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Lecture 1. Textbook Reference:Deegan, C. Australian Financial Accounting 5e, Chapter 2Financial Accounting DefinedFinancial accounting is a process involving the collection and processing of financial information to meet the decision-making needs of parties external to the organisationManagement accounting, in contrast, focuses on providing information for decision making by parties within the organisationis largely unregulatedFinancial accounting is heavily regulated, and a great deal o29865
2. Lecture 1 Textbook Reference:
Deegan, C. Australian Financial Accounting 5e, Chapter 2
Financial Accounting Defined
Financial accounting is a process involving the collection and processing of financial information to meet the decision-making needs of parties external to the organisation
Management accounting, in contrast, focuses on providing information for decision making by parties within the organisation
is largely unregulated
Financial accounting is heavily regulated, and a great deal of regulation changes each year
3. Users Demand for General-Purpose Financial Reports Users include:
present and potential investors
suppliers and other trade creditors
government and its agencies
the public
Users lack the power to demand specific information to meet their needs hence the need for general purpose financial reports
4. Users Demand for General-Purpose Financial Reports General-purpose financial reports
meet the information needs common to users who are unable to command the preparation of reports tailored to satisfy, specifically, all their information needs
Example: financial statements and supporting notes included within an annual report presented to shareholders at a companys annual general meeting
Special-purpose financial reports
designed to meet the needs of a specific group or to satisfy a specific purpose
Example: Bank demanding as part of a loan agreement that the borrowing entity provide information about projected cash flows
5. Sources of external financial reporting regulation Bodies that formulate and/or enforce accounting regulations:
In Australia
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
The Interpretations Agenda Committee
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)
In Fiji
Fiji Institute of Accountants (FIA) www.fia.org.fj
South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPSE) www.spse.com.fj
Capital Markets Development Authority (CMDA) www.cmda.com.fj
6. Conceptual Framework A coherent system of interrelated objectives and fundamentals that is expected to lead to consistent standards and that prescribes the nature, function and limits of financial accounting and reporting
Central goal in establishing CF is general consensus on
scope and objectives of financial reporting
qualitative characteristics that financial information should possess
elements of financial reporting
Provides guidance on key issues, such as objectives, qualitative characteristics, definitions and recognition criteria
We need a conceptual framework of accounting before we start developing accounting standards
7. Conceptual Framework It stipulates:
Objectives of financial reporting
Qualitative characteristics of useful information
Users & their needs
Elements of financial reporting
Definition criteria
Recognition criteria
8. Benefits of a Conceptual Framework Accounting standards more consistent and logical, because they are developed from an orderly set of concepts. In the absence of a coherent theory, the development of accounting standards could be somewhat ad hoc.
Increased international comparability of accounting standards
Should result in the Boards (e.g. IASB, AASB) being more accountable for their decisions
Enhanced process of communication between the Boards and constituents
More economical accounting standard development
9. Components of a Conceptual Framework
10. What are GPFRs and reporting entities? SAC1Definition of the Reporting Entity
Defines general-purpose financial reports (GPFRs)
Financial reports intended to meet the information needs common to users who are unable to command the preparation of reports tailored to their specific needs
GPFRs to be produced by entities who have users who cannot command the preparation of specific information
Such entities are deemed to be reporting entities
An entity in respect of which it its reasonable to expect the existence of users who rely on the entitys general purpose financial report for information that will be useful to them for making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of resources
11. Reporting entity If an entity is not deemed to be a reporting entity it will not be required to produce GPFRsand not necessarily be required to comply with all accounting standards
Small proprietary companies are frequently not considered to be reporting entitiesit is assumed that most people who require financial information about the entity will be in a position to specifically demand it
SAC2Objective of GPFRs
To provide relevant and reliable information to assist users to make and evaluate decisions about the allocation of scarce resources and to allow management and governing bodies to discharge their accountability
12. Usefulness of GPFRs
13. Qualitative characteristics of financial reporting Identifies the characteristics of financial information necessary to allow users to make and evaluate decisions about the allocation of scarce resources
Four principal characteristics of financial reporting identified in AASB Framework:
14. Qualitative characteristics Understandability
information is considered to be understandable if it is likely to be understood by users with some business & accounting knowledge
if information influences decisions about the allocation of scarce resources
Information is relevant if it:
assists in making predictions about future situations (i.e. influences decision-making); or
helps to confirm past predictions
faithfully represents the entitys transactions and events
free from bias and undue error (neutrality)
Requires consistency of measurement & disclosure across time and across organisations
15. Elements of accounting Five elements of accounting are defined in the AASB Framework
16. Definition and Recognition of Assets Definition of Asset (AASB Framework, par. 49)
a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity
Three key characteristics of definition:
There must be future economic benefits
The reporting entity must control the future economic benefits
The transaction or other event giving rise to the control must have occurred
An asset is to be recognized in the financial statements if (AASB Framework. par. 83):
it is probable that any future economic benefit associated with the asset will flow to or from the entity; and
the item has a cost or value that can be measured with reliability.
