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APNIC Report

APNIC Report. LACNIC VIII Lima, Perú. Selected activities – Services. IPv4 Allocations – accelerating Single /8 allocation in Japan IPv6 Allocations – still slow “per address” fee issue affecting large networks, recently adjusted New member/community services ISP support website

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APNIC Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. APNIC Report LACNIC VIII Lima, Perú

  2. Selected activities – Services • IPv4 Allocations – accelerating • Single /8 allocation in Japan • IPv6 Allocations – still slow • “per address” fee issue affecting large networks, recently adjusted • New member/community services • ISP support website • VOIP access to helpdesk (coming soon) • Resource certificates RFC 3779 (secure BGP) • New training activities • DNS, Routing, IPv6, Spam and Security

  3. Selected activities – “Governance” • Dialog with governments • Korea and China • Open Regional Dialog on Internet Governance (UNDP) • APNIC staff and operational support • Papers • Geography and competition • ICANN, WSIS, WGIG • On and on and on…

  4. Rootservers • ‘Anycast’ root server deployments • Working with root operators (F, I, K, M) • Work in progress • AU (K), (I), JP (K), IN, SG, KH, PK, CN, BD • APNIC PoPs • Reliable distributed services AU, JP, HK

  5. http://www.apnic.net/docs/policy

  6. APNIC 20 – Hanoi, Vietnam

  7. Perth APNIC 21 – Perth, Australia • With APRICOT 2006 • http://www.2006.apricot.net • 28 Feb – 3 March

  8. Thank you save@apnic.net

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