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Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw. General information. Hyacinth macaws are the longest parrots in the world, reaching a huge 100 centimeters in size. Kingdom: Animalia Class: Aves Family: Psittacidae Genus: Anodorhynchus

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Hyacinth Macaw

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  1. Hyacinth Macaw

  2. General information Hyacinth macaws are the longest parrots in the world, reaching a huge 100 centimeters in size. Kingdom: Animalia Class: Aves Family: Psittacidae Genus: Anodorhynchus The common hyacinth macaw diet is consist of of nuts from natural palms, such as acuri and bocaiuva palms

  3. Human input effecting the macaw Hyacinth macaw numbers are in decline as a result of habitat loss and large demand for the illegal pet trade. Due to the start of cattle ranching and automatic agriculture, and the growth of hydroelectric systems the habitat has been destroyed rapidly.

  4. How is our impact measured We could count nests, and the amount of newborns being born.. We could also count the distance of their habitat left..

  5. How can we help? important research by clear specific birds and has created a number of fake nests to pay off for the small part of sites existing in the region .

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