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Serpinatr Review: A RARE chance to use anew and truly revolutionary software that NO ONE has used beforetoday Serpinatr: http://beginnerdiary.com/serpinatr-review/ Serpinatris a web-based 2-in-1 software that INSTANTLY generates invaluable intel you or your clients can to quickly estimate how much money they can make by ranking on page 1 ofGoogle! With Serpinatron your side, you not only have a MASSIVE time saver, you also have a potentially HUGE moneymaker! It’s like having a crystal ball as Serpinatrlets you estimate the ROI, along with the value for ANY keyword ranked on page 1 of Google, BEFORE you or your clients decide whether to spend time and effort on SEO to rank on page 1 ofGoogle!
There are literally MILLIONS of business owners and decision-makers desperate to have this invaluable intel… and are willing to pay you big bank to help them rank on page 1 of Google and turn your roi and keyword value estimates intoreality, • making Serpinatra high-quality lead machine aswell! • This fact alone provides you a competitive advantage and the opportunity to become an instant ROI and keyword valuation expert, all by simply using the Serpinatrsoftware! • Serpinatr's KeyFeatures: • Calculate SEO ROI for any keyword anytime you want, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 24 hours aday… • Estimate the potential value of any keyword ranking on page 1 of Google, again 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 24 hours aday… • Generate a .PPF report with ROI SEO Estimation or Keyword Valuation for yourself, or use as a powerful marketing piece to hand out to (and impress) clients and prospects, which you can include a Call-To-Action and brand with your logo, name, business name, address, telephone and emailaddress… • Create a unique custom URL for your branded .PDF report you can give to your clients and prospects for convenient and unlimited access andviewing… • Require clients and prospects to opt-in to your email list to unlock your .PDF report… • Generate RED HOT leads anytime you want with our unique custom URLsystem • Save your leads to CSVfile… • Save all projects and calculations youconduct… • All the training to quickly and effectively use our software and local lead generation system • AndMore! • How Does SerpinatrWork? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52YHXtDKjWQ&feature=youtu.be • Exclusive Bonuses OfSerpinatr: • There are THREE webinars jam-packed full of additional training to helpyou!
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