1. A Trip to the Dairy Farm
2. What types of cows are on a dairy farm? Holstein is the most common type of dairy cow. It produces more milk than any other type of cow.Holstein is the most common type of dairy cow. It produces more milk than any other type of cow.
3. Dairy cows spend most of their day grazing in the field.Dairy cows spend most of their day grazing in the field.
4. What do dairy cows do in the winter? Eat grain, silage and hay
Stay close together to keep warm
Stay sheltered in the barn It is too cold in the winter for dairy cows to graze. They have to stay indoors. Silage=pickled grass Hay=dried grassIt is too cold in the winter for dairy cows to graze. They have to stay indoors. Silage=pickled grass Hay=dried grass
5. When are dairy cows milked? Once in the morning
Once in the afternoon
When the udder is full
It is important for the farmer to milk the cows when their udders are full. If a dairy cow isnt milked twice a day her udder will become sore and swollen.It is important for the farmer to milk the cows when their udders are full. If a dairy cow isnt milked twice a day her udder will become sore and swollen.
6. How are cows milked? Today most farmers use machines to milk cows because it is quicker and cleaner.Today most farmers use machines to milk cows because it is quicker and cleaner.
7. What happens to the milk? It moves into a cooling tank
It is kept below 40 degrees
After milking a cow it is important to keep the milk cold so it wont spoil. It is moved into a special tank to hold it until it is ready for the dairy.After milking a cow it is important to keep the milk cold so it wont spoil. It is moved into a special tank to hold it until it is ready for the dairy.
8. Farmer records amount of milk
Farmer sterilizes equipment to keep the milk from spoiling Farmers have to keep track of how much milk each cow produces. The average cow produces 5 gallons of milk per day.Farmers have to keep track of how much milk each cow produces. The average cow produces 5 gallons of milk per day.
9. After that... A special truck is filled with milk
The milk is kept cool
It is delivered to a dairy Now the milk is ready to be transported to the dairy. A special insulated truck is used. The milk is kept cold.Now the milk is ready to be transported to the dairy. A special insulated truck is used. The milk is kept cold.
10. What happens at the dairy? Milk is tested for flavor
Milk is clarified
Milk is blended At the dairy the milk is tested for flavor, color and odor. The milk is then moved into a storage tank to be cleaned or clarified. Since milk comes to the dairy from many farms, it is blended together so it all has the same amount of cream.At the dairy the milk is tested for flavor, color and odor. The milk is then moved into a storage tank to be cleaned or clarified. Since milk comes to the dairy from many farms, it is blended together so it all has the same amount of cream.
11. Milk is pasteurized
Heated to 161 degrees
Milk is cooled again The milk is pasteurized or heated to kill any bacterial. Pasteurizing also helps the milk stay fresher longer. The milk is heated to 161 degrees for 15 seconds and then is cooled.The milk is pasteurized or heated to kill any bacterial. Pasteurizing also helps the milk stay fresher longer. The milk is heated to 161 degrees for 15 seconds and then is cooled.
12. After that... Finally the milk is ready to be packaged and is shipped to stores for us to buy.Finally the milk is ready to be packaged and is shipped to stores for us to buy.
13. Now you know what happens at the dairy farm. This process happens every day on the dairy farm.This process happens every day on the dairy farm.
14. References Google Images
The Milk Makers by Gail Gibbons