PROGRAMME 2 – 6 projects • 150 students reached through the roll out of Mathematics and Science – four provinces; Limpopo, Gauteng, North West and Free State are targeted for the delivery of extra-curricula maths and science tuition to select learners from under-resourced schools in grade 12. • Adoption of workplace training structured candidacy framework that incorporates quality assurance guidelines by the 6 BEPCs - A structured candidacy programme that incorporates a quality assured workplace training component has been developed by the CBE. • Workplace training project for 50 new BE graduates - Construction SETA (CETA) signed a document of intent with regards to awarding a grant of R6.6 million (to cover 50 candidates and 100 interns). • Workplace training project for 100 Interns - Construction SETA (CETA) signed a document of intent with regards to awarding a grant of R6.6 million (to cover 50 candidates and 100 interns). • Monitoring oversight report on accreditation of academic programmes and academic institutions by the BEPCs- CBE developed a BE programme accreditation oversight framework based on 19 CHE Accreditation Criteria principles to be included in criteria for BE programme assessment criteria by BEPCs . • Monitoring oversight on implementation of the registration function (including RPL) by the SACPCMP - BEPCs apply diverse methods of professional registration and RPL, CBE seeks to close this gap.

  14. PROGRAMME 2 – QUARTERLY TARGETS Final oversight report on accreditation of academic programmes and academic institutions BEPCs approved by the CEO. First quarter oversight report on accreditation of academic programmes and academic institutions by the BEPCs.

  15. CBE PROGRAMMES IMPLEMENTATION IN ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN/BUSINESS PLAN 2014/15 PROGRAMME 3 – 5 projects • Pilot project on the research and information hub for the BE issues– The aim of this project is to develop a central information and knowledge repository portal for the BE on a ICT platform, a draft business case has been developed . • Two research reports on BE issues that are pertinent to the six BEPCs - two research topics have been identified; ‘Report on assessment of opportunities for the alignment of built environment qualifications within the SADC’ and ‘Current status on regulation of built environment professions in the African continent and internationally’. • Two research reports on BE issues that are of priority to DPW - DPW Policy Unit consulted and will transfer two projects for the implementation of the DPW Skills Development Strategy. • One research report on the BE issues impacting on service delivery - This project will focus on the BE skills requirements for the implementation of the Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS). • One research report on BE issues impacting on the economy - The focus of this project is to research issues that are affecting BEP employers.

  16. Programme 3 – Quarterly Targets

  17. CBE PROGRAMMES IMPLEMENTATION IN ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN/BUSINESS PLAN 2014/15 PROGRAMME 4 – 4 projects • Annual report on 100% finalisation of appeals within statutory 60 days – CBE Act stipulates that lodged appeals must be finalised within 60 days. • Implementation report on the best-practice model for appeals and disciplinary proceedings within the built environment - The Best Practice Model was developed in the 2013/14 financial year for implementation in the current financial year. • Report on the decision of the Competition Commission (CC) on IDoW on 5 BEPCs - The CBE Act of 2000 requires that the CBE applies on behalf of BEPC to the CC for their exemption from anti-competitive aspects of the IDoW policy, has applied in previous financial year for 5 BEPCs. Current financial year will implement decisions of CC. • Report on investigations and consultation by CC on ECSA’s IDoW exemption application - ECSA application was lodged separately in the previous financial year because it involves 9 engineering sub-disciplines and thus increases the complexity of the scope of work to be covered by the IDoW policy. • Report on consultation and adoption of the Corporate Governance Framework by 6 BEPCs - The Corporate Governance Framework was developed in the 2013/14 financial year for implementation in the current financial year.

