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<title> XML Overview </title> <subtitle> eXtensible Markup Language </subtitle> <presenter >Dan Hebert </presenter> <email> dhebert@mitre.org </email> <affiliation> The MITRE Corporation </affiliation> <date> 26 Feb 2004 </date>. Origins of the World Wide Web.
<title>XML Overview</title> <subtitle>eXtensible Markup Language</subtitle> <presenter>Dan Hebert</presenter> <email>dhebert@mitre.org</email> <affiliation>The MITRE Corporation</affiliation> <date>26 Feb 2004</date>
Origins of the World Wide Web • 1989 - Information Management: A Proposal • Tim Berners-Lee, CERN • “We should work toward a universal linked information system, in which generality and portability are more important than fancy graphics techniques and complex extra facilities” • Comments from Management: • ‘Exciting, but a little vague’ REJECTED A “mesh” of computers
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) • Founded in 1994 to “lead the Web to its full potential” • Develop common protocols • Ensure interoperability • Promote WWW evolution • Co-hosted by MIT (U.S.), INRIA (France) and Keio (Japan) Universities • Supported by DARPA and the European Commission • Over 300 members including DISA, National Labs and MITRE
XML is all about data! • Every organization uses data! So, XML is a very foundational technology. DoD Microsoft IBM Sun Dell KMart . . . DATA … data makes the world go around ...
Family of XML Technologies RDDL SOAP, WSDL, UDDI XSLT/XPath Xlink/ XPointer Namespaces XQuery XML RSS XML Schemas SVG RDF SAX/DOM MathML
XML(and its Associated Technologies) • All about data: • structuring the data • accessing and manipulating the data data Computer 1 Computer 2
Passing Data between Systems • Suppose that you’ve got book data that you want to pass between some systems “My Life and Times” Paul McCartney July 1998 94303-12021-43892 McMillin Publishing. “Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah” Richard Bach 1977 0-440-34319-4 Dell Publishing Co.. “The First and Last Freedom” J. Krishnamurti 1954 0-06-064831-7 Harper & Row.
Passing Data between Systems • First thing you might do is agree on how you will structure your data: Title / Author / Date / ISBN / Publisher “My Life and Times”/Paul McCartney/July 1998/94303-12021-43892/McMillin Publishing. “Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah”/Richard Bach/1977/0-440-34319-4/Dell Publishing Co.. “The First and Last Freedom”/J. Krishnamurti/1954/0-06-064831-7/Harper & Row. Here we are using a slash to delimit (separate) each field and a carriage return to delimit each record.
Alternatively <Book> <Title>My Life and Times</Title> <Author>Paul McCartney</Author> <Date>July, 1998</Date> <ISBN>94303-12021-43892</ISBN> <Publisher>McMillin Publishing</Publisher> </Book> <Book> <Title>Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah</Title> <Author>Richard Bach</Author> <Date>1977</Date> <ISBN>0-440-34319-4</ISBN> <Publisher>Dell Publishing Co.</Publisher> </Book> <Book> <Title>The First and Last Freedom</Title> <Author>J. Krishnamurti</Author> <Date>1954</Date> <ISBN>0-06-064831-7</ISBN> <Publisher>Harper & Row</Publisher> </Book> Here we are delimiting each data item with a start and end tag. We are enclosing each record also within a start-end tag.
Comparison • Slash-delimited • Advs: • Little space overhead • Disadv: • Rigid format (cannot shuffle the data around) • Tag-delimited (XML) • Advs: • Flexible format (can shuffle the data around) • Tags enhance ability to search for data • Tags enhance ability to extract subsets of data • Disadvs: • Verbose (XML Bloat)
Compressibility of XML • XML is very compressible! XML 11,421,822 bytes translate txt 674,062 bytes XMill (an XML compression tool from AT&T) Alternative tool: B-Zip. WinZip 94,369 bytes 148,294 bytes The compressed version of the XML document is smaller than the compressed version of the original document!
Transferring Large XML Documents • Example: suppose that you have a 30MB XML file that you need transferred • Typical transfer rate: 1MB/sec • Total time = 30MB * sec/1MB = 30sec • Too long! What do we do? • We could compress it, then it would be a smaller file and thus would take less time • However, there are issues with compressing - time to compress/decompress, ensuring both sender and receiver have the tools, etc • There is an alternative ...
