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Rikshospitalet University Hospital. Division of Clinical Neuroscience Dept of Neuropsychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine. Somatoform disorders Neurobiology. ulrik.fredrik.malt@rikshospitalet.no. Etiologi (teori) Oversett somatisk sykdom Kommunikasjon Stress Hjernedysfunksjon
Rikshospitalet University Hospital Division of Clinical NeuroscienceDept of Neuropsychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine
Somatoform disordersNeurobiology ulrik.fredrik.malt@rikshospitalet.no
Etiologi (teori) Oversett somatisk sykdom Kommunikasjon Stress Hjernedysfunksjon Genetisk defekt Psykiatri Betinging Nevrobiologisk forskning Somatisk utredning alexithymi affektregulering-personlighet nevro……. molekylærbiologi biologisk psykiatri personlighet Somatisering
Misdiagnosis of conversion symptoms and hysteria (mean %, 95% confidence ntervals, random effects) plotted at midpoint of five year intervals according to when patients were diagnosed. Size of each point is proportional to number of subjects at each time point (total n=1466) (Stone et al, BMJ 2005;331:989)
Indre /ytre stress Psykiske symptomer Adferdsendringer Nevroendokrine effekter CRF ACTH Nevrotransmittere Immunsystemet 5HT, DA, NA etc Cytokiner etc Nevropeptider Perifert blod: cytokiner, NK celle aktivitet Sammenhengen hjerne-kropp-stress Fra: Brigitta Bondy, MD Uni München Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2003;5:129-138. Binyrer: kortisol, nor- adrenalin, adr. Hjertesymptomatologi Smerte Mage-tarm symptomatologi etc
CNS DISEASE Brain Immune response Neurological Manifestations Chemical cascade Neuropeptides Cytokine balance +IL-1, IL-6, TNF - IL-1Ra, IL-4, IL-10, TGF Cytokines Neurotransmitters Neuroinflammation -neurotoxicity -neurodegeneration Signals PERIPHERAL DISEASE Plata-Salamán & Turin. Molecular Psychiatry 1999; 4: 302-6
Autoimmune diseases with higher lifetime prevalence among schizophrenia patients than among comparison subjects at a 95%level of statistical significance (Danish register data) Eaton et al. American Journal of Psychiatry 163:521-528, March 2006 • thyrotoxicosis, • intestinalmalabsorption, • acquired hemolytic anemia, • chronic active hepatitis, • interstitial cystitis, • alopecia areata, • myositis, • polymyalgiarheumatica, • Sjögren’s syndrome
Hassan et al. Dep of Infect and Trop. Diseases, Royal Freee, London 2001: Increased expression of class II antigens Reduced expression of costimulatory receptor CD28 (marker of terminally differentiated cells) lends support to the concept of immunoactivation of T-lymphocytes in CFS and consistent with a viral etiopahtogenesis
Virus infection and CFS • Virus may provoke CFS • Unclear pathophysiology (infection? Immune response? Other factors?) • Important: The majority do not develop CFS after virus infections • I.e. Non-infectious aspects must be of important for outcome, but may not explain all variance in CFS cases
Schizofreni frontale forandringer + temporale forandringer dysfunksjon dominante hemisfære etc patologi ERP Briquets syndrom frontale forandringer Ikke-dominant hemisfære dominerer patologi ERP ”Briquets syndrom”
Hjernedysfunksjon og Briquet? • bifrontal svekkelse i hemisfærefunksjoner • dominans av ikke-dominante hemisfære • patologisk evoked potentials • I motsetning til raske pasienter: reagerer likt på relevante OG ikke-relevante stimuli (?)
Kvinner multiple somatiske symptomer og uakseptabel adferd: somatiseringslidelse Menn impulsiv og antisosial adferd: antisosial personlighets-forstyrrelse Genetikk og Briquets syndrom?
