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T ú y Yo. ¿Qué significa Tú y Yo?. You and I. I plan Pienso Can I…? Puedo? Do I have ….? Tengo…? I need Necesito I want Quiero. 1. Who is the subject of all of these phrases in English ? I 2. Who is the subject of all of these phrases in Spanish ? Yo
Tú y Yo ¿Qué significa Tú y Yo? You and I
I plan • Pienso • Can I…? • Puedo? • Do I have….? • Tengo…? • I need • Necesito • I want • Quiero 1. Whoisthesubject of all of thesephrases in English? I 2. Whoisthesubject of all of thesephrases in Spanish? Yo 3. What do younoticeabouttheendings of allthesewords? Theyallend in “o” 4. Note: In Spanish, thesubject “Yo” isoptional. Itmayormaynotbeusedwiththephrase. Why do youthinkthisis? The “o” endingalreadysignifiesthatthesubjectis“I” or “yo” 5. Can youmake a rule forphrasesthatend in “o” Ifitends in “o”, thesubjectis “yo”
Whatmightbetwoexceptionstoour “Yo” phrase rule. • I am goingto……..voy a • I know (howto)…..sé
Youplan • Piensas • Youknow • Sabes • Do youhave? • Tienes • Can you…? • ¿Puedes..? • Are yougoingto…? • ¿Vas a? 1. Whoisthesubject of all of thesephrases in English? You 2. Whoisthesubject of all of thesephrases in Spanish? Tú 3. What do younoticeabouttheendings of allthesewords? Theyallend in “s” 4. Note: In Spanish, thesubject “Tú ” isoptional. Itmayormaynotbeusedwiththephrase. Why do youthinkthisis? The “s” endingalreadysignifiesthatthesubjectis “You” or “Tú” 5. Can youmake a rule forphrasesthatend in “s” The “s” meansyou , thesubjectis “Tú”
You and a friend are helpingtoorganize, and alsoparticipatingin,theschooltalent show and havejustmade a list of thingsthatneedstobe done beforethebignight and havedivided up thetasks. Listen and decide whoneedsto do what. Write Tú or Yo in theblanknexttotheappropriate chore. Thesewillnotgo in order. Tú Tú Yo Yo Tú Tú Yo Yo Tú Yo Tú Yo