17. Definition and Recognition of Liabilities Definition of Liabilities (AASB Framework, par. 49)
a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits
There are three main characteristics
There must be a future disposition or sacrifice of economic benefits to other entities
It must be a present obligation
A past transaction or other event must have created the obligation
A liability is recognized in the balance sheet when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will result from the settlement of a present obligation and the amount at which the settlement will take place can be measured reliablyAASB Framework (par. 91), consistent with asset recognition
Where a liability cannot be reliably measured but is potentially material, the liability should be disclosed within the notes to the financial statements
18. Definition and Recognition of Revenues Definition of Revenues (AASB Framework, par. 70)
increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants
Income can be recognized in the financial statements when
it is probable that the inflow or other enhancement or saving in outflows has occurred; and
the inflow or other enhancement or saving in outflows of economic benefits can be measured reliably
Revenues and gains distinguished in AASB Framework
revenue arises in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity and includes: sales, fees, interest, dividends, royalties, and rent
gains represent other items that meet the definition of income and might or might not arise in the ordinary activities of an entity, e.g. disposal of non-current assets
19. Definition and Recognition of Expenses Definition of Expenses (AASB Framework, par. 70):
decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or depletions of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than those relating to equity participants
Expenses are recognized in the income statement when (AASB Framework, par. 94):
a decrease in future economic benefits related to a decrease in an asset or an increase in a liability has arisen that can be measured reliably
Definition of equity (AASB Framework, par. 49)
residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all of its liabilities
20. Critical review of conceptual frameworks Objective of GPFRs in SAC2 implies that reports should be primarily economic in focus
should social issues be ignored in the annual report?
An individual's view of business responsibilities directly impacts on the perceptions of accountability
Economic focus of GPFRs ignores transactions or events not resulting from market transactions or an exchange of property rights
Ignores environmental externalities caused by business
Financial statements included within reports reflect only financial performance and do not provide a means of assessing social performance
It has been argued that
Conceptual frameworks simply codify existing practice
Conceptual frameworks have been used as devices to legitimize the existence of the accounting profession
Theories of Financial Accounting
Accounting theories typically either explain and predict accounting practice (positive theories), or they prescribe specific accounting practice (normative theories)
Textbook Reference:
Deegan, C. Australian Financial Accounting 5e
Chapter 3
22. Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) A Positive Theory is a theory that explains and predicts a particular phenomenon
PAT explains and predicts accounting practice
It does not seek to prescribe particular actions
Grounded in economic theory
Focuses on the relationships between various individuals involved in providing resources to an organisation (agency relationship)
Owners (as suppliers of equity capital) and managers (as suppliers of managerial labour)
managers and debt providers
Agency theory
Agency relationship
delegation of decision making from one party (the principal) to another party (the agent)
Agency problem
delegation of authority can lead to loss of efficiency and increased costs
Agency costs
costs that arise as a result of the agency relationship
Monitoring costs
Bonding costs
Residual loss
24. Assumptions of PAT
All individual action is driven by self-interest (do we think this is a realistic assumption?)
