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Overcoming Barriers to Learning: A Comprehensive Taxonomy Approach

Explore the cognitive, affective, and environmental domains of learning to address common barriers like difficulty, illiteracy, and lack of motivation. Learn how to overcome challenges and create effective educational objectives.

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Overcoming Barriers to Learning: A Comprehensive Taxonomy Approach

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  1. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net The Domains of Learning -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Kawachi FRSA kawachi@open-ed.net http://www.open-ed.net/library/domains.ppt

  2. Open Education Network overview http://www.open-ed.net a comprehensive taxonomy is needed for all the knowledge and skills to be learnt as educational objectives since previous guides are incomplete and disjointed

  3. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net taxonomies have included those by - Bloom et al 1956 - Anderson et al 1991 - Webb 2002 - Marzano & Kendall 2007 these cover the Cognitive (and Psychomotor), Affective, and Metacognitive Domains

  4. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net Benjamin Samuel BLOOM1913 ~ 1999 Theory of Mastery Learning He classified all the educational objectives within the Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective domains according to their complexity. These taxonomies effectively operationalised the teaching process.

  5. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the various Domains of Learning : Bloom's Cognitive Domain (knowledge) and Psychomotor Domain (skills) can be loosely combined together as one

  6. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net Bloom : Cognitive Domain (knowledge and skills) Bloom : Affective Domain Anderson, Bloom et al : Metacognitive Domain interface barriers, literacies, group size, lighting, support : Environmental Domain the internet, mass data, filtering, noise, time, costs, filing etc : Management Domain

  7. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : = areas for surmounting or objectives Bloom 1956, Garland 1993 Leggett & Persichitte 1998 Rezabek 1999 Anderson 2001 Hartman 2001

  8. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, or language is a problem or own computer skills inadequate

  9. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate -

  10. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest

  11. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun

  12. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation -

  13. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback

  14. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem -

  15. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space

  16. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty -

  17. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time

  18. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library

  19. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : eg students report - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  20. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  21. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  22. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : cognitive - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  23. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : cognitive affective - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  24. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : cognitive affective metacognitive - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  25. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : cognitive affective metacognitive environment - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  26. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net surveys find barriers to learning : cognitive affective metacognitive environment management - content too difficult, illiterate - low interest, not fun, no motivation - slow feedback, low self-esteem - no space, competing family duty - no time, no library, coping stress

  27. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : cognitive affective metacognitive environment management - aptitude knowledge and skills - motivations and group orientation - self-reflection on learning - social physical and virtual forum - coping storing and retrieval

  28. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Cognitive : the aptitude, prior knowledge and skills necessary for performing a task or test, and the content knowledge and reflective critical thinking skills to be learnt Affective : the motivation, attitude and decision to initiate performance, including the will to reduce own autonomy in order to achieve group tasks Metacognitive : understanding how the task is performed, and the ability to self-monitor, evaluate and plan own future learning, and willingness to help others to learn Environment : the social or physical forum and virtual or augmented reality in which learning occurs, including any group characteristics Management : coping critically with massive amounts of information to obtain appropriate material in a suitable quality for learning, and time management

  29. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Cognitive Domain : the aptitude, prior knowledge and skills necessary for performing a task or test, and the content knowledge and reflective critical thinking skills to be learnt

  30. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Affective Domain : the motivation, attitude and decision to initiate performance, including the will to reduce own autonomy in order to achieve group tasks

  31. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Metacognitive Domain : understanding how the task is performed, and the ability to self-monitor, evaluate and plan own future learning, and the willingness to help others to learn

  32. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Environment Domain : the social or physical forum and virtual or augmented reality in which learning occurs, including any group characteristics

  33. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : Management Domain : coping critically with massive amounts of information to obtain appropriate material in a suitable quality for learning, and time management

  34. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net the five Domains of Learning : 1. Cognitive Domain 2. Affective Domain 3. Metacognitive Domain 4. Environment Domain 5. Management Domain constitute a comprehensive and full taxonomy of educational objectives to be learnt

  35. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net literature references : Anderson, L., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P., Cruikshank, K., Mayer, R., Pintrich, P., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing New York : Addison Wesley. Bloom B.S., Englehart, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwohl, D.R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives, The cognitive domain. New York : David McKay. Garland, M. (1993). Student perceptions of the situational, institutional, dispositional and epistemological barriers to persistence. Distance Education, 14 (2), 181-198. Hartman, H.J. (2001). Developing students’ metacognitive knowledge and skills. In H.J. Hartman (Ed.). Metacognition in learning and instruction. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Leggett, W.P., & Persichitte, K.A. (1998). Blood, sweat and TEARS : 50 years of technology implementations obstacles. TechTrends, 43 (3), 33-36. Marzano, R.J., & Kendall, J.S. (2007). The new taxonomy of educational objectives (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press. Rezabek , R. (1999). Barriers to distance education enrollment. Proceedings of the TeleLearning Conference, October. Austin, TX. Webb, N.L. (2002). Depth-of-knowledge levels for four content areas. http://www.broward.k12.fl.us/hrd/news/docs/Depth_of_Knowledge_for_Content_Areas.pdf

  36. Open Education Network http://www.open-ed.net You can download these slides freely from the website http://www.open-ed.net/library/domains.ppt or by email to me at kawachi@open-ed.net

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