Composite index of antisocial behavior (z scores). (From Caspi et al. Science 2002; 297; 851-54)
Problem: psychobiological studies of Briquets syndrome / somatization” are seldom ”clean” • Example comorbidity in one study: F45.0 Panic disorder 48% Social phobia 34% • OCD 11% • Depression 66% • Bulimia 6% Rief et al, Psychosom Med 1998; 60: 198-203
Somatoform disorders • Stressfysiologi- personlighet
Stress Sentralnervesystemet Kognitive-emosjonelle forhold Fysiologisk Adferd aktivering Kommunikasjon Klassisk betinging Operant betinging Miljø Arv Funsjonelle somatiske lidelser
Genetic variance in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter protein gene (SLC6A4): The genotype frequenciesare 36% L/L, 48% L/S, and 16% S/S. Right amygdala activationis relatively greater in normals who have theS allele. S/S allele is associated with increased risk for depression and negative stress responses. Hariri AR, Brown SM. Am J Psychiatry 163:12, January 2006
The association between childhood maltreatment (between the ages of 3 and 11 years) and adult depression (ages 18 to 26), as a function of 5-HT Transporter genotype. Interaction analysis showed that childhood stress predicted adult depression only among individuals carrying an s allele Caspi et al. Science 18 July 2003: Vol. 301. no. 5631, pp. 386 - 389
Social and reward frustration in real life:The model of effort-reward imbalance at work(Siegrist 1996) • wage, salary • esteem • promotion/ security demands / obligations reward effort motivation (‘overcommitment‘) motivation (‘overcommitment‘) Imbalance maintained → if no alternative choice available → if accepted for strategic reasons → if motivational pattern present (overcommitment)
Mean systolic blood pressure (mmHg) in men over a working day according to overcommitment and occupational position (N=105) Source: A. Steptoe et al. (2004), Psychosomatic Medicine, 66: 323-329.
The neurophysiology of emotions Neocortex, asossiation cortex Thalamus Cingular anterior cortex Hippocampus Amygdala BNST Autonomic centers (LC, vagus nuclei) ANS Hypothalamus, PVN HPA-axis Periaqueductal grey Behaviour
How does the brain deal with social reward? Brain reward system • prefrontal cortex • orbitofrontal cortex • anterior cingulate • thalamus • mesocortico-limbic dopamine system( nucleus accumbens, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus) Source: E.T. Rolls (2000), W. Schultz et al. (1997), R.A. Wise (2002).
Effort-reward imbalance high risk vs. low risk group; An fMRI-study (Siegrist J, et al. Neuroreport 2005; 16: 1899-1903) ERI high risk vs low risk: No diff in mental arithmetic performance, intelligence, or mood but diff between ERI high risk and low risk in following regions of the brain reward system: • increased activity: thalamus(T = 4.6; p = .003);anterior cingulate(T = 3.7; p = .026);dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(T = 3.5; p = .034) • reduced activity:hippocampus (T = 3.7; p = .026)
fMRI results Siegrist J, et al. Neuroreport 2005; 16: 1899-1903 Increased activity in anterior cingulate (bilateral) in the Effort-reward imbalance high risk vs. low risk group; z = 16; p = .001 (uncorrected); p < .05 (small volume corrected)
Personlighet og mangeårige medisinsk ”uforklarlige” kroppslige symptomer6 mndrs. oppfølging av almenpraksispas. ;( n=318) Prediksjon av økning i symptomer OR Nevrotisisme 1.03 (NEO-PI; nevrotisisme subskala) Alexithymi 1.00 (TAS-20) Økende negativ affekt 1.78(Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) Økende positiv affekt 0.71 Prediksjon av vedvarende høyt antall symptomer Kvinne 2.51 Nevrotisisme 1.00 Vanskelig å beskrive følelser 1.08 Høynegativ affekt 2.69 Høy positiv affekt 0.83 De Gucht et al J Psychosom Res 2004; 279: 279-285
Cardiovascular response and hostility Change in BP during recovery [mm Hg] Change in HR during task [BPM] Suarez et al, Psychosom Med 1998; 60: 78-88
anxious worrying moody sleep badly overly emotional sensitive to environmental stimuli reactions are often irrational and occasionally rigid The “high” Neuroticism personality Psychosomatic symptoms are common
hCRH-stimulation test in pts with high and low neuroticism McCleery & Goodwin Biol Psych 2001; 49: 410-5 DCOR nmol/l Mean score: 18.8 5.1 [SD 2.2] [SD 2.0]
Fysiologisk fellesnevner::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?????
