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Future Plans at J-PARC Neutrino Program with Accelerator Physics

This article discusses the past, present, and future of the J-PARC Neutrino Program with accelerator physics. It includes details about the accelerator status, US-Japan collaboration, and the T2K experiment. The article also covers the construction of the J-PARC facility and the goals and advancements in the study of neutrinos.

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Future Plans at J-PARC Neutrino Program with Accelerator Physics

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  1. Future Plan at J-PARCNeutrino program with acceleratorPhysics program at slow extracted beamand Accelerator status The US-Japan HEP Collaboration 30th Anniversary Symposium Oct. 20- Oct.21 Koichiro Nishikawa (KEK)

  2. Neutrino program with acceleratorpast (KEK-12GeV PS), present, future

  3. A past US-Japan collaboration- K2K experiment 1999-2005 - JAPAN: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) / Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR), Univ. of Tokyo / Kobe University / Kyoto University / Niigata University / Okayama University / Tokyo University of Science / Tohoku University KOREA: Chonnam National University / Dongshin University / Korea University / Seoul National University U.S.A.: Boston University / University of California, Irvine / University of Hawaii, Manoa / Massachusetts Institute of Technology / State University of New York at Stony Brook / University of Washington at Seattle POLAND: Warsaw University / Solton Institute Since 2002 JAPAN: Hiroshima University / Osaka University U.S.A.: Duke University CANADA: TRIUMF / University of British Columbia ITALY: Rome FRANCE: Saclay SPAIN: Barcelona / Valencia SWITZERLAND: Geneva RUSSIA: INR-Moscow

  4. Detection of n from accelerator 250km away Existence of n oscillation

  5. Present and near future of J-PARC Neutrino Facility Slow Extracted Beam Facility Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Hadron Beam Facility Main Ring (30 GeV, 0.3 Hz, →~1Hz 0.75 MW→ 1.66 MW) Linac 180→400 MeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (3GeV, 25 Hz, 1MW) J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex 5 Joint Project between KEK and JAEA

  6. Linac 3 GeV Synchrotron Neutrino Beams(to Kamioka) Main ring CY2007 Beams JFY2008 Beams JFY2009 Beams J-PARC Facility (KEK/JAEA) Construction JFY2001~2008 South to North Design Intensity 750kW Bird’s eye photo in January of 2008

  7. T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) experiment Osc. Prob.@ Dm2=3x10-3eV2 OA0° OA2° nm flux OA2.5° OA3° • High intensity nm beam from J-PARC MR to Super-Kamiokande @ 295km • Discovery of ne appearance → Determine q13 • Last unknown mixing angle • Open possibility to explore CPV in lepton sector • Precise meas. of nm disappearance →q23, Dm232 • Really maximum mixing? Any symmetry? 7

  8. The T2K Collaboration Canada TRIUMF U. Alberta U. B. Columbia U. Regina U. Toronto U. Victoria York U. France CEA Saclay IPN Lyon LLR E. Poly. LPNHE Paris Germany U. Aachen ~500 members, 61 Institutes, 12 countries Poland A. Soltan, Warsaw H.Niewodniczanski, Cracow T. U. Warsaw U. Silesia, Katowice U. Warsaw U. Wroclaw Russia INR S. Korea N. U. Chonnam U. Dongshin U. Sejong N. U. Seoul U. Sungkyunkwan Spain IFIC, Valencia IFAE (Barcelona) Switzerland U. Bern U. Geneva ETH Zurich United Kingdom Imperial C. London Queen Mary U. L. Lancaster U. Liverpool U. Oxford U. Sheffield U. Warwick U. Italy INFN, U. Roma INFN, U. Napoli INFN, U. Padova INFN, U. Bari Japan ICRR Kamioka ICRR RCCN KEK Kobe U. Kyoto U. Miyagi U. Edu. Osaka City U. U. Tokyo STFC/RAL STFC/Daresbury USA Boston U. B.N.L. Colorado S. U. Duke U. Louisiana S. U. Stony Brook U. U. C. Irvine U. Colorado U. Pittsburgh U. Rochester U. Washington

  9. Neutrino facility in J-PARCConstruction (JFY2004~2008) COMPLETED 2nd horn Electromagnetic horn Neutrino monitor bld. Target Correction magnets Near detectors Primary beamline (superconducting) P0D (p0) detector Beam dump Target station (He vessel) 9 Decay volume completed 9

