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OPHA RESOLUTION ON THE NON-ESSENTIAL USE OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES ON PUBLIC & PRIVATE LANDS. Presented to alPHa - Feb 1/02 by: Helen Doyle, representing the OPHA Environmental Health WG. Resolutions Whereas’ Legislation Municipal Jurisdiction Pesticide Reduction Initiatives

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  1. OPHA RESOLUTION ON THE NON-ESSENTIAL USE OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES ON PUBLIC & PRIVATE LANDS Presented to alPHa - Feb 1/02 by: Helen Doyle, representing the OPHA Environmental Health WG

  2. Resolutions Whereas’ Legislation Municipal Jurisdiction Pesticide Reduction Initiatives Fed/Prov/Municipal Industry Background -Possible Health Effects Precautionary Principle Public Health Role? Implementation Plan OPHA Resolution

  3. ‘..therefore be it resolved, that the OPHA..’ • urge Ontario municipalities to restrict the non-essential use of chemical pesticides on public and private lands

  4. urge the 3 levels of government to work together to: • strengthen legislation governing pesticide use, • reduce the non-essential use of pesticides, • educate the public about the health effects and alternatives to chemical pesticides, & • promote IPM Strategies

  5. Advocate to the MOHLTC for adequate resources for HU’s to: • act as a resource to municipalities on pesticide reduction initiatives • educate the public about the health effects of pesticides (as per MHPSG)

  6. request to meet with the appropriate government agencies to express our concern on this matter, and to request their support to take action to restrict the non-essential use of pesticides

  7. collaborate and network with other health and environmental organizations that support restricting the non-essential use of pesticides

  8. also, be it resolved that, • this resolution be forwarded to the Ont. and Fed. Ministers of Health, the Minister of the Environment, FCM, AMO & HU’s and boards of health

  9. Background - ‘WHEREAS..’ • #1 priority in pest management - protection of human health esp. vulnerable populations • associations between certain pesticides and human health effects • limitations of research re: impact of pesticide exposure on health

  10. …whereas, • Absence of conclusive evidence to prove causal relationship, but reason to believe potential harm… • Precautionary Principle • HPPA - health hazard?

  11. ..whereas, • PMRA has taken initiatives to reduce urban pesticide use: • Healthy Lawn Strategy • reduce reliance on pesticides • use IPM - pest prevention, reduced risk products, pesticide use as a last resort! • Priority re-evaluations - applying current risk assessment principles e.g. safety factors to protect children

  12. ..whereas, • Of the 7000 pesticides approved for use in Canada, many have not been re-evaluated to account for current risk assessment standards & vulnerability of children • alternative, non-toxic methods of pest prevention exist (e.g. IPM?)

  13. ..whereas, • Certain pesticides persist in the environment and migrate beyond the application area • decision of Supreme Court of Canada in Hudson, Quebec case..powers of municipal governments to restrict the use of non-essential pesticides

  14. Possible Health Effects • Literature search/limitations • toxicological & epidemiological studies • cancer studies (occupational/childhood) • developmental & reproductive studies • acute & chronic health effects • neurotoxic & immune system effects • endocrine disruption

  15. Legislation • Pest Control Products Act (PMRA) • manufacture, importation & registration of pesticide products in Canada • reviews health & environmental assessments on new pesticide products • Pesticides Act (MOE) • sale, handling & use of pesticides • licensing of operators & applicators

  16. Municipal Jurisdiction? • By-laws to regulate the use of pesticides on private property? • Interpretation of Supreme Court decision in Quebec? Quebec Cities & Towns Act = Ontario Municipal Act? • Authority on ‘lands owned by municipality’- policy

  17. Pesticide Reduction Initiatives • Fed/Prov/Terr: Action Plan for Urban Use Pesticides - Healthy Lawn Strategy • Fed Dept Pest Mngt. Programs: • DND - commitment to 50% reduction, IPM & naturalization • Public Works - IPM plans for Crown-owned lands • Parks Canada - IPM Directive

  18. Municipal Initiatives • York Region - draft Pesticide Reduction Guidelines/IPM • City of Toronto- IPHC; Public Consultations • City of Ottawa- Interim IPM Policy • City of Waterloo- PHCP

  19. The Lawn Care Industry • Landscape Ontario • Training & Certification • Ridgetown College/MOE • IPM Accreditation • Organic Landscape Alliance

  20. Precautionary Principle • CEPA • ‘where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for’ .. inaction • Environment Canada • registration “if accepted it must be safe for use, with the restrictions of current scientific knowledge”

  21. Precaution cont’ • Health Canada • Discussion Paper on A Canadian Perspective on the Precautionary Approach/Principle • “Canada has a history of implementing the precautionary approach in science-based programs of health & safety, ..”

  22. Precautions • Environment Canada Fact Sheet • “pesticides are poisons, otherwise they wouldn’t kill” • “consider using non-chemical methods of control” • “pesticides are toxic to many forms of life in addition to the species to be controlled” • “ultimately some side effects may extend to human life as well” • “..benefits must be weighed against the side effects”

  23. Public Health Role? • MHPSG-Health Hazard Investigation • Goal: “to prevent or reduce adverse health outcomes resulting from exposure to health hazards” • HPPA: “reasonable & probable grounds that a health hazard exists” • Precautionary Principle: suggestive evidence/associations but absence of scientific certainty

  24. Implementation Plan for OPHA Resolution • Distribute to govt’ and health organizations • collaborate with other health & environmental agencies • monitor progress of pesticide reduction initiatives by govt’ and non-govt’ agencies

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