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Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad, Project Director, DSK-Shiree Project Md. Abdul Baten, Coordinator- Research, DSK-Shiree Project Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK) April 22, 2012. Lessons from DSK-Shiree Project. Targeting of Extreme Poor in the Slums of Dhaka City.
Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad, Project Director, DSK-Shiree Project Md. Abdul Baten, Coordinator- Research, DSK-Shiree Project DushthaShasthya Kendra (DSK) April 22, 2012 Lessons from DSK-Shiree Project Targeting of Extreme Poor in the Slums of Dhaka City Moving from Extreme Poverty through Economic Empowerment
Background • Urban poverty in one of the big challenges to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • 5 million people are living at the 4,966 slums of Dhaka city and they are the 40% of the total population of the city • 300,000 to 400,000 new migrants are coming at Dhaka city in every year • Every ten year population is becoming double in Dhaka city • A large portions are coming from disaster prone areas including Monga affected, Coastal, Haor, CHT & many others pockets • Large portions of them are extreme poor • Contributing in different important sectors- such as garments, textiles, leather and other small industries, transportation, land development, construction, domestic helps, businesses, waste management and many other informal • But they are the most neglected communities to the society and the state
Project Goal and Purpose Goal To Contribute Government of Bangladesh MDG targets 1 and 2 on income poverty and hunger achieved by 2015 Purpose 10,000 households in urban slums of Dhaka city have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty by 2012
Major Outputs • 25,000 Extreme poor women are supported through accumulation of physical and financial capital • Organize and collective effort enhanced extreme poor HHs through formation and strengthening of 250 CBOs • Increased access to water, sanitation, and health services • Enhanced technical and business capabilities of 25,000 extreme poor households
Why targeting is an issues??? • Up to late nineties, most of the cases, actual extreme poor were not got much attention from many of the development initiatives; • As all we know that the one of the most effective project was TUP of BRAC through asset transfer to Extreme poor; • Real change from extreme poverty, special attention is required; • So targeting of real extreme poor is needed extra attention and precautions;
Who are the extreme poor Economic indicator from World Bank: • Income less than U$ 1.25 per capita per day Nutritional indicator: • Calorie intake per capita per day which may be another indicators which is not easy to apply at the field; • So some operational definitions and fixing up some useable indications are required which may adapted based on the local situations;
Selection for Beneficiaries Households Essential Criteria Income level is <BDT 5,000/month/HH (3,000 was in 1st year/ 2009 and 4,500 was in 2nd year/2010-11) No access to Micro-Finance Institutions Supplementary major Criteria Occupations- House maid, Day labor, Cobbler, Road side Barber , Push cart driver, Old age women beggar, disabled male beggar and other those are not able to earn Widow/ divorced/separated and abandoned women as head of household One room for the family: House rent is not more than 2,000 taka (1,000 was in 2009 and 1,500 was in 2010-11) Household include disable or economically inactive member Disable beggar (Male/ female)
Targeting of Real Extreme Poor • Targeting from the bottom 10% of poorest people following the agreed specific criteria including some essential and supplementary criteria • Maintaining the proper follow up mechanisms at every steps • Community participation using PRA tools such as Social mapping, Wealth ranking (have limitation in urban) • Door to door visit for the survey to check real situation • Family approach should be consider during selection of interventions/ IGA plan • Need to avoid the targeting drip/ mis-targeting
SWOT analysis on targeting • Strength: • DSK has very well reputation and acceptance to the slum dwellers as they are providing different interventions since last 23 years; • Since earlier a number of CBOs are active especially for WASAN and health related interventions • A group of committed staff members • Slum dweller are stay in cluster basis so geographically we can reach within short time; • Project have provided a very attractive amount of supports (up to taka 30,000 for a households) • Opportunities: • DSK have opportunities with integration with other core program such as WATSAN and health interventions • Slum dweller have many options of IGAs as they are staying within Dhaka city and access in large market
SWOT analysis • Weakness: • Slum people has very week ties within themselves as they have come from different corner of the country; • Some people have hiding tendency of information at primary stage; • Threats: • Evictions • Fire explorations • Internal and external migration
Challenges in targeting • Targeting vs Graduation !!!! • Always have to attention to avoid the targeting drips • Challenging to use PRA tools such as wealth ranking • Most of the adult area have no formal education • Selection of IGAs for disable, elderly people, fully women headed family, and beggars
Advantages • Slum dwellers are staying within a large market in Dhaka city • Business and many other income opportunities are there • DSK has long experience and excellent rapports with slum dwellers
Allocated of Resources • Target- 25, 000 BHHs • Phase I (Apr’09-Mar’12)- 10,00 (2000+5000+3000) • Phase II (Apr’12-Mar’15)- 15,000 (15,000 with the year 2012) • Total Human Resource • Phase I- Staff members- 107 and CBO Cadres- 18 • Phase II- Staff members- 126 and CBO Cadres- 17 • Budgets- • Phase I- BDT 376,623,058 (376.62 million)- unspent BDT 209,046,343 • Phase II- BDT 339,046,343 (339.05 million) • Allocations per HH • Phase I- BDT 28,228 • Phase II- BDT 21,000+ • Cost of ratio • Phase I- Beneficiary- 80% and Management- 20% • Phase II- Beneficiary- 70% and Management- 30%
Recommendations • Operational criteria should be in place at the beginning • All steps should be followed properly • Since the beginning of targeting cross checking and verification mechanisms must be followed as first phase;
Findings from Quarterly Survey (CMS-3) conducted by Shiree • Quarterly surveys are conducted by Shiree/ Cambridge University Team • Pre-coded well structured questionnaires • Sample size was 64 BHHs selected for 1st year (2009) households (32 from Korail & 32 from Kamrangirchar) and another 64 households were added from 2nd year (2010) households • Multistage cluster sampling method was used
Timeline of previous surveys • Baseline- October 2009 (63 households) • Round 1- March 2010 (separate 64 households) • Round 2- July 2010 (same 63 households of round 1) • Round 3- November 2010 (same 50 households of round 1) • Round 4- March 2011- 121 (57+64)- 57 was same as households of round 1 (longitudinal/ panel, and new 64/ 57 households was sampled from the households selected in 2nd year (2010)
Changes of Occupation of Household Head/ Adult 1 in Oct 2009 and Mar 2011
Changes of cash income per households in last month since Oct 2009 to Mar 2011 in Median
Changes of food intake in last 7 days in Oct 2009 and Mar 2011
Let's Start Eliminate Poverty Together! For A Bright Future of Extreme poor!! Thanks for being with us!! `yt¯’ ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª (DSK)