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Observing Lunar Impacts: Strategies and Challenges

Learn about challenges faced when observing lunar impacts such as ejecta curtain evolution, impact physics, and strategies to overcome them. Gain insights into instrument campaigns, scattered light issues, and data reduction pipelines.

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Observing Lunar Impacts: Strategies and Challenges

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  1. Observation Challenges & Strategies for the LCROSS Impact Diane H. Wooden (NASA Ames)

  2. Challenges due to Impact Physics • Ejecta curtain evolves quickly (20 sec to 5 min) • Ejecta curtain spreads sideways (3” at peak brightness at ~20-40 sec, to 15” wide at 5 min) • Most of mass is below height of Rim+2.5 km (1.25” above crater Rim) • Expecting large particles (30 micron), so scattering properties/IR brightness not as great as for small particles (~0.5–1 micron)

  3. Challenges due to South Pole • illumination: pointing in the dark • crowded region • Rim not a limb • distance from Rim to limb changing from month to month due to libration • Virtual Atlas of Moon (freeware) is a possible aid ... Caution: I did not find the position of terminator accurate enough for real-time pointing checks as of 9/2/2006

  4. Challenges of observing the Moon • pointing: can use JPL Horizon Ephemerides generator to get RA,DEC (Tony Colaprete says impact site will be known to 0.5 km or 0.25 arcsec) EXAMPLE Cabeaus: Moon [Luna][g:324.5,-84.9,0@301] [g: long, lat, height@luna] • guiding: fast and quickly changing tracking rates • impact timing: over HI, but CA,AZ,TX possible • instrument ‘campaigns’ on telescopes <-?-> impact date, lunar phase • scattered light from lit areas of Moon entering instrument • seeing variations (post data may need blink comparison to select best) • guide cameras may be too sensitive, or too low spatial resolution to discern terrain; • Moon moves too fast for Adaptive Optics (AO) guide stars • Develop DATA REDUCTION PIPELINES: calibration of measurements of diffuse/extended plume using point sources that fill instrument profiles differently than extended sources • Can focal planes be maximized (fiber-fed spectrographs)?