Transferring Large XML Documents (cont.) • The alternative is to do XML Streaming • send the XML declaration and root element to make the initial contact. • Then send the first chunk of XML. While the receiver is processing the first chunk the succeeding chunks can be sent in the background. • HTML, Jabber (XML-based Instant Messaging) does streaming
Summary of First Step • Thus, the first step in passing data between systems is to agree to how the data is going to be structured • Use slash-delimiters, or • Use tags, or • Use some other delimiter • Now each system can be written to expect the data that it receives to be in that structure. Likewise, when it sends out data it will send it out in that format.
What Next? Express Data Business Rules • We will need a syntax to express our data's business rules. Each Book must contain data for the Title, Author, Date, ISBN, and Publisher. The Date must have the format: year, or month-comma-year. The ISBN must have 10 digits, 3 dashes, and must end with 0-9 or x. etc. Data Business Rules Note: of course, we will want to express these constraints using a more formal syntax than English.
What next? • Now that the data is structured in an agreed upon fashion, what else do we typically want to do with the data? • We might want to have a tool which validates that the data is in the agreed upon format • Such a tool would help reduce system crashes by ensuring that the data is valid
Validation <Book> <Title>Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah</Title> <Author>Richard Bach</Author> <Date>1977</Date> <ISBN>0-440-34319-4-ppp</ISBN> <Publisher>Dell Publishing Co.</Publisher> </Book> Rules that indicate the valid structure of book data Validator Error!!! Invalid ISBN!
What else? • You might want a tool which helps you to build your data documents • It would be very helpful if this tool could use the rules document, so that you don’t need to remember tag names and the order of the data
Creating and Editing <BOOKCATALOGUE> <BOOK> <TITLE>My Life and Times</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Paul McCartney</AUTHOR> <DATE>July, 1998</DATE> <ISBN>94303-12021-43892</ISBN> <PUBLISHER>McMillin Publishing</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Richard Bach</AUTHOR> <DATE>1977</DATE> <ISBN>0-440-34319-4</ISBN> <PUBLISHER>Dell Publishing Co.</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>The First and Last Freedom</TITLE> <AUTHOR>J. Krishnamurti</AUTHOR> <DATE>1954</DATE> <ISBN>0-06-064831-7</ISBN> <PUBLISHER>Harper & Row</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> </BOOKCATALOGUE> Rules that indicate the valid structure of book data
What else? • What else do you need to use the data? • A common Application Programming Interface (API) that allows the systems to programmatically access the data would be very beneficial • Such a common API would keep each system from duplicating effort Computer Data API
What else? • You might want to display the data, perhaps as an HTML (Web) page, or filter out sensitive data, or create a text version. • In general, you might want a tool which transforms the data from one form to another
XML to HTML Transformation Instructions Transformation Tool Web page (HTML) XML Data organized in tables, in lists, etc Raw data (nicely organized, as XML of course!)
XML to XML Transformation Instructions Transformation Tool XML XML Stripped of the sensitive data Contains sensitive data
Problem – migrating legacy systems • Problem: migrate a group of systems from an old, legacy data-format to the new, XML format. • Caveat: the migration strategy cannot force all systems to migrate in lock-step!
Transforming the Data Data Transformation Tool Transformation Instructions HTML, XML, Text
What else? • You might want to provide metadata for the data (i.e., data about the data) • When was the data created? By whom? How long is it valid? • Perhaps if your system is located at a Web site you may want to serve up the metadata document first, so that people/programs that interact with your Web site can first decide if the data is relevant before actually downloading the data
What else? • You may wish to provide a query tool so that the data can be queried Query Query tool Data Results
What else? • You might wish to provide hyperlinking capabilities in your data, so that you can express the relationship between this data and other data.