  10. Near Detector Neutrino Measurements dE/dx by TPC (positive) Neutrino interaction proton electron MIP (m/p) Neutrino event rate ( INGRID) Neutrino event timing ( INGRID) June 26th Jan. 23rd ICHEP2010 -- T.Nakaya (Kyoto) -- 10

  11. SK first event Feb.24, 2010 11

  12. SK observation Event time distribution clearly show beam structure Event time distribution

  13. T2K Physics Run begins in 2010. ~100kW ~50kW  Beam Power 3.3×1019 protons accumulated (~16[kWx107s]) @ ~50kW level 42 days for physics data Trial up to 100kW successful. 13

  14. Issues and critical path in neutrino program • Beam power • RCS kicker repaired (operation time) • New FX kicker installed this summer (6 ⇒8 bunches, >1.2•1013 /bunch) • Improvement of MR magnet power supply and RF • Repetition rate from 3.52 sec. ⇒ 3.22 sec (⇒ 2.64 sec ) • Short time goal • 150kW 6 months run with 120 days for physics during mid. Nov. 2010 to May 2011 • RCS 500kW (MR 300kW) trial (2•1013/bunch and 8 bunches) • Medium period goal • Continuous run with >300kW starting 2011 fall • MW*107 sec integral power by 2014 • Further rapid cycling

  15. Quest for the Origin of Matter Dominated Universe One of the Main Subject of the KEK Roadmap Discovery of the ne Appearance T2K (2009~) Discovery of Lepton CP Violation Proton Decay Neutrino Intensity Improvement Establish Huge Detector Technology Construction of Huge Detector Huge Detector R&D v Liquid Ar TPC Water Cherenkov

  16. R&D effort of LAr TPC: Low energy charged particle beam @ J-PARC Observed the first cosmic ray track @KEK (Sep-2) Ready for charged particle test-beam @J-PARC View from cathode side (see 1cm strip anode at far side)

  17. Physics program withslow extracted beam

  18. Quark Hypernuclei Strangeness Bound quarks Free quarks d Why are bound quarks haevier? u LL, X Hypernuclei Mass without Mass Puzzle Pentaquark + He Z 6 u d K0 → p0 nn L -2 L, S Hypernuclei N L,X -1 0 K1.1BR Oct. 2010 T-viola- tion K meson K− Xray Kaonic nucleus Kaonic atom Slow extracted beam facility s f K1.8 KL K1.8BR Implantation of Kaon and the nuclear shrinkage T1 target 30GeV proton beam

  19. Slow Extraction Radioactivity by beam loss ⇒∼10%

  20. Issues and critical path in slow extracted beam program • Spill structure • Main PS tuning to reduce 600Hz ripple • Feedback with RF noise • Ripple cancellation system installed • Reducing radioactivity of beam line elements • Dynamic bump scheme has been installed this summer • Starting up now

  21. d u u d K0 → p0 nn L SKS Program at slow extracted beam facility starting now s K1.8 He 6 KL Pentaquark+ Test Beam K1.8BR T1 target Extiction measurement For m – e conversion 30GeV proton beam LAr test

  22. 2009:beamline construction⇒ beam survey (KL flux) 2010:CsI calorimeter construction⇒ engineering run beam properties with calorimeter 2011:detector installation⇒ full engineering run, start physics run10% intensity(30kW)one month milestones of ✓ goal of KOTO exp.(== Step1)

  23. Other Particle-Physics experiments at J-PARC New proposal on neutron EDM at J-PARC With ultra high precision magnetic field measurement New proposal on muon g-2/EDM See Dr. Saito’s talk

  24. Summary • All J-PARC started operation • Beam power • FX(Neutrino): 50kW stable (100kW trial) realized, aim for 150kW and continuous physics run starting in Nov. • SX: 2.6kW realized, tuning for 5kW continuous operation with new additional hardware • Particle physics program: • T2K: Started Data taking! • KOTO: Commissioning of beam done, further beam study with calorimeter installed • Penta-quark search data taking starting up • Intensive work on preparation and R&D on • COMET (me conv.), mg-2/mEDM, nEDM, LiqAr TPC • Beam power will be increased in stages toward realizing • Design power of 750kW • Then 1.7MW (KEK roadmap)

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