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Sabiedriskās politikas centrs

Sabiedriskās politikas centrs. Online citizen initiatives in Latvia (Iveta Kazoka , Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS). Political & societal context. Manabalss.lv was launched in June , 2011, shortly after the president had announced a referendum on new parliamentary elections.

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Sabiedriskās politikas centrs

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  1. Sabiedriskās politikas centrs Online citizen initiatives in Latvia (Iveta Kazoka, CentreforPublicPolicy PROVIDUS) www.providus.lv

  2. Political & societalcontext Manabalss.lvwaslaunchedinJune, 2011, shortlyafterthepresidenthadannounced a referendumonnewparliamentaryelections (photocredit: apollo.lv) www.providus.lv

  3. Principalrulesofmanabalss.lv • Oneshouldformulateaninitiative (anidea); • Thengather 100 signatures (e-bankauthorization); • Thenmanablss.lvcheckswhethertheregulationcomplieswithitsinternalrules; • Theinitiativethenappearsonthe first page; • Ingeneraltheaimis to gather 10 000 signatures => then it willbedeliberatedonbytheparliament www.providus.lv

  4. Rulesofprocedureinparliamentregarding e-petitions(inforcesinceFeb, 2012) www.providus.lv

  5. Manabalss.lv: howdoestheplatformlooklike? www.providus.lv

  6. Aninitiativeondecriminalizingmarihuana www.providus.lv

  7. MostpopularinitiativesonManabalss.lv www.providus.lv

  8. WhatkindofinitiativesgetpopularonManabalss.lv? • Mostlytheyfollowtopicsonthenews; • SometimesinitiativesofManabalssmakethenews (onchangingstateanthem; punishmentsforbreakingparliamentaryoath) evenifnotthatmanysignatures! • Onlysomeinitativesof a local (municipal) nature; • Mostpopulartopics: civilliberties&rights; honestyinpolitics&economics; socialrights. • Quality: uneven www.providus.lv

  9. (1) OtheronlinecitizeninitativesinLatvia: www.musuvalsts.lv ( a websitewhichallows to crowdsourcesuggestionsonsolving a problem, to voteonsolutionsanddiscussthem) www.providus.lv

  10. (2) OtheronlinecitizeninitativesinLatvia: www.gudrasgalvas.lv ( a communicationwebsitewhere MEP andministerscanblog, respond to questions/suggestionsfromvoters, seetheironlinemediaappearancesetc.) www.providus.lv

  11. (3) OtheronlinecitizeninitativesinLatvia: www.stakeholde.rs (givesopportunityforresidentsindifferentmunicipalities to suggestsomeideasfornewevents, buildings, activities – it happensonthemapofthespecificmunicipality ) www.providus.lv

  12. Togetherwithunparalleledcultureofdiscussingissuesamongpoliticians, stateofficials, opinionleadersandactivistsonTwitter - theseonlinetoolsmakeourdemocracymuchstronger Thankyouforyourattention! www.providus.lv

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