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INTRODUCTION: • You and a friend are going to travel back in time to the year 1931. You will both become a newspaper journalist and find out what it was like during The Great Depression. The Great Depression is a time in history that many of your grandparents or great-grandparents lived through, but how much do you know about this period in our history?
INTRODUCTION: • Recently our nation suffered from an economic recession and there was some fear we were slipping into another economic depression as unemployment rates rise and banks or other economic institutions fail. What does this mean for you as a student in elementary school? How are the economic troubles of the 2000's similar to the Great Depression? Through completing this webquest we as a class will gain a better understanding of the Great Depression and its importance in our lives. Ok, it is now time to get with your time travel agent. Have a safe journey and see you when you get back!!
TASK: • You and your friend have arrived at your destination. It is now time to explore the Great Depression. • During this webquest you will research and discover what it would have been like to live during the Great Depression. • You will then compare and contrast life now to life during the Depression. How are things similar, how are they different? • MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE AT LEAST SIX IMPORTANT SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES.
CONCLUSION: • Now that you have completed your webquest, you should not only understand more about the Great Depression, but you should also be able to make a deeper connection with the texts that we have read during our Great Depression Unit.
TASK: • At the end of the webquest you will complete the task below: • Create a front page edition for the “Bergtraum Bugle" showing important news events/stories that might have appeared on the front page of a major newspaper during the Great Depression. • Stories may focus on : • Economy • New laws passed (including New Deal, Social Security) • Stock Market/Money • Housing • Employment • Weather • Politics • Pop culture (including movies-music—radio—there was no television or internet!) • Illustrations-ads and appropriate format are required.
PROCESS: • Before beginning your quest, you will need to scroll down to the bottom of this page and download each of the attachments and then print them. • Background Research • Using the websites provided, both of you research what life was like during the Great Depression. • Fill out the questionnaire and write your answers in complete sentences. Once you have finished, put your questionnaire in a folder and move on to compare and contrast. • Websites for research: • Historical Facts: http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/the-great-depression-981.html • 50 Great Depression Facts: http://facts.randomhistory.com/2009/04/12_great-depression.html • Great Depression Timeline: http://factoidz.com/facts-of-the-great-depression/
RESOURCES: • Websites (but not limited) to use for research: • Historical Facts: http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/the-great-depression-981.html • 50 Great Depression Facts: http://facts.randomhistory.com/2009/04/12_great-depression.html • Great Depression Timeline: http://factoidz.com/facts-of-the-great-depression/ • Then and now wages & prices: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-54463_19268_20778-52530--,00.html • More Pricing Info: http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1930s.html • Food Prices during the Great Depression: http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/30sfood.html • All images in this webquest were taken from Google Images of the Great Depression. • http://www.google.com/search?q=great+depression+images&hl=en&biw=1419&bih=739&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zgDwTY6qMays0AHu6JD1DA&ved=0CCMQsAQ
CONCLUSION: • Now that you have completed your webquest, you should not only understand more about the Great Depression, but you should also be able to make a deeper connection with the texts that we have read during our Great Depression Unit.