  5. Cabeaus: Moon [Luna] [g:324.5,-84.9,0@301] ****************************************************************************************************** Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A._(ICRF/J2000.0)_DEC dRA*cosD d(DEC)/dt Azi_(a-appr)_Elev a-mass Illu% ****************************************************************************************************** 2009-Feb-05 05:28 Am N- 04 58 50.93 +26 46 17.9 1323.68 197.35 56.9989 76.3251 1.029 74.961 2009-Feb-05 05:32 m N- 04 58 57.51 +26 46 30.9 1320.56 190.13 55.1488 77.0848 1.026 74.977 2009-Feb-05 05:36 m N- 04 59 04.08 +26 46 43.5 1317.69 182.88 53.0477 77.8264 1.023 74.994 2009-Feb-05 05:40 m N- 04 59 10.63 +26 46 55.5 1315.08 175.60 50.6549 78.5464 1.020 75.010 2009-Feb-05 05:44 m N- 04 59 17.17 +26 47 07.0 1312.71 168.30 47.9232 79.2403 1.018 75.027 2009-Feb-05 05:48 m N- 04 59 23.70 +26 47 18.1 1310.60 160.98 44.7996 79.9028 1.015 75.043 2009-Feb-05 05:52 m N- 04 59 30.22 +26 47 28.7 1308.74 153.64 41.2263 80.5272 1.013 75.059 2009-Feb-05 05:56 m N- 04 59 36.73 +26 47 38.8 1307.14 146.28 37.1444 81.1054 1.012 75.075 2009-Feb-05 06:00 m N- 04 59 43.23 +26 47 48.4 1305.79 138.90 32.5007 81.6279 1.010 75.091 2009-Feb-05 06:04 m N- 04 59 49.73 +26 47 57.5 1304.69 131.52 27.2591 82.0835 1.009 75.108 2009-Feb-05 06:08 m N- 04 59 56.23 +26 48 06.1 1303.86 124.12 21.4169 82.4602 1.008 75.124 2009-Feb-05 06:12 m N- 05 00 02.72 +26 48 14.2 1303.27 116.71 15.0226 82.7456 1.008 75.140 2009-Feb-05 06:16 m N- 05 00 09.21 +26 48 21.8 1302.95 109.30 8.1909 82.9286 1.007 75.156 2009-Feb-05 06:20 m NL 05 00 15.69 +26 48 28.9 1302.88 101.88 1.1019 83.0011 1.007 75.172 2009-Feb-05 06:24 t NL 05 00 22.18 +26 48 35.6 1303.06 94.46 353.9805 82.9598 1.007 75.188 2009-Feb-05 06:28 m NL 05 00 28.67 +26 48 41.7 1303.51 87.04 347.0578 82.8067 1.008 75.204 2009-Feb-05 06:32 m NL 05 00 35.16 +26 48 47.3 1304.20 79.63 340.5291 82.5486 1.008 75.220 2009-Feb-05 06:36 m NL 05 00 41.66 +26 48 52.5 1305.16 72.21 334.5278 82.1959 1.009 75.236 2009-Feb-05 06:40 m NL 05 00 48.16 +26 48 57.2 1306.37 64.81 329.1197 81.7609 1.010 75.253 2009-Feb-05 06:44 m NL 05 00 54.67 +26 49 01.3 1307.84 57.41 324.3144 81.2558 1.011 75.269 2009-Feb-05 06:48 m NL 05 01 01.19 +26 49 05.0 1309.56 50.02 320.0831 80.6921 1.013 75.285 2009-Feb-05 06:52 m NL 05 01 07.71 +26 49 08.2 1311.54 42.64 316.3760 80.0798 1.015 75.301 2009-Feb-05 06:56 m NL 05 01 14.25 +26 49 10.8 1313.77 35.28 313.1349 79.4273 1.017 75.317 2009-Feb-05 07:00 m NL 05 01 20.80 +26 49 13.0 1316.25 27.94 310.3013 78.7417 1.019 75.333 The first symbol indicates if the target surface location is on the side of the target facing the observer: 'N' Surface location on the target body is on the near-side, facing TOWARD the observer. Visible, however, ONLY when target location is also above the horizon at the observing site. '-' Surface location on the target body is on the far-side, facing AWAY FROM the observer. NOT visible. The second symbol indicates if the target surface location is illuminated by any portion of the Sun's extended disk: 'L' Surface location on target body faces Sun (is lit) '-' Surface location on target body does NOT face Sun (is NOT lit) N Near-side – NOT Lit L Lit

  6. 2009 Mar 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 UT (6:30-7:10 UT) Ephem. Calc. for Cabeaus Mar03 ‘sets’=2 AirMass@8:40UT in HI; Mar05 good, Mar07 great HI-CA-AZ-TX Moon moves 1˚/4 min = point separation; betw. Astronomical Twilights or ≤2 Air Masses circles show Air Mass on Mar05 6:30UT in HI, CA, AZ, TX as indicated on right of plot

  7. Predicting the Ejecta Curtain Brightness 0.1 km Ejecta cloud optical depth modeled with a truncated conical section, the “upside-down lampshade” model. Conical section grows at a rate which follows the maximum cloud density contour. t+2 Solar Scatter for LCROSS Shepherd SpaceCraft t+1 t Projected column annulus at time, t Solar Scatter for Earth Observing

  8. PLUME EVOLUTION (`LONG’ TIME...) OH Exosphere Lunar Prospector Predictions A,C = 90 minutes B,D = 190 minutes 0.308 µm OH- (different sticking coefficients) Goldstein et al. 2001 JGR 106, 32841

  9. Mass(kg) at 2–5 km (D. Wooden’s analysis of D. Korycansky model 1/17/08)

  10. [R(t, 0 km)] = [2R(t)-5 km/tan(45˚)] s=5 km/sin(45˚) 0.1 km 5 km R(t) s 2.5 km 45˚