Individuals will act in an opportunistic manner to increase their wealth. It assumes managers will opportunistically select accounting methods to increase their own personal wealth
Notions of loyalty and morality are not incorporated within the theory
Organizations are a collection of self-interested individuals who agree to cooperate to the extent it is in their interest
PAT predictions
Organizations will seek to put in place mechanisms to align the interests of managers of the firm (agents) with the interests of the owners (principals)
Some of these mechanisms rely on the output of the accounting system
for example, the owners might agree to pay the manager a bonus based on a specified percentage of profits
25. Bonus schemes
Remuneration based on the output of the accounting system
Very common and their existence can be explained by PAT
Bonuses might be based on:
profits of the firm
sales of the firm
return on assets
May also be rewarded based on market price of shares
Accounting-based bonus schemes
Any changes in the accounting methods used by the organization will affect the bonuses paid (e.g. as a result of a new accounting standard)
Changing the bonuses paid impacts cash flows, and this in turn is predicted to impact the value of the organization
26. Incentives to manipulate accounting numbers
Rewarding managers on the basis of accounting profits can induce them subsequently to manipulate the related accounting numbers to improve their apparent performance and thus the related rewards
Accounting profits might not always provide an unbiased measure of a firms performance so also common to find the use of share-based reward structures, which in certain circumstances, might be deemed to be more efficient
Market-based bonus schemes
Market prices are assumed to be influenced by expectations about the net present value of expected future cash flows
Cash bonuses might be awarded on the basis of increases in share prices
Shares or options to shares might also be provided
Market prices reflect market-wide factors, not just those factors controlled by the manager
Only senior management will be likely to be able to affect cash flows and hence securities prices
27. Role of auditor
If managers remuneration is based on accounting numbers the auditor takes a monitoring role
The auditor arbitrates on the reasonableness of the accounting methods adopted
Political costs
Costs that particular groups external to the firm might be able to impose on the firm, such as costs associated with:
increased taxes
increased wage claims
product boycotts
decreased subsidies
Organizations are affected by governments, trade unions, environmental lobby groups or particular consumer groups
28. 3 main hypotheses of PAT The bonus plan hypothesis is that managers of firms with bonus plans are more likely to use accounting methods that increase current period reported income
The debt/equity hypothesis predicts that the higher the firms debt/equity ratio, the more likely managers use accounting methods that increase income
The political cost hypothesis predicts that large firms rather than small firms are more likely to use accounting choices that reduce reported profits.
29. Accounting policy selection and disclosure To allow comparison between reporting entities
a summary of accounting policies must be presented in the notes to the financial report (IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements)
where an accounting policy has changed and the change has a material effect on results the notes must disclose the nature of, reason for, and financial effect of the change (IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements)
Accounting policy choice and creative accounting
Creative accounting refers to selecting accounting methods that provide the result desired by the preparers
Also known as opportunistic
Can be explained by PAT
It is possible to be creative and still follow accounting standards
30. Criticisms of PAT Does not provide prescription so does not provide a means of improving accounting practice
Not value-free but rather value-laden
Underlying assumption of wealth maximization is simplistic
Issues being addressed have not shown any significant development
Scientifically flawed
31. Normative accounting theories Seeks to provide guidance in selecting accounting procedures that are most appropriate
Prescribes what should be done
The Conceptual Framework is considered a normative theory
seeks to identify the objective of GPFR
seeks to provide recognition and measurement rules within a coherent and consistent framework
identifies the qualitative characteristics financial information should possess
makes recommendations that depart from current practice
32. Other normative theories
Three main classifications
current-cost accounting
exit-price accounting
deprival-value accounting
These theories addressed issues associated with changing prices
Current-cost accounting
Aim is to provide a calculation of income that, after adjusting for changing prices, can be withdrawn from the entity and still leave the physical capital (operating capacity) of the entity intact
referred to as true measure of income
True income theories propose a single measurement basis for assets and a resultant single measure of income (profit)
Exit-price accounting
Continuously Contemporary Accounting (CoCoA)
Uses exit or selling prices to value the entitys assets and liabilities
referred to as current cash equivalents
firms exist to increase the wealth of their owners
the ability to adapt to changing circumstances
capacity to adapt best reflected by the monetary value of the organizations assets, liabilities and equities at balance date, where the monetary value is based on the current exit or selling prices
34. Deprival-value accounting
Deprival value represents the amount of loss that might be incurred by an entity if it were deprived of the use of an asset and the associated economic benefits
This method considers:
the net selling price
the present value of future cash flows
an assets current replacement cost
The deprival value is the lower of replacement cost and the greater of the net selling price and present value (value in use)
Systems-oriented theories
These theories focus on the role of information and disclosure in the relationships between organizations, the State, individuals and groups
The entity is assumed to be influenced by the society in which it operates and to have an influence on it
Systems-based theories include:
stakeholder Theory
legitimacy Theory
institutional Theory
Stakeholder Theory
Two branches
Ethical (normative) branch
Managerial (positive) branch
Ethical (normative) branch
stakeholders are any group or individual who can affect or are affected by the achievement of the firms objectives
includes shareholders, employees, customers, lenders, suppliers, local charities, interest groups, government, etc.