  18. Programme 4 – Quarterly Targets




  22. Overview Of The 2014/15 Budget And MTEF Estimates

  23. PERFORMANCE ENABLERS • Alignment with National priorities • 5 Year Business Plan • DPW Support and Involvement


  25. KEY PROBLEMS REGARDS PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION • Throughput challenges in the pipeline starting from poor maths & science base at schools, 30% tertiary graduates throughput and bottlenecks in moving from candidacy to registered professionals. • Absence of a workplace training programme that links to professional registration. • No incentive/disincentive for any workplace to encourage professional registration. • No incentive/disincentive for any recent graduate / candidate to register with 6 Councils. • No framework to understand and monitor what happens at the workplace – no information on every graduate/candidate regarding what they do in the workplace. • A BE graduate’s fate in SA, is determined by who becomes their first employer and subsequent employer. • There are allegations of side-lining, discrimination and deskilling of Black graduates, in the workplace. • Perception that the assessment process of candidates is uneven, not transparent and biased and a perception of gate-keeping by professional councils. • There is no system of periodic progress tracking of candidates acquisition of knowledge in the workplace, candidates only realise when they present themselves for registration, whether they are deemed registerable or not. • End-result : Example: 2/3 of graduated engineers in SA not registered with ECSA & more than 50% architectural graduates, not registered with SACAP. • Current Statistics: (Source: Professional Councils Report: 30June2014):

  26. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS REGARDS PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION • A workplace training programme that links to professional registration. • A framework to understand and monitor what happens at the workplace – information on every graduate or candidate regarding what they are doing in the workplace; including proper training plans, host workplace checklists, mentors training and agreements and rotation of candidate to cover core areas. • A quality assured, transparent candidacy programme and an unbiased and uniform assessment process of candidates at each professional council. • Packaging incentives for employers who take on candidates and trainees. • Educating the unregistered BE graduates on the importance of registration. • Transformation Implementation model to address transformation through skills development based interventions. (Slide 29, below) • Workplace Training Implementation model to address quality assured workplace training that is linked to professional registration – starting with the BE graduates in the public sector and unemployed graduates.(Slide 30, below).

  27. Transformation implementation model for the Built Environment Professions • Transformation framework for the Built Environment Professions Through Skills Development using the Skills Pipeline model was approved by CBE in May 2013 and proposes: • Skills Pipeline - skills development interventions: Schools Level, Tertiary Education Level Candidature Phase & Workplace Training thru to Registered Professionals • Targeted Outcome: Increased quantity and quality of built environment professionals Proposals from the Draft Transformation Implementation Model : Proposed Structure • Establishment of a Non-Profit Organisation comprising of a Board of Trustees from CBE, DPW, Dept of Higher Education and Training, Infrastructure Departments,Construction SETA, representatives of the 6 Professional Councils and the Private Sector. Proposed Key Programmes and Proposed Funding Mechanisms 1. Education Upliftment Programme • Maths and Science Grade 8 to 12 upliftment program • Maths and Science Teacher support programme • Career Awareness • Proposed Funding: The National Skills Fund. 2. Bursary Fund Scheme and University Capacity Programme • Central Bursary Scheme • University student support program • Retention of built environment lecturers and programmes • Lecturer support programmes • Built Environment Research Fund with partners Academic Institutions, NRF and Industry • Proposed Funding: Board of Trustees raises 50% of funding and 50% from National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), SETAs, Employer bodies, DHET, etc. 3. Workplace Learning Support Programme • Structured Candidacy • Workplace training that enables professional registration • Work integrated learning opportunities for University of Technology or Comprehensive University national diploma students • Proposed Funding: Board of Trustees approach SETAs, employer bodies, DHET (NSF), etc, for funding. 4. Registered Professionals Support Programme • Retention program for built environment professionals • Proposed Funding: Employer bodies. 5. Public Sector Professionals Support Programme • Program for built environment professionals in the public sector including municipalities Proposed Funding: Departmental Budgets, SETAs, DHET (NSF), Treasury

  28. WORKPLACE TRAINING AND CANDIDACY model for the PUBLIC SECTOR Built Environment Professions / GRADUATES CAPACITATION & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Beneficiaries: BE Professionals in national & provincial infrastructure departments as well as municipalities.

  29. Thank you

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