Name Deconfliction NIST (msrmt stds) XML Vocabulary Medical XML Vocabulary Endoskeleton Mile Meter Foot Body Foot Nerve Inches Lymph Spine Kilometer Is this a a human foot, or a measurement foot? If a machine processes this document, how will it be able to distinguish? <foot>…</foot> <foot>…</foot> XML document
Summary • In a group of systems which pass around data, here are some things to consider: • Structure the data • Syntax to express data business rules • Validate the data • Create/edit the data • Provide a programmatic access API • Transform tool to display the data • A syntax to express metadata about the data • Query tool • Syntax to express relationships between documents • Name deconfliction
XML Technologies Syntax Data business rules Validator Editor Programmatic API Transformation tool Metadata Query Linking Name deconfliction XML DTD/XML Schema XML Parser XML Editor XML DOM and SAX XSL RDF XQL and XML-QL XLink and Xpointer Namespaces
eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transform (XSLT) • XML alone says nothing about how to present the data (what should it look like?) • XSLT is a flexible language to allow multiple presentations and transformations of a given XML representation • Defines some behavior for XML elements • XSLT is expressed in XML <?xml version=“1.0”?> <xsl:stylesheet> <xsl:template match=“air_tasking_order”> [action] </xsl:template> <xsl:template match=“mission_data”> [action] </xsl:template> ... </xsl:stylesheet>
XML Query Language: XQuery • Provides declarative access to XML documents. • Resilient to changes in the underlying structure or schema. • Allows XML documents to be treated as database instances. • Information retrieved through interactive queries. • 15 Feb 2001– First working draft released • 13 May 2001: Microsoft announces availability of XQuery prototype (msdn.microsoft.com/xml) FOR $b IN document("bib.xml")/book WHERE $b//name = “Dr. Bob Miller" AND $b//affil = “The MITRE Corporation" RETURN $b/title
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) • Simple, easy to use XML-based protocol to let software components and applications communicate using standard Internet HTTP SOAP = HTTP + XML • Standard RPC (DCOM, CORBA) not easily adaptable to the Internet (e.g., blocked by Firewalls) • 9 July 2001: W3C SOAP 1.2 Working Draft <SOAP-ENV:Envelop> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <xmlns:m=http://www.stock.org /> <m:GetStockPrice> <StockName>MITRE</StockName> </m:GetStockPrice> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelop> 28 March 2001: SOAP included in ebXML Messaging Spec. HTTP Post
DOM Implementation Computer Application Document Object Model (DOM) • Set of abstract (language neutral) class declarations for the tree representation of XML documents • Declares several node classes that are connected to make XML documents, such as: • Document • Element • Attribute • Text • Includes typical operations (methods), such as: • createElement (name) • createAttribute (name) • ReplaceChild (newChild) XML Doc
Taken from Nokia’s WAP Web Site Wireless Application Protocol • Defines Binary XML Content Format • Uses XML for • Data Exchange • User Interface via Wireless Markup Language (WML) • Managed by WAP Forum • Over 200 members representing over 90% of the global handset market • Active liaison with W3C and IETF
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) • Used for handheld devices (e.g., cell phone, Palm Pilot) • Makes minimal demands on air interface • Employs light weight protocol stack to minimize bandwidth • Communicate with a WAP gateway to the Internet • Works with most wireless networks • Micro-browser spec controls the user interface • 1 August 2001: WAP Forum released WAP 2.0 • Now supports eXtensible HTML (XHTML) • Multimedia messaging services • Instant messaging • Voice, Images • WAP Push (e.g., for alerts)
Wireless Markup Language (WML) • Adheres to XML standards • Allows use of XML tools • WML documents organized into well defined units of user interaction • Units called “cards” • Suitable for limited display of handheld device • Telephony (computerized phone services) aware • Write once, use anywhere • WML documents can be used by any network or device that is WAP-compliant
TBMCS ABCS IBS AFATDS GCSS C4ISR Databases XML Supports Multiple Interfaces Human Interfaces Data Interfaces XML-MTF <air_operations_data> <day-time> 020200Z </day-time> <quantity> 6 </quantity> <country> US </country> <subject_type> FTR </subject_type> <aircraft_type> F15 </aircraft_type> <track_number> 401 </track_number> </air_operations_data> Application Interfaces Mobile Interfaces
The Tower of Babel ProblemWhat’s a Namespace? • We need shared vocabularies and the means to specify relationships between vocabularies • For example, What should the <tank> tag denote? • A tracked vehicle with turret and cannon? • A container for aviation fuel? • Possible solutions: • Standardize all tags everywhere • Have COIs standardize tags for that community • XML namespaces provide the XML Document vocabulary • XML namespace defined by XML schema • More on this later…… www.ontology.org www.rosettanet.org
What is Metadata? • Metadata is data about data • Metadata adds value by supplying meaning (semantics) to data so that is used as intended • Two types • Internal (about info object content) • External (about info object as a whole) • Metadata is exposed in various ways • Data definitions, schema, ontology • More is better
What’s a DTD? • Document Type Definition (DTD): • Supplies Metadata • Describe the structure of XML documents • Provide typing information of elements in those documents • Problems with DTDs: • DTDs not written in XML • variety of Typing information is limited • Need something that supports endless variety of Types for maximum flexibility in understanding the meaning of an XML document
May 2, 2001: XML Schema specification released as a W3C recommendation What’s an XML Schema? • Schema is metadata about an XML document (information object) • Used to describe the structure and content of a given XML document type • What will an instance of an XML document contain? (e.g., a purchase order, a phone book record, a target report, etc.) • Elements (of data) • Type (of data) • Structure (of XML document) • Extensible typing -- Users can define their own types • Allows rich semantics (metadata) • Specification against which XML can be validated.