The brain-gut network Frontal brain hypersensitivity Emotions Stress Vulnerability Spinal afferents Gut hypersensitivity - receptorer i mucosa -receptorer i tarmvegg Infection IBD
Frontal brain reactivity to anxiety words in pts with IBS N400 to anxiety and sadness words deeper in IBS patients than controls (p<.0.01). N400 to anger words threshold significant (p=0.053) Rectal wall reactivities to anger and anxiety words predicted N400 amplitudes in total sample (p<0.01) Significant predictions (gut/brain) appeared only between reactivities to the same word series. Blomhoff et al Scand J Gastroent 2000; 35: 583-9 Digest Dis Scienc 2000; 45:1153-9 Digest Dis Science 2000; 45:1160-5.
Depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with IBS, NUD and FM compared with health controls. A metaanalysis of 25+11+3/23+9+3 studies. (Henningsen et al, Psychosom Med 2003; 65: 528-33).
Mental disorders among women with ”psychosomatic syndromes” Eva Malt et al. J Psychosom Res 2000; 285-89
Fibromyalgia vs healthy controls Wood. Int Review Neurobiology 2005; 67: 119-163
S=Somatosensorisk cortex (I: primary; II: secondary) Inferior parietal lobe superior temporal gyrus Common regions of activation (fMRI) in patients (red) and in the subjective pain control condition (green),in which the effects of pressure applied to the left thumb sufficient to evoke a modrate pain rating are compared with the effects of innocuous pressure. Overlapping activations: yellow Wood. Int Review Neurobiology 2005; 67: Arrows: rCBF increase (decrease)
Nevrobiologi og alexithymi • Genetisk? • Hemisfærekommunikasjon? • Traumenevrobiologi?
Somatoform disorders • Klassisk betinging
Anfallvise psykiske lidelser Stress Sentralnervesystemet Kognitive-emosjonelle forhold Fysiologisk Adferd aktivering Kommunikasjon Klassisk betinging Operant betinging Miljø Arv Funsjonelle somatiske lidelser
Pavlovian conditioning (”unconscious memory”) • Important issues • Brain structures e.g. amygdala-olfactorial and contextual fear conditions; perirhinal cortex-olfactorial conditioning • Dopamin, NMDA-receptors • Type of conditioned stimulus e.g. olfactory, facial expression Otto et al, Behav Brain Res 2000; 110: 119-28
Glucosechange in response to saline after 4 days of olfactory conditioning with insulin Blood glucose mg/dl 20 healthy subjects 20-30 years of age Stockhorst et al, Psychosom Med 1999; 61:424-35
Brain Response to Visceral Aversive Conditioning Yágüez et al. Gastro- Enterology 2005; 128:1819-1829 A) Generic brain activation during the learning phase, ie, painful esophageal distention B) Anticipation phase C) Extinction phase Note the activation of the insula, right inferior frontal gyrus, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in (A), (B), and (C). Activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was found only in the (B) anticipation and (C) extinction phase.
Somatoforme tilstander: Nevrobiologi • Psykiske sykdommer: nevrobiologi som også impliserer somatiske symptomer / syndromer
Affektivt fMRI paradigme: emosjonelt negative og nøytrale bilder Koronalt snitt som viser bilateral amygdala-aktivering ved emosjonelt negative stimuli (differanse i aktivering negative – nøytrale bilder). Grønn = friske kontroller (n=4), rød = RBD-pas. (n=6) Egne data; preliminære
Legemlige symptomer ved depresjoner • Trett, utslitt • Sensoriske symptomer eks. parestesier, svimmelhet, uklart syn etc • Gastrointestinale symptomer eks. dyspepsi-plager, svelg-plager, forstoppelse • Smerter Diffuse smerter, hodepine, migrene • (Andre) autonome symptomer eks. cor
The percentage of individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for depression at age 26, as a function of 5-HT Transporter genotype and number of stressful life events between the ages of 21 and 26. Short genotype: S/S; S/L Long genotype: L/L Caspi et al. Science 18 July 2003: Vol. 301. no. 5631, pp. 386 - 389
Areas in the cingulate (right) and amygdala (left) that differed in gray matter volume between subjects with the short and long version version of the serotonin transporter gene. Short version carriers showed the greatest reductions in the red area, which previous studies have linked to depression. (Image courtesy of National Institute of Mental Health) www.biopsychiatry.com/ serotonin/gene-brain.html