  11. R(t)=6 km height=width=5km t=45 sec (MAX MASS) 5 km

  12. R(t)=15 km height=width=5km t=90 sec (1/2 MAX MASS) c

  13. R(t)=30 km height=width=5km t=150 sec (1/5 MAX MASS) c 30 km

  14. Calculate Area of ‘filled cone’ by using vertical slices and integrating from front to back

  15. Area = AreaΩ- AreaØ = Ø/2 R2– 1/2 RcosØ RsinØ– Ω/2 R2 + 1/2 RcosΩ RsinΩ Ø Ω ∂x AreaØ= Ø/2 R2– 1/2 RcosØ RsinØ RcosØ = R – ∂x cosØ = 1 – ∂x/R Ø = cos–1(1–∂x/R) AreaΩ= Ω/2 R2– 1/2 RcosΩ RsinΩ cosΩ = 1 – 2∂x /R sin Ω = √(1 – cos2 Ω) Ω = cos–1(1– 2∂x/R) ß Area = Areaß– AreaΩ– AreaØ = ß/2 R2– 1/2 Rcosß Rsinß – [Ω/2 R2– 1/2 RcosØ RsinØ] – [Ω/2 R2– 1/2 RcosΩ RsinΩ] cosß = 1 – 3∂x/R cosΩ = 1 – 2∂x/R cosØ = 1 – ∂x/R

  16. Calculate Area of ‘hollow cone’ by subtracting two ‘filled cones’

  17. Multiply surface area bins by dm/dA and divide by mass per grain to get Number of Grains (1E10) 100um grain radius πa2 Q=3E-8 (~2) m2 so marg. optically thin R(t)=6 km height=width=5km t=45 sec (MAX MASS)

  18. Temporal Evolution of Surface Brightness as measured in Ngrains (100um radius) • With TIME Ejecta Plume expands in Radius (but does not change much in height) • Surface brightness declines slowly because surface area of plume that is sampled (per square arcsec) increases with time • Surface brightness 50% higher at 80 sec (follows total mass, which in this model is larger at 80 sec at at 2–5 km -- next slide)

  19. Mass(kg) at 2–5 km (D. Wooden’s analysis of D. Korycansky model 1/17/08)

  20. Qscat, Qabs computed with Mie scattering for solid spheres of glassy (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Flux_scat = Ngrains * πa2 Qscat *E_lambda [W m-2 um-1] dmoon2 Flux_emission = Ngrains * 4πa2 Qabs *πB(Tgrains) dmoon2

  21. Scattered and Emitted Light from 30um radii grains plotted above water ice % Absorbance (T. Colaprete)

  22. Mass(kg) at 2–5 km (D. Wooden’s analysis of D. Korycansky model 1/17/08)

  23. Instruments will be challenged • Spectroscopy: slit parallel to Rim? • Multi-fiber spectrographs can ‘pack’ focal plane with slits? • Imaging in multi-colors at same time, even at lower spatial resolution, will aid in calibrating data sets at discrete wavelengths • Larger aperture telescopes gain in spatial resolution • Want to achieve broad wavelength coverage but also some overlap to help with cross-calibration between ground-based telescopes+instruments. • How long (>>5 min=300 sec) should plume be followed? • Integrate longer to improve S/N but ‘smear’ plume? • How stringent is the Full Moon avoidance (±2.5 days)?

  24. Wavelength & Method/Telescope A: VIS Imaging (Flash?) B: VIS Spectra (OH-) C: NIR Imaging (mass distribution, height) D: NIR Spectra (water! ice!) E: MID-IR (heat) F: radio? G: UV-HST Lunar Specialists to help with science justifications Lunar Specialists to help w/pointing Scattering/Emission properties of grains Signal-to-Noise: what is possible Can instruments read out fast enough? (10-30 sec?) Let’s Team Up for the LCROSS Challenge

  25. Collect into Teams... brainstorm and then report back to the workshop members

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