all stakeholders have a right to be provided with information
because it prescribes how stakeholders should be treated (based on various ethical perspectives), it is a normative approach
37. Managerial (positive) branch
seeks to explain and predict how an organization will react to demands of various stakeholders
relative power or importance of stakeholders considered
relative power and importance can change across timeassociated with control of resources
the firm will take actions to manage its relationships with stakeholders
Stakeholder Theory (either branch) does not prescribe what information should be disclosed, other than indicating that the provision of information can be useful for the continued operations of the entity
Managerial branch
financial and social information is used to control conflicting demands of various stakeholder groups
38. Legitimacy Theory
Organizations continually seek to ensure that they operate within the bounds and norms of society
Organizations attempt to ensure their activities are perceived to be legitimate
Bounds and norms change across time
Based on a social contract between society and the organization
Where this social contract is perceived as being breached then the organization will take corrective action, and this action might include disclosure
Organizations must appear to consider the rights of the public at large, not just investors
To gain or maintain legitimacy, organizations might rely on disclosure within their annual report
39. Institutional Theory
Explains why organisations within particular fields tend to take on similar characteristics and form
Much overlap with Legitimacy Theory and Stakeholder Theory
Two main dimensions to the theory isomorphism and decoupling
Isomorphism a constraining process that forces one unit in a population to resemble other units that face the same set of environmental conditions
actual practices can be very different from formally sanctioned and publicly pronounced processes and practices
40. Theories explaining why regulation is introduced Just as there are theories to explain why particular accounting disclosures are made (PAT, Legitimacy Theory, Stakeholder Theory), or why particular organisational forms exist (institutional theory), there are also theories to explain why particular regulations (for example, accounting regulations) are developed. Such theories include:
Public interest theory
Capture theory
Economic interest group theory
41. Public interest theory
Regulation put in place to benefit society as a whole rather than vested interests
Regulatory body considered to represent the interests of the society in which it operates, rather than the private interests of the regulators
Assumes that government is a neutral arbiter
Capture theory
The regulated parties seeks to take charge (capture) the regulator
They seek to ensure rules subsequently released are advantageous to the parties subject to regulation
Economic interest group theory (Private Interest Theory)
Assumes that groups will form to protect particular economic interests
Different groups are often in conflict with each other and will lobby government to put in place legislation that will economically benefit them (at the expense of others)
No notion of public interest inherent in the theory
Regulators (and all other individuals) deemed to be motivated by self-interest
The regulator is not a neutral arbiter but is also seen as an interest group
Regulator is motivated to ensure re-election or maintenance of its position of power or privilege within the community
Regulation serves the private interests of politically effective groups
Those groups with insufficient power will not be able to lobby effectively for regulation to protect their own interests
43. Summary No single accounting theory is universally accepted
Positive Theory of Accounting
seeks to explain and predict accounting-related phenomena
e.g. study of capital markets reaction to particular accounting policies, what motivates managers to select a given method of accounting, reasons for the existence of particular accounting-based contracts
relies upon a fundamental assumption that individual action can be predicted on the basis that all action is driven by a desire to maximise wealth (a perspective often criticised by other researchers)
44. Summary Normative theories of accounting
prescribe how accounting should be practised
argue typically that a central role of accounting theory is to provide prescriptioninform about optimal accounting approaches and why a particular approach is considered optimal
examples: Conceptual Framework Project, current-cost accounting, exit-price accounting and deprival-value accounting
45. Summary Systems-based theories
Include Stakeholder Theory, Legitimacy Theory, and Institutional Theory
see organisation as firmly embedded within a broader social system
organisation is considered to be affected by, and to affect, the society in which it operates
accounting disclosures and particular organisational forms are seen as a way to manage relations with particular groups outside the organisation organisational activities and accounting disclosures are considered to be reactive to community pressureshow a firm operates and what it reports must be determined upon consideration of various stakeholder expectations
46. Summary Theories that seek to explain how regulation is developed
Some theories suggest that regulation is introduced to serve the public interest by regulators who work for the public good
Other theories of regulation assume that the development of regulation is driven by considerations of self-interest
Overall, the selection of one theory over another will depend on the views and expectations of the researcher in question
No one theory of accounting can be described as a best theoryhowever, different theoretical perspectives can at various times provide valuable insights in accounting issues
Lecture 1
48. Tutorial Questions for Week 2 Deegan, C. Australian Financial Accounting 5e
Chapter 2
Review Questions: 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 22
Chapter 3
Review Questions: 2, 9, 10(a), 14, 19, 21, 27