XML Schema Example <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://www.publishing.org" xmlns="http://www.publishing.org" . . . <xsd:element name=“Author"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref=“Name" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element ref=“Affil" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element ref=“Email" minOccurs="1"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name=“Name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name=“Affil" type="xsd:affilType"/> <xsd:element name=“Email" type="xsd:emailType"/> </xsd:schema> Note that XML Schema is written in XML; I.e. an XML schema is an XML document
XML Namespace Declaration Definition of Element Structure Definition of Element Type XML Schema Example <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://www.publishing.org" xmlns="http://www.publishing.org" . . . <xsd:element name=“Author"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref=“Name" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element ref=“Affil" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element ref=“Email" minOccurs="1"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name=“Name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name=“Affil" type="xsd:affilType"/> <xsd:element name=“Email" type="xsd:emailType"/> </xsd:schema>
Data entry XML document XML TranslationRules Validation Translator XMLdocument Guidance Using Schemas Sender Receiver Composition and Validation (Message Preparation) Parsing, Validation, & Translation (Message Processing) XML Schema XML Parser XML WSYSWG Editor XML Schema User/Application
XML is not a Silver Bullet • Some XML standards are still in development • Some vendors offer differing implementations of the standard • Just having systems publish XML does not ensure interoperability • XML usage requires Communities of Interest (COI) to agree on XML tags to ensure consistent interpretation • Standardized schemas will also help • XML provides a common language through which to organize, define, structure, and deal with your data and information - it forces you to actually MANAGE information • XML allows many desirable practices for data management and exchange to be applied more broadly, and at lower cost • XML is adding tools to our information management arsenal to attack some of the deeper problems • Web services based on HTTP and XML provide the “least common denominator” to integrate the wide variety of enterprise systems But
Places to go for more information about XML • www.w3.org • www.xml.com • www.xml.org • www.ebxml.org • www.oasis-open.org/cover/xml.html • www.microsoft.com/xml • www.software.ibm.com/xml • www.oracle.com/xml • www.architag.com
XML and Bandwidth • Tag bandwidth is small compared to imagery, video, etc. • Ability to dynamically interact with XML content can reduce the granularity of information exchanges • e.g., XQuery returns only a portion of a document • XML can be significantly compressed • Commercial tools: • Pkzip (everyone’s favorite) • XMill -- AT&T smart compression tool • MITRE Knowledge Based Compression • Uses knowledge about message structure to direct compression/decompression • Defense Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) UK • XML Compression Study
Sponsored by UN/CEFACT + OASIS UN/CEFACT = United Nations body for e-commerce (EDI) OASIS = Org. for Advancement of Structured Info Stds(runs xml.org) Developing an open XML- based infrastructure enabling the global use of electronic business information in an interoperable, secure and consistent manner by all parties a set of open technical specifications that define an interoperable eBusiness framework An 18-month project Global, open participation process supporting small, medium and large enterprises ebXML specifications approved at a meeting in Vienna, Austria on 11 May 2001. Electronic Business XML Initiative (ebXML) Tech specs available at www